Spotlight on a New Author!

by Christine Feehan
Love Spell (Paranormal Romance)
July 1999

He came to her in the night, a predator ... strength and power, chiseled his features. The seduction was deep and elemental; he affected her soul. His need. His darkness. His terrible haunting loneliness. Her senses aroused, she craved the dangerous force of his body. Burned for him. And he had only touched her with his mind.

She came to him at dawn, his bleakest hour. As the beast raged inside him, threatening to consume him, he vented his centuries-old despair in an anguished cry that filled the waning night. And she answered, a ray of light, piercing his darkness. A beautiful angel. Her compassion, courage, and innocence awakened in him an exquisite longing and tenderness. He knew he must possess her, for only she could tame his savage side and lift the dark shadow from his soul. Apart they were desolate, bereft. Intertwined physically and spiritually, they could heal one another and experience an eternity of nights filled with love.

by Christine Feehan
Love Spell (Paranormal Romance)
December 1999

The stranger silently summoned her across the continents, across the seas. He whispered of eternal torment, of endless hunger ... of dark, dangerous desires. And somehow American surgeon Shea O'Halloran could feel his anguish, sense his haunting aloneness, and she ached to heal him, to heal herself.

Drawn to the far Carpathian mountains, Shea found a ravaged, raging man, a being like no other. And her soul trembled. For in his burning eyes, his icy heart, she recognized the beloved stranger who'd already become part of her. The imperious Carpathian male had compelled Shea to his side. But was she to be his healer ... or his prey? His victim ... or his mate? Was he luring her into madness ... or would his dark desire make her whole?

by Christine Feehan
Love Spell (Paranormal Romance)
Coming: April 2000

Was he man ... or a miracle? Alexandria Houton would sacrifice anything ... even her life, to protect her orphaned little brother. But when both encountered unspeakable evil in the swirling San Francisco mists, Alex could only cry to heaven for their deliverance ...

And out of the darkness swooped Aidan Savage, a golden being more powerful, more mysterious, than any other creature of the night. The ageless Carpathian male snatched them from a hideous fate. But was Aidan a miracle ... or a monster? Alex's salvation ... or her sin? If she surrendered to Aidan's savage, unearthly seduction ... gave him the color, the light, the family he craved ... would Alex truly save her brother? Or sacrifice more than her life?

Christine Feehan has created the world of the Carpathians and some unique stories centering on the vampire legend. She has created some very sexy heroes who will have you longing for just one bite! They are the Carpathians, and once you enter their world, you are guaranteed to lose your heart. Warning, these books are addictive! You can not stop with just one. Christine's books will leave you satisfied, but at the same time will have you craving her next story. We are very proud to welcome her to RBL Romantica. Now, for the interview ...


Donna: Christine, please tell us a little about yourself - where you live, background, family, work ... what you do when you aren't writing.

Christine: I live in Northern California, up in the mountains. It is beautiful country and the people are very friendly. It is a small community and wonderful place to raise children, which was a big deciding factor when we chose to move here. I come from a large family - I have ten sisters and three brothers - yes, all from the same parents. We are a close family and very diverse in our interests. For over twenty years, I taught martial arts and self defense classes. I am a firm believer in women learning safety in and out of the home. I retired from teaching about four years ago. I hold a third degree black belt in a Korean style and ranks in several other systems. I enjoy outdoor activities and, of course, spend a great deal of time reading when I'm not writing.

Donna: With all your children, when do you find time to write?

Christine: I have always written, as a child when my siblings were all running around me, in school when I wasn't supposed to be. I can write anywhere. I have done so at my children's ballgames and wrestling matches, at gymnastics and dance. I write anytime of the day or night. Well ... with the exception of the steamy scenes. I write those when I'm alone.

Donna: Does your family support your writing?

Christine: My husband is extremely supportive and has taken over a tremendous amount of the tasks in the home I used to do. He retired recently, and I can't believe how much easier it is with him home full time. My children love the fact that I write, but they are used to me being a full time - they have my complete attention - mom, and this has been a difficult adjustment for them because I do have deadlines now.

Donna: Do you let anyone read what you have written before you send it to your editor?

Christine: Because I have always written and I didn't set out to be published, I have a group of readers that have read my stories for years. They are quite vocal in their likes and dislikes, and help me tremendously. It is great because I know they love my writing. If they say I blew it, I know I did!

Donna: When did you decide to become an author and why did you choose to write romance?

