RBL Presents!

Well, I can�t tell you how honored I am, to not only have the first interview for our Newsletter, but to have gotten one of the hottest authors in the Romance Genre!!!!!! How appropriate, considering that Vickie helped me with the questions. *G* We had great fun deciding what to ask, since neither of us had ever done anything like this ... THANK YOU, Vic, for getting out of the sick bed to assist me in this!!! I couldn�t have done it alone. A special THANK YOU to Virginia Henley for being so kind and doing this on such short notice, too!! What a gracious LADY!!! So without further comment here goes ...


LW: Tell us about YOU! Since A YEAR AND A DAY is dedicated to your new grandson, Ryan James Henley, be a shameless mom/gram and boast! And tell us what you do for fun and relaxation.

VH: Hello everyone! I was born in England and immigrated to Canada when I was twelve. I married Arthur Henley, a Canadian, and we have been married for 42 years. We have two sons - the elder is Sean, who gave me my first grandson, Daryl, who is now eleven. Adam, my younger son, is married to Leslie, and they have given me a three-year-old granddaughter, Tara Jasmine, and a one-year-old grandson, Ryan James, to whom I have dedicated A YEAR AND A DAY.

LW: What is YOUR "grand passion?"

VH: I suppose my grand passion is history. I love and adore it. Doing the research for my books is my favorite part. For years I read history books, not historical romances. But once I had read historicals, I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life! My books are a blend of REAL history and erotica. I love writing both!

LW: You have fourteen romance novels to your credit. When did you write your first book and what inspired you to the romance genre?

VH: I have fourteen novels published, three novellas, the fifteenth is written, and I am working on my sixteenth book. I was 40 yrs old when my mother died, and my father came to live with us. I then had four men in the house - husband, father, two sons - all doing men's things and watching men's stuff on TV and I just said, "I have to have something for me." I got a book from the library by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, entitled THE WOLF AND THE DOVE. It blew me away. When I was finished, I said, "I can do this!" It took me a year to write the book, and then it took me four years sending it out cold from Canada to every publisher I could think of. They usually kept it six months and returned it unread, saying they didn't accept unsolicited manuscripts, or unagented material. Finally, I bought a paperback where the author had dedicated her book to her Avon editor. At last I had a name. I wrote to Ms. Coffee, who was the editor of Rosemary Rodgers, Woodiwiss, and Bertrice Small, and asked if she would read my book. I received a letter back from Page Cuddy who said Ms. Coffee was no longer at Avon, but if I would pop my manuscript in the mail, she would read it. Page Cuddy bought the first book and it was published in 1982.

LW: What is your favorite reading material?

VH: I love history and historical romance and historical biographies. I devour anything to do with royalty. My favorite author for research is Thomas B. Costain. But if I have time I will read anything, even Playboy magazine!

I don't have nearly enough time these days to read for pleasure. I read a lot of books to give the writers quotes. But some of my favorite romance authors are Bertrice Small, Christina Skye, and my all time favorite, Jan Westcott.

LW: Romantic Times magazine refers to you as the "Reigning Queen of Lusty Romance." That is certainly a title well earned by you, as you are consistent in all your books with hot, heavy, and luscious sensuality. At a time when it seems that so many authors in the romance genre are turning (regrettably) away from the sexuality and "lusty" romance and putting more emphasis on the "plot," what makes you remain true to the "original" focus of the "romance novel?"

VH: Simply put, I love to read lusty romance and I love to write lusty romance. Sex and sensuality have been very good to me, and are what got me on the New York Times List, I'm sure. I would lose interest in writing if it wasn't hot and heavy!

LW: Here at RBL Romantica, we have someone whom we feel is a very talented upcoming romance author! Is there a single important piece of advice you could give her in her quest for excellence as a romance writer?

VH: I would tell her to write from the heart and write with passion. Use your own voice because it is unique from anyone else's. Believe in yourself - I can never stress that enough to new writers. If you don't have confidence, pretend you do!

LW: Now here is the "fun" part! A YEAR AND A DAY just hit the stands in paperback, and from what I can see, it looks like a "blockbuster!" Please take this opportunity to tell us about your newest treasure and especially Lynx de Warenne, your hero "to die for!" (And he IS!)

VH: A YEAR AND A DAY in paperback went into stores this week. Lynx de Warenne is a battle-scarred English warrior who conquers all in his path. I purposely gave him the animalistic features of a predatory lynx with a lithe, powerful body, brilliant green eyes, and a tawny mane of hair. Then I allowed him to stalk his prey!

He has one burning desire, to mate and father a child. He handfasts his steward's youngest daughter, Jane Leslie, who is a commoner, simply because she comes from a prolific family. They seem to be unlikely romantic partners, but when love happens, it is tempestuous. Most readers lust for a Scottish hero, so I have Robert Bruce striding through A YEAR AND A DAY, laughing, loving, and setting the pages ablaze with his passion.

The critical reviews for this book have been astonishing. Romantic Times called it a masterpiece! Publishers' Weekly said, "Steamy Sex, Bloody Battles & Memorable Characters." Harriet Klausner, who reviews for many publications, said, "The Best book ever written by one of the great writers of historical erotic romances!" And Bell, Book and Candle gave it an incredible 6 Bells!

LW: I know that Cherif has graced the cover of more than one of your books. Is that "Himself" on the gorgeous portrait in the stepback cover of A YEAR AND A DAY? And as long as we're on the subject of "Himself" (a VERY favorite topic of discussion at RBL Romantica!), can you tell us some little "secret" thing or a favorite story of yours about him?

VH: Yes, that is Cherif on the cover of A YEAR AND A DAY. He presented me with the original artwork when we were on the Sally Jesse Raphael show. I have it on my living room wall (a 30 x 40 painting). As well as one of the handsomest men I have ever met, he is easily the most charming. He is a single father, and has a little girl whom he adores. When all the other cover models wear jeans and casual clothes, his partner and his artist, Lynn Sanders, advises him to wear a white shirt and tuxedo, and boy, does he stand out!

I am happy to report that he will be on my next cover. The hardcover of A WOMAN OF PASSION will be published in May, l999. It is an Elizabethan about Bess Hardwick, who had four husbands. She was evicted from her home when she was a child, and ended up the richest woman in England, after the queen, and she became the Countess of Shrewsbury. I fell in love with Bess, she was so strong and vital. Every time she achieved something, Fate swept it away from her, but in the end she succeeded in every way. A WOMAN OF PASSION is the perfect title for her!

Thank you so much for giving me a chance to be interviewed and to promote my book about Scotland. I hope everyone enjoys A YEAR AND A DAY. I love to hear from readers.

Best always,
Virginia Henley

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