RBL Presents!

Constance O'Day Flannery has written a number of time travel and paranormal romance novels, including ANYWHERE YOU ARE and ONCE AND FOREVER. Her return to the time travel genre, after taking time out to write contemporaries, was hailed as the return of the Queen of Time Travel and has been a tremendous success.

And now, here's Constance ...

Louisa: First of all, could you tell us a little about yourself?

Constance: As an introduction, I could begin by saying that I am the author of 14 novels, but that is only scratching the surface. As with most women, our bios include various job titles.

I am the mother of two grown children, and it was when my son was ready to enter kindergarten that the most outrageous idea came to me. I was recovering from a hysterectomy and reading a romance novel when I heard this inner voice whisper, "Why not write your own?" I was shocked and laughed at myself, yet, once acknowledged, the idea persisted and so I sat down and wrote the book I wanted to read, but couldn�t find. And I wrote it for myself - so there were no rules. I wrote what I wished someone else was writing. I was truly shocked a year and a half later when I finished and was quickly signed by an agent. When that book sold, the publisher wanted two more as soon as possible, and so, without having planned it, I had a career. Since then I have been writing one book a year, and this year I have written two.

When I started writing, my books were part of my weekly budget, just like most of you. I never attended college, nor have ever taken a writing course. It�s only on legal forms that I call myself a writer. I consider myself a communicator and am honored that I am able to somehow communicate with my readers. I never take that for granted.

Louisa: I understand you have been writing in the contemporary genre while vacationing from time travel. Would you like to tell us a little about that work and why you decided to break from time travel?

Constance: I wrote two contemporary books, SEASONS and SUNSETS. After writing ten books of time travel, I decided to take a sabbatical since many were now writing time travel and the reader had a greater choice. I also wanted to explore the wonder of female friendships and the complexities of familial relationships. It was a wonderful experience and it also gave me a fresh perspective when I returned to my first love - time travel.

Louisa: You returned to the time travel genre with ANYWHERE YOU ARE, which was released in January 1999. I understand that it was a skydiving experience that prompted you to return to time travel. Would you like to tell us about this experience?

Constance: I am laughing as I type the answer to this one! I had always read the last chapter to my daughter. Even when she lived in London for two years, I would call her and read it. If she laughed and was moved to tears, I knew I had done my job. When she returned to the States, I had just finished a book and she was in my office as I read her the ending. After getting the response I had hoped, she wiped her eyes and said, "Mom, I think it�s time you walked your talk." I stared at her, knowing exactly what she meant - about walking through fear. I write about it so much because I am working on it myself every day, as are almost all human beings, for I think it takes courage sometimes to walk through this adventure of life. So I looked at my daughter and said, "Okay, what do you suggest?" She didn�t say anything, just got up and picked up the phone book. Minutes later we both had an appointment to sky dive! I looked at her like she was crazy and told myself I could never do it. I would rather walk over hot coals on the ground! Anyway, I decided to be a grown up about it and just see if I could walk through this intense level of fear, knowing if I did I would have broken through an immense barrier and this illusion of fear would be lessened. I�m not frightened of heights. I was frightened of throwing myself out of a perfectly good airplane! For me, this represented all my fears wrapped up in what felt like an act of madness. But I did it, and it changed the way I look at life and gave me a terrific idea for a book, my return to time travel with ANYWHERE YOU ARE.

Louisa: Besides jumping out of planes, how else do you like to spend your time when you are not writing?

Constance: In the last two years I've written four books, so there's been very little leisure time - yet I have somehow managed to do the things that bring me pleasure, like gardening and traveling to experience different cultures.

Louisa: Your latest book, ONCE AND FOREVER, was released last November. Would you like to tell us a little about it?

Constance: This one was a real challenge for me as it was the first time I had ventured into the Renaissance, and the historical research was like taking a college history course. It was while doing the research that I came across some very interesting facts, and in this one there will be some real surprises in the way we view history. In this book, Maggie Whitaker is really down on her luck when she is sent a birthday present, a ticket to London to visit her aunt - who, through years of letter writing to her niece, has revealed some far out theories about life, love and the universe. Maggie figures she will put up with her aunt�s weird metaphysical mumbo jumbo to have a week of peace. What Maggie gets is a trip to a Renaissance Faire by Stonehenge and the adventure of any lifetime, as she travels back in time and swears everyone is an actor at a modern Renaissance Faire. She immediately meets her twin soul.

Here�s the way the synopsis begins:
What if everything you knew as modern and normal disappeared in the blinking of an eye?
What if you found yourself face to face with the most incredible man, who reveals a historic truth that makes you question everything you have ever believed, and you discover that this gorgeous human being who seems to fill every corner of your soul has been waiting his entire life for you to show up?
What if time were an illusion, and this was happening right now as you read this? Could you suspend your disbelief long enough to enjoy the adventure into a timeless love, and a reunion that transcends all ages?

Louisa: Your novels have been set in a wide variety of times and places, the latest being Elizabethan England. Which time has been the most difficult/challenging to research, which was the most enjoyable, and what other times and places are you planning to write about?