Christine: The minute I could string words together as a child, I began to write stories. I read everything, and did when I was a child. I read every type of story out there and still do. But romance is near and dear to my heart. I don't think I would write any kind of story without a strong love story in it. The "Dark" Saga to me are love stories, each one. They are action, violent at times, not the norm, but they are essentially love stories. It is what I want to read, so it is what I write.

Donna: How did you go about selling your first book? How long did it take?

Christine: I contacted an agent at the urging of the readers I told you about some years ago, but didn't pursue it because I wasn't certain it was really what I wanted, or that I was good enough. At that time I had my own business, the children were young, and my husband worked out of town. I let it drop. Again, after the readers read several of the "Dark" Saga, they were badgering day and night (I mean that literally) for more stories, and my friend Kathi Firzlaff insisted I call the agent again. I did, and she liked DARK PRINCE and sent it to Leisure after several other places told her they wouldn't read it due to the fact that it was paranormal. Leisure took a chance on me and the different storyline I had. I am very grateful to them for that.

Donna: Do you work from an outline? Do your characters ever try to take over and rewrite their scenes?

Christine: I never do an outline. I write notes to myself, lots of notes, and do research on various things, and again make lots of notes. The first chapter is the one that I work and rework and rework until I 'feel' it. The story flows after that. My characters definitely take on a life of their own. Sometimes I have a scene in mind and they don't cooperate at all!!! But it is fun and exciting to see where they take me.

Donna: How long does it take you to write a story?

Christine: Each story is different. Some of them are easy and just seem to pour out very fast, others take more time - and I have even written a book in between the middle of another one while waiting for the story to come together in my mind. I write every day, though, because I have to or I go crazy.

Donna: What is the hardest part of writing a story?

Christine: The first chapter is for me. It has to be exactly right or I can't continue. The rest of the chapters I just write and go back several times to rework them, but that first one has to work for me. DARK DESIRE was the most difficult first chapter I've ever written. I literally wrote that over forty different ways until I was satisfied!

Donna: What is the funniest thing that has happened related to your writing?

Christine: In one of the books, I had an entire plot in my notes, the hero's character, everything. I thought it would be a piece of cake to write his story. When I went to write it, he was so different I would get totally exasperated with him and complain bitterly to my husband. I threw all kinds of things at the hero, wanting to get him riled, but he just was the most easy going hero ever. My characters are so real to me, that I spent the entire time being annoyed and frustated and talking to myself. I think my husband spent the entire time laughing. He kept saying, "You're the writer." But it really isn't like that. They take on a life of their own. (Of course, you could be asking about the time I got caught writing my first real love scene in math class and the teacher confiscated my notebook! You should have seen his face. I was about thirteen at the time. I don't know which of us was more mortified!!!)

Donna: Is it easier writing love scenes knowing that mostly women will read them?

Christine: I don't mind anyone reading them as long as they don't read them aloud in front of me, which, by the way, men like to do, especially those related to me!

Donna: Who are the authors that you read for pleasure?

Christine: That is a long list. I read so many. I love Sandra Hill, Lynsay Sands, and Patti Berg for humor. They are awesome writers. This is so hard because I read everybody. Jayne Ann Krentz, Susan Krinard, Jan Zimlich ... the list would go on forever.

Donna: Your books are being released at a much lower (and affordable) price than many current romances. Do you think the lower price has any impact on their popularity?

Christine: I don't know, but I'm happy about it. I have been a reader all of my life, and when you read several books a month, it can get very expensive. I like to think that people who love to read can easily get their hands on my book without having to wait for it or give up meals. I actually did that when I was a single parent and very young. I loved to read, but every penny I made went to the kids, so if I wanted a book, and I always did, I skipped meals to afford it.

Donna: In DARK PRINCE, you created a very unique look at vampires. How did you come up with this idea?

Christine: I loved the concept of vampires ... the mystery and darkness, but not the 'dead' thing. I always wondered where the first vampire came from if such a thing really existed, and why they would choose to lose their souls. To me, it had to be about love. Nothing else seems quite worth it to me. So Carpathians were born.

Donna: You introduced us to some fine specimens of Carpathian manhood. Will they all have a story?

Christine: So far I have written nine books, and have four in rough draft form and two others in note form. To me, they all have stories, but whether or not the public and the publishing companies want that many, I don't know. When I need to write a story, I just write it for the fun and enjoyment of it. I will always have that whether they are published or not.

