RBL Presents!



Susan Sizemore's life and interests include such varied activities as medieval costuming and embroidery, being a chef, and working in the defense industry. She is owned by her spoiled rotten, beloved mutt dog, rather than the other way around, and this is just fine with her. Her current hobbies include hiking and studying t'ai chi. She travels whenever she can (she is just getting back from England right now), loves history, loud music, movies, good coffee, and writes constantly. She once got stuck on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. She has won the Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart Award and has been nominated for two Romantic Times awards.

And now for the interview ...

Bee: You have a new series starting up in October. Tell us about it!

Susan: Well, I think the upcoming contemporary romance books about the vampires I call Primes are hot, sexy, adventurous, funny, definitely fast-paced. I�ve written two so far, and each one was a joy to write. It is not always a joy to write a book. I BURN FOR YOU, the first book of the series, is about Alec Reynard, a Prime of Clan Reynard. These vampires use modern science to live in the light, and the Clan Primes (there are three groups of vampires - Clan, Family and Tribe) generally have careers that help and protect humans. When the medicines he needs to remain in the human world start failing, Alec leaves Delta Force to come to Los Angeles for treatments at a vampire clinic. While in Los Angeles he takes a job as a bodyguard. That is where he meets Domini Lancer, the woman meant to be his bondmate. He�s in no condition to indulge in a proper courtship, but finding a bondmate is an instinctual necessity, not something that happens at one�s convenience. While Alec and Domini are protecting a rock star, it becomes evident that Domini is really the one whose life is under threat. Alec spirits her away to his Clan�s Citadel, where he discovers that she has a connection to the vampire world. There are excerpts at my website.

I�ve just finished book two, and it�s about Marcus Cage, a Prime from the Caeg Family. He�s been captured and tortured by scientists trying to find the secret to immortality. He escapes into the Arizona desert, and is nearly dead when he comes across the campsite of Jo Elliot. Jo is a pilot who survived a plane crash and has come to the desert to find some peace. Instead she is kidnapped by Marc, and the two of them go on the run from the bad guys chasing him. This book is the sexiest thing I�ve ever written. Every time I turned around those two were fooling around. A title hasn�t been decided on for this book yet - but I�m pushing for LOVE BITES.

Book three will be about another Reynard Prime, Colin Foxe.

Bee: Is jumping between genres difficult or does it keep you from getting bored?

Susan: Working in a lot of genres keeps me fresh. I read in many genres, and don�t see why I shouldn�t write in them as well. I will admit that at the moment I prefer writing in the science fiction and fantasy genres. I consider the type of vampire books I write to be essentially fantasy novels rather than part of the horror genre. I write about vampire cultures whose lives and loves intersect ours. Having just finished a vampire romance, I�ll next be finishing a MacLeod family historical romance, then to work on the next Laws of the Blood book. I hope to soon finish a futuristic romance that I�ve been playing with for years and would like to actually get done and try to sell. I also plan to indulge myself by attempting a really romantic futuristic novella. I want to write more books set in the same science fiction universe as GATES OF HELL. There�s a mystery set in an animal-friendly condo building that I want to write. And if I had any spare time I�d be writing Pitch Black and Stargate SG-1 fan fiction. Oh, and I have an epic fantasy duology coming out in November and December - MOONS� DREAMING and MOONS� DANCING. These were written with a co-author, and we�ve been talking about doing more in that universe.

Bee: It seems like you may have two different vampire series going at the same time. Will they intersect?

Susan: It�s tempting, but as one series is published by Ace and the other by Pocket, I doubt the publishers would like it if I gave in to that temptation. I did fantasize about putting the epilogue of Marc�s book (Pocket) in a luxury suite of the hotel that�s owned by vampires in HEROES (Ace), but I didn�t indulge that fantasy.

Bee: What do you think about e-publishing?

Susan: I�ve supported e-publishing from the beginning. I�m a big fan of Ellora�s Cave. In fact, most of my book buying has been at that site lately. There�s some great stuff coming from that e-publisher. MOON�S DREAMING and MOONS� DANCING were originally e-pubbed, and MOONS� DREAMING was nominated for an Eppie, I�m proud to say. And I�m really pleased that Ace has released all of the Laws of the Blood books in e-format.

