RBL Presents!

The Matrix Series

I am honored to have the pleasure of interviewing Dara Joy for RBL Romantica. I hope you enjoy meeting Ms. Joy, one of the most popular writers in the Futuristic Romance Genre.

LB: There are a few rumours going around that there is to be a sequel to TONIGHT OR NEVER. Is this true and, if so, can you tell us a little about it?

DJ: Before we begin, I want to thank everyone for sending in such thoughtful questions and for the tremendous support you have given my work. The RBLs have a happy, lively board � with superb taste in wallpaper! (Note from LB - at the time of the interview, the waallpaper at RBL Romantica was the cover of MINE TO TAKE.) Hee, hee. You go, girls!

Originally I did not intend to write a sequel for TONIGHT OR NEVER. Since the Legendary Lovers line was based on famous lovers throughout time and literature, I thought it would be fun to not only do a Don Juan but also base his best friend on the Scarlet Pimpernel, a personal favorite of mine. However, once the book was published, I received so many requests for Sir Percy's story, that I considered the idea. So for all of you who have asked, yes, I will do his story but it won't be for a while.

LB: Are you planning on writing any more contemporaries in the foreseeable future?

DJ: Yes, definitely. I enjoy the contemporary format.

LB: In MINE TO TAKE, we saw the introduction of a new race of beings (the Frensi), and we are already Familiar with the part feline race. Can you tell us about any more of the races we can expect to meet in future books of the Matrix series?

DJ: The Matrix series, as you know, takes place in an alternate universe. This universe is comprised of countless habitable planets, each with its own populace. Already we have seen throughout the three books numerous species. In addition to this, we have beings like Rejar, who are crossbreeds, displaying the muted characteristics of his mixed blood. In future books, you will encounter other beings from different races who will interact with the main characters in various ways. I hope they will add to your depth and enjoyment of this series.

LB: The first two books had strong connections with Earth; however, MINE TO TAKE seemed to move away from this planet. Was this intentional? And do you see the series being further distanced from Earth as it progresses?

DJ: This is a very difficult question to answer. On one level, it was intentional, simply because the story line moved back to the worlds of the Alliance. On the other hand, I did not write this to "purposely" move away from Earth. The adventure of the Matrix books weaves an epic tale with a broad scope. It is not a question of it necessarily moving away from Earth, but rather where the story line unfolds as it unfolds. Distance is a relative concept in more ways than one.

LB: What inspires the novels that you write and what do you like to read for inspiration?

DJ: Like many writers, my inspiration comes from within.� When I am reading for my own enjoyment, my tastes tend to be eclectic - ranging from romance to crafts to science to mystery to the classics to just about anything that intrigues me.� I love to explore!

LB: How do you go about researching your novels?

DJ: Since I write in all the genres, my research methods vary depending on what I am writing.� For instance, for REJAR, I poured through volumes of books in the library, cross-referenced any other sources I could find on the time period, and spoke to numerous Regency experts.� From a technical standpoint, REJAR was very difficult to write.� The juxtaposition of the Regency time period with the alternate universe was incredibly tricky.� The tone of the dialogue between Lilac and Rejar had to be just right to work for my modern day reader.� The science fiction aspects of the book involved the consistency and "workability" of the worlds I created.� Once their framework was established, the rules of their existence had to conform with the physical rules of their universe.�

LB: Tell us about you!� Anything you�d like to share with us about Dara Joy!

DJ: Well let's see ... I love animals and all forms of art, and have been known to get over taken by crafts.� My friends have been subjected to recipes that taste like they come from another planet!� Ha!� And of course, I love to read. �

LB: How do you feel about having the "HOTTEST" Cover of the Year? (At least WE think it is - we awarded the cover of MINE TO TAKE a Hughie!!!) Do you know, or have you met, the "gorgeous" Joseph Anselmo?� Tell us ANYTHING you know about him! And were you satisfied with him as your image of Gian Ren?

DJ: Mmmm - what's not to like?� I adored this cover!! The artwork was beautifully done and I thought it had a great "cross-over" look - it captured the feel of medieval/futuristic/romance - not an easy thing to do.� The artist and Joseph Anselmo both managed to capture Gian perfectly, right down to the expression on his kingly, gorgeous face.� I'm sure he will be happy to know how you ladies felt, so I will pass along to Joseph your enthusiasm for his, um, "image."� :�} �

LB: Which of your "heroes" is your favorite?� Why?

DJ: I admit to being somewhat in love with all of them. They are each so different from one another.� It's almost impossible to pick one over the other.� I love Rejar's kindness and playfulness, Lorgin's keen sense of knowing his own path, Traed's hidden depths, Tyber's sense of humor and intelligence, Tristan's sweetness, Lord John's steamy-hot sexiness and Gian's ... everything. Geesh, ladies, why did you have to ask me a question like that?� (laughing)

LB: You are known as an author of very fine stories, but you are also known as an author who writes VERY sensuous love scenes.� At a time when it seems that some other authors in the romance genre are "lightening up" a bit in that way, what keeps you "on track" and one of the best in that area?

DJ: Thank you.� I did not set out to be a "sensuous writer of love scenes," and I think that is what has made the difference.� For me, it is all part of a whole.� Intense, passionate heroes and heroines are going to have very sensual, passionate encounters.� I have always tried to show that the passion escalating between them is fueled by the love they share.�� It is never simply sex.� Love is what gives meaning and beauty and depth to the experiences; love allows their bond to endure.

LB: Would you mind giving our "aspiring writers" here at RBL Romantica your best advice for success?� And what is the hardest part about writing a book?

DJ: The hardest part about writing a book is writing the book.� (Smiling, but it's true.)� The best advice I can give all of you who are aspiring writers is to write the book you want to write and remain focused on your work and your career.� The ability to focus is one of the most important tools any writer can master.

LB: Do you enjoy interacting with your readers?

DJ: I love interacting with my readers!!!� I especially love meeting readers at book signings, where we have a chance to talk, joke, nibble on refreshments and laugh.� The readership has been wonderful.

I would like to thank Dara Joy for taking the time to do this interview for RBL Romantica, and to say that we all look forward to reading the next installment of the Matrix of Destiny series.

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