CDCcomics: World's Worst Comics (Online comic books)

CDCcomics: World's Worst Comics (Online comic books)

CDCcomics: World's Worst Comics (Online comic books)

CDCcomics: World's Worst Comics (Online comic books)

CDC Logo

Welcome to �Can�t Draw� comics. CDC comics are a series of comics I drew back in 1999.

Right now you can download PDFs of three CDC titles: Fighting Basketball, Relak U and Tales From. I don�t plan to continue Relak U, but I do plan to continue Fighting Basketball.
What am I doing now ? Well I am working on two comic scripts that I hope to shop one day. One of them is Jony Zero which I will post on Scribd from time to time. The other is one that I am keeping to myself.

Robin Doyle

  • Read The World's Worst Comics

  • Latest Issue - Fighting Basketball #3

  • Special FB one - shot drawn by Kik�

  • Reasons to email me

  • Who cares about that?!! I want to email you NOW!!!!

  • Download the PDF from Scribd (much easier to read)

    Next CDC update: ?

    This page was updated August 26, 2011



    Copyright 1999 - 2011. You can copy any part of this site as long as you give me (Robin Doyle) proper credit and it's not making a profit for anyone or any any group. As if you can make a profit off this crap...oh and please don't alter anything either.
