Our Heart Shaped Box
Our heart is a special box.
In this box, we keep our secrets, our dreams, our promises and our passions.
With this box, comes a key...
Kept inside, our dreams and passions remain,
wrapped up in order to protect them and ourselves from getting broken.
Then, when we least expect it, someone special comes along
carrying their own special box and key.

When two people fall in love and it is right,
they realize that the key they hold is not for their own special box.

The key they hold opens the box of the person they love.
Then something wonderful and magical happens.

The dreams that had remained inside, become reality.
The passions are unwrapped...uninhibited, unprotected, yet safe.

Promises are made and kept.
Secrets are shared.
Two lives become one.

The special boxes are open and what is found inside,
is now a treasure.
The treasures you've uncovered, by loving each other now and always,
will become the keepsakes you will keep in your heart.

Happy Anniversary
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