Constance: ONCE AND FOREVER was the most challenging to research. I had always shied away from Elizabethan England for that very reason, and it wasn't until I was playing with an idea and surfing the Internet that I was convinced it was worth the effort. I was intimidated by the speech, the costumes, and the customs. Originally I had written the first draft with all the "thees" and "thous" in place, and I realized that I wasn't comfortable with it. After discussing it with my editor, we made a decision to flavor the book with the more formal speech patterns. I always write from a reader's point of view, for that is what I was first, and I found the more formal speech difficult to read for any length of time. I am happy I wrote about Elizabethan England, for I'm no longer intimidated, but it will be awhile before I do it again.

Louisa: What current projects are you working on and what can we expect to see in the stores over the coming months?

Constance: Currently I am opening to inspiration to begin my 17th book. It's a little scary, this waiting period, until I am struck with an idea, yet it always appears - and so I'm just relaxing right now and staying open and paying attention to everything around me, for I am inspired by music, movies, conversations I overhear, nature ... just about everything. In July, HEAVEN AND EARTH will hit the shelves, and this is a very different time travel as it has two travelers. It's set in one of my favorite cities, Santa Fe, and is about following your destiny. I had so much fun writing that one, and I guess it showed, as my editor called it a great feel-good book. In January I sent in my 16th book, JOURNEY OF THE HEART, set in the South, and I would expect that one to be released in early 2001.

Louisa: You are known as the time travel romance novelist who sets the standard for the genre. How do you feel about this and where do you look for inspiration while others are looking to you?

Constance: How do I feel about it? Deeply honored, and I think with ANYWHERE YOU ARE and ONCE AND FOREVER I have raised my own standard. You see, when I sat down to write that first book, I considered myself a fairly intelligent woman, and when I sold that book I wondered if you, the reader, would also enjoy it. I hold my readership in high regard. I have always respected their intelligence, and can get highly annoyed when someone denigrates romance or those who read romance, for I delve into some pretty serious subjects in my writing, especially the relationship we have with ourselves and our growth as women. I also am honored that I write about the most important subject in the universe - love.

Where do I look for inspiration? I have only read one other time travel, and that was after my first book was sold and not yet published. My editor at the time could not believe I hadn�t read Jack Finney�s TIME AND AGAIN. I felt a bit ignorant, so I picked up that classic and was totally intimidated. I highly recommend it. Since then, I have never read another�s time travel, only because I don�t want to be influenced by another�s ideas. I go inward for my inspiration, since I write first from a reader�s point of view. I still write the book I want to read, but can�t find - and I write it for myself. I am thrilled so many seem to like the same kind of books I do.

Louisa: Your earlier novels feature the classic "clinch" poses of cover models. However, your later novels have beautiful floral designs, as do the re-issues of some of your earlier novels. Which type of covers do you prefer to see on your novels, and now that you are a long established author, do you get any say in the matter?

Constance: I prefer not to have a clinch on the front cover, yet that is merely my personal taste and some clinch poses can be quite beautiful. In the beginning of my career, I had no say over the covers or even the titles. My first manuscript was entitled NEVER FEAR AWAKENING and it was renamed TIMELESS PASSION. It took me quite some time to accept that I had no say in how my work would be offered to the public, yet that was almost 15 years ago and today new authors are at least asked for cover input. It may not be used, but they are asked. Regarding my current covers, I have cover consultation.

Louisa: We have several aspiring authors at RBL. What advice can you give to them?

Constance: The best piece of advice I can give is to write the book you want to read, but can't find. And write it for yourself first. You'll get plenty of input from an editor later, but writing it from your heart will establish your unique "voice" - and that is the connection to the editor and later the reader. Persistance and patience are great qualities for a writer. You'll find a hundred excuses not to sit in front of the computer, yet no one else can write your story. Try to be patient with yourself and the whole process of publishing. Take feedback with an open heart and realize that you can't please everyone. I guess the theme of ONCE AND FOREVER applies to this question ... Follow Your Heart.

Louisa: Do you have a message for your readers?

Constance: First of all, I am deeply honored that my readers suspend their disbelief and allow me into their heads. I never take that for granted, and I really appreciate that they have held my hand as, together, we have had some pretty wild adventures into a few mysterious subjects. Many have written to me, saying through reading my books they feel as though they know me. The best reader letter I received said that reading one of my books was like inviting me over and sitting at the kitchen table sharing a pot of tea and a great story. I loved that, for that is the connection I have while writing. I�m telling a friend a story. I am grateful our friendship has lasted since 1986. It�s one I treasure and will nurture as long as I write and long afterward ... for the memories are precious. Thank you for helping me to do something I love - to create. And thank you for accepting me for a brief time into your mind and into your heart. I look forward to many more adventures with you. It�s been a wild ride, yet my seat belt is unbuckled, for to have an adventure, you have to throw away all your perceptions of safety and just trust yourself and your choices. Thanks for choosing to read this interview, and to all who have read my work in the past, shared my books with others, and have written me such beautiful, articulate letters ... I would like to extend my kindest regards. Who knows where we�ll venture next?

Louisa: Who knows? We just hope that you take all of us along for the ride.

I would like to thank you, Constance, on behalf of all of the members of RBL Romantica for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview for us. It has been a wonderful experience, and we all appreciate your time and effort.


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