Hi everyone! I got fairly sick of Yahoo changing the top-level domain and breaking my links all the time, so I have migrated this entire website to our server. The new server is much faster and does not have any adverts either - so better all round basically. To access the newer website click here. For those who get some pleasure out of frustratingly slow websites with ads and broken links, the original Geocities website is available below!

Mawson Station from West Arm, Antarctica

The sign says it all...

Mawson Station lies in Mac Robertson Land in the Australian Antarctic Territory, East Antarctica. It is over 5200 kilometres southwest of Perth, and lies closer to South Africa than it does to Australia. The station is a science research station, with programs this season in Biology, Upper Atmospheric Physics, Seismology, Geomagnetism, Meteorology, Atmospheric Research, and Medical Research. It is my privilege to spend the year here, assisting in some of these programs, and to pass on some of the amazing experiences I have in Antarctica. I hope that you find this website both interesting and informative. Please make use of the guestbook should you have any questions, requests, or just to say Hi.

Map of Antarctica Showing Location of Mawson Station

To return to this home page from any webpage on this site, just click on the 'Journey to the Ice' title at the top of each page...


Miscellaneous Pics - Updated Monthly


Antarctic Training - Tasmania

Aurora Australis - The Way South

To fill the space without seeing

The Ice!

Antarctic Continent


Mawson Station

Around Mawson Station

Mawson Station Resupply

To fill the space without seeing

A Very Mawson Christmas

2004 Mawson Midwinter Celebrations


Colebeck and the Taylor Glacier

The Antarctic Ice Plateau

Climbing Mt Parsons

Russian Aircraft Wreck

Mt Henderson Day Trip

Mt Henderson Overnighter

To fill the space without seeing

Fang Hut in April

Macey Hut and the Auster Rookery

Colebeck In June

First Chicks Hatching at Auster Rookery

Emperor Chicks and Icebergs at Auster Rookery

Colebeck and Chapman's Ridge


Willis Island website - Ray at Willis

The Adventures of Ray and Zoe


These links are to third party websites over which I have no control. They are here because I think they are generally interesting.

Australian Antarctic Division

Mawson Station - AAD

Mawson Webcam - AAD

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Unless otherwise stated, all images on this website are Copyright of the website author. They may not be used for any purpose without the express written consent of the author.
© Ray Hegarty 2004.

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