Donna: Will there be Carpathian heroines?

Christine: Definitely. I introduce a very strong Carpathain heroine in full power in DARK CHALLENGE, which comes out in November of 2000. She was so great to write about. There are others, but again, those books have not been purchased as of yet, so I can't promise anything.

Donna: In DARK PRINCE, Rand was never brought back into the story after being placed in the earth to heal. Will he be in another story?

Christine: Yes, Rand is back in DARK DESIRE.

Donna: In DARK PRINCE, Gregori tells Mikhail, "I intend you to be the father of my life mate." Will Gregori's mate be the daughter of Mikhail and Raven? Will he be able to wait that long?

Christine: It was interesting to me that Gregori had to wait so long for his story. I thought he would be the second story, but it didn't work out that way. Jacques was there before Gregori. I think when you read DARK DESIRE, you will have your answer to the those questions, and I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone.

Donna: When did you realize how popular Gregori is among your readers?

Christine: About the time they were bringing out the rope to lynch me!!!! In almost all of the mail I received, Gregori was mentioned, many offering kindly to relieve his suffering. I was happy for him, but a bit worried because I knew DARK DESIRE was not his book. Scary!!!

Donna: What inspiration did you use for your characters? Are any of them based on real people that you know?

Christine: I think all of my characters have elements of people I know, and even myself, in them. In DARK GOLD, I know the storyline was prompted from watching my daughter, Domini, with her son, Mason. She devotes herself to making his life better. The way she looks at him, the way she touches his hair, everything about it is in that book with the heroine and her brother. (You can't actually think your own daughter or those sexy scenes just don't work properly.)

Donna: Which Carpathian is your personal favorite?

Christine: I love them all for various reasons, but my personal favorite (and I have been told authors have the worst taste) is the hero in book six, which again is not out. His name is Darius, and to me he was a mixture of Mikhail and Gregori. I loved the way he was with the heroine.

Donna: What type of research did you do for your books?

Christine: I spent quite a bit of time researching vampires, herbal medicine, raptors, wolves, leopards, monks, sand art, weather, volcanoes, and different locations. That part has always been fun, and when I come across interesting stories in the newspapers, I clip and keep them. For instance, I read an article on an alligator who ate hunting dogs - it was quite unique and I used it in Gregori's story. It fit right in. I try to take things that have happened in real life and twist them to fit into the stories.

Donna: Your first book is fast becoming a "collectible." What has been your favorite question or comment by your fans?

Christine: I have been so amazed at the reaction to my books, and am very grateful. I really love the characters, so it is wonderful to share them with everyone. I think the friendly bickering back and forth about who could play the characters in a movie. There is no movie, but they always bring it up and the ideas are fascinating!

Donna: Were you surprised by the popularity of DARK PRINCE?

Christine: It as shocking and unbelievable at first.

Donna: The covers of your books are beautiful. Did you have any control over them at all?

Christine: Not at all. I love the covers, too. I keep telling my editor to tell the art department I LOVE my covers, so they keep it up!!! (Hint, hint if they're reading!) Thank you for saying so.

Donna: Can you give us any hints about future stories?

Christine: In the "Dark" Saga, I worked very hard to give each couple their own story, so I don't want my readers to expect them to be the same and be disappointed when they are not. I hope they are open to new and exciting material, because my goal is that if the reader went into a room filled with Carpathians, she would easily identify each hero and heroine she has 'met' in the books just by their separate personalities. I don't want to write the same story over and over. I want them fresh and new.

Donna: Will the books continue to be released four months apart?

Christine: The ones that Dorchester has purchased are being released four months apart, with the exception of DARK MAGIC, Gregori's book, which comes three months after DARK GOLD.

Donna: On your website, you said that you are working on book ten. How many Carpathian books will there be in all?

Christine: I have no idea. When the stories run out then I'll stop writing them. The tenth book is the start of a new mini-series within the series and it has to be just right. At the moment, while I'm in need of more research, it is on hold while I'm working on another project.

Donna: Will you ever write other types of romance?

Christine: At the moment I am working on a new line, a Gothic with paranormal elements, and I'm finding it very exciting. I also am working on a contemporary that I really love. To be very honest, I have manuscripts all over the house, all romance, different types - I've just never attempted to market them.

Donna: How does the internet affect you as an author?