Bee: The characters in the Laws of the Blood series seem to reappear and I, personally, like to follow along with past stories. The MacLeods are also continuing. What made you decide to do this type of series?

Susan: Because I like reading these types of series. I always have loved series. I remember falling in love with Dorothy Dunnett and Dorothy Sayers books when I was young, and the early Charteris Saint books. I still love finding great series, in many genres. I love meeting the same characters in different periods in their lives, love sharing their lives as well as their adventures. With the Laws of the Blood books, I�ll admit that the series didn�t look like it was going to turn into a soap opera with the first few books - since each book featured different characters in different settings - but I was introducing players and situations I had every intention of returning to. And now they are starting to interact more. They were always meant to interact - I have PLANS for this universe! The MacLeod books are stories about a large family, and each member of the family has a story of their own, as well as a connection to the family. The Prime vampire romances will also have continuing characters.

Bee: What is it about Victorian England that draws you as the basis for your historicals?

Susan: The MacLeod books require a Victorian setting, which is a world on the cusp of the old and the new. Their adventures require the British Empire, Imperial attitudes, the Great Game of espionage between Britain and Russia. I�d also like to return to writing medieval-set romances. My earlier books were set in the middle ages, and I�d be happy to go back to that earlier era for some stories.

Bee: Will you do a Victorian Vampire book?

Susan: No plans at the moment, but I love putting history into my vampire books. The next Laws of the Blood will take place in England, and will have lots of flashbacks through the heroine�s long life as she tries to figure out who is killing her human descendants. There may be flashbacks to the Victorian era in that.

Bee: What books are you reading now for pleasure (if you have time)?

Susan: GLADYS HAWKE from Ellora�s Cave, SEABISCUIT, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, THE STAR PRINCESS, RULED BRITTANIA - those are the books on the top of the TBR pile.

Bee: Are you attending any conferences this year?

Susan: Not this year. I�m going to England for two weeks in September and Egypt in March of next year. I might get to next year�s RWA conference, I hope. It�s been a couple years since I�ve done a conference, and I miss them.

Bee: Will you EVER get on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride again in your life???

Susan: Yes. It can�t break down every time. And, who knows, Captain Jack Sparrow might be lurking somewhere in there in the dark!

Bee: One last thing- since you like Terry Pratchett, have your read BLOODSUCKING FIENDS - A LOVE STORY by Christopher Moore?

Susan: I have- loved it!

Thank you, Susan, for taking the time to do this interview for us. We look forward to all of your books!


February 2006


Bee: In our October 2003 interview, I didn't get a chance to ask about your personal life. What is new these days?

Susan: I have become totally addicted to knitting. While it might not be quite an all-consuming passion, I am getting hours and hours of pleasure from learning new stitches and making things. I recently started making my first sweater. So far, it's looking pretty good.

Bee: You have a new book coming out at the end of January. Tell us about it.

Susan: MASTER OF DARKNESS is the fifth book in a vampire romance series that features alpha males known as primes. The hero is Laurent (who was a villain in I HUNGER FOR YOU), and the heroine is a vampire hunter who mistakes Laurent for a good guy vampire.

Bee: This latest book is part of your Primes Series. Is anything planned for Laws of the Blood?

Susan: I am working on a story set in that universe called CAVE CANEM (Latin for beware of dog). It takes place at the height of the Roman Empire and is about a former gladiator that has been made into a vampire by Valentine.

Bee: Are you planning to attend the Emerald City Writers Conference again this year? Any other appearances or conferences?

Susan: I will very likely be in Seattle in June of this year, attending the Writers Weekend conference. I will be in Atlanta in July, but not for the RWA conference. I have been asked to be a guest at a writers� conference in Atlanta that takes place one week before RWA National.

Bee: What are you reading for pleasure right now?

Susan: I am currently on a true crime kick. I just finished Anne Rule�s GREEN RIVER RUNNING RED and have started her next book, WORTH MORE DEAD. In fiction, I'm reading Christina Dodd's THE BAREFOOT PRINCESS.

Thanks, Susan, for taking some time for us at RBL! We are eagerly waiting for MASTER OF DARKNESS!


Susan's Website

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