Christine: I live in a very small area and could never talk with anyone who reads my work. I think it is wonderful to go to the boards and meet people who love to read as I do and who love to read my books. I get email and feedback and most of it is very positive. I find so many people I feel I have much in common with. After a while, when you go to the same boards all the time, you begin to think of those people as your friends. I think the internet is very valuable that way.

Donna: What are some of your favorite websites and discussion boards?

Christine: I only go to four boards - RBL Romantica, Romance and Friends, Bookbug, and of course Leisure. I am learning to use the internet more, so I actually went into the writerspace chatroom a couple of times.

Donna: Do you have any advice for the aspiring authors here at RBL?

Christine: If I can do it, so can you!! Go for it. If you have friends you trust who really love your work, let them help with you exploring ideas. Do it for you and not with the idea of being published, so it is totally fun and not work.

Donna: Anything else you would like to say?

Christine: The biggest thing I would like to say is to thank all of you who have been so good to me. Whenever I've needed help with computer questions, all of you have answered my questions and been welcoming to me. I couldn't have asked for more support and encouragement. Don't ever lose your sense of fun or closeness. I love the way all of you immediately welcome newcomers and go out of your way to make them feel at home. Have a wonderful holiday and health and happiness in the coming year.

Donna: Thanks again for taking the time to do this interview for us. We are very happy to have you as a regular among our ranks at RBL Romantica. Did you notice how well you fit right in?

Christine: Is it possibly because I'm a little crazy? On one of the personality tests I took, they claimed I was a psycho - could this be true ?????

Thank all of you so much, and you, Donna, for giving me the opportunity to talk Carpathian.

March 2006


Bee: Please tell us what is new with you. Are you still running around to sports events when you are not writing?

Christine: My daughter, Cecilia, is fifteen and loves sports. She is point guard for her basketball team and definitely wants us at every game. If we're not there we get the call immediately on the cell. Where are you? Isn't everyone coming? So of course we show up en mass, as many of her older brothers and sisters as possible, a couple of nieces and nephews, and Mom and Dad. I'm having nearly as much fun watching as she is playing. It was one of the best things I've ever done, cutting back so I can spend my time with her!

Bee: Tell us about your new book due out this next month. This one is part of the Dark Series?

Christine: DARK DEMON is a part of the Dark Series. I first had the idea when I was visiting Destiny Big Cat Sanctuary, and Tori, the trainer, had me go out to one of the cat's cages just before a high wind. The cat was calm and sweet, rubbing against the fence, wanting to be touched, chuffing at us. Her eyes were a vivid green and incredibly beautiful. Once the wind came up, she changed from a sweet loving animal to a predator - and it started in her eyes. They went from green to ice blue. It was amazing. The trainer told me to keep watching, and the next thing I knew the cat's eyes were nearly opaque and she was all teeth, claws and stalking predator. I HAD to use that in a book, and what better series than the Dark Series? DARK DEMON takes place in the Carpathian Mountains so several old friends turn up. Natalya, the heroine, is sassy and has her own secrets, and Vikirnoff is confused trying to figure her out.

Bee: With the different story lines in the GhostWalker Series, the Dark Series, the Leopard People series and the Drake Sisters, is it hard to keep everything straight?

Christine: Not at all.

Bee: I have read that some authors find it stimulating to jump from story line to story line. Is this true with you?

Christine: Absolutely. I have to write something very different between each of the series or I doubt I could continue writing series for very long. I have so many stories hitting me over the head, insisting on being told, and if I only wrote one thing I�d be bored.

Bee: Tell us what you have been doing besides writing DARK DEMON.

Christine: I have written another GhostWalker book (CONSPIRACY GAME) as well as another Drake Sisters book (DANGEROUS TIDES), and I am currently working on DARK CELEBRATION, a Carpathian reunion book as well as a collection of Dark Desserts!

Bee: With all the writing you are doing, are you planning to attend any conferences this year?

Christine: I will be in Salt Lake City in February. I have a conference in April and will be in Daytona for RT in May. July will be Alanta, and October the Emerald City Conference in Seattle.

Bee: And one final question - what are you reading for pleasure right now?

Christine: I am reading SHADOW TOUCH by Marjorie Liu and it�s fantastic.

Thanks, Christine, for taking some time for us at RBL! We are eagerly waiting for DARK DEMON!


The Dark Series
THE ONLY ONE ("Dark Descent")
HOT BLOODED ("Dark Hunger")

Visit Christine's Website

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