Aurorra Boreallis Silverforge the High Elf Cleric

(Aurorra before Luclin...)
(...Aurorra after Luclin!)

NAME: Aurorra (pronounced "uh-ROAR-uh") Boreallis (pronounced "bor-eh-AH-liss") Silverforge

SERVER: Terris-Thule

RACE: High Elf

CLASS: Cleric


BIRTHDAY: February 23, 2000

EYE COLOR: light blue

HAIR COLOR: deep red



DEITY: Tunare, Mother of All

HOMETOWN: Felwithe

GUILD: Voice of One




OCTAVIAN BROTHERHOOD PARTNER: Orek Silverforge the Dwarven Warrior, husband of Aurorra

Hit Points: 701
Armor Class: 533
Attack: 440

Strength: 85
Stamina: 79
Agility: 88
Dexterity: 72
Wisdom: 132
Intelligence: 94
Charisma: 80

Poison: 20
Magic: 32
Disease: 15
Heat: 45
Cold: 35

Head: Ry'Gorr Chain Coif [AC: 13, STR +3, Mana +15, SV Magic +3]
Face: Fine Plate Visor [AC: 7]
Neck: Ry'Gorr Chain Collar [AC: 9, STA +4, Mana +10, SV Magic +4]
Left Ear: Electrum Jasper Earring [WIS +2]
Right Ear: Jasper Gold Earring [WIS +3]
Left Finger: Silver Jasper Ring [WIS +2]
Right Finger: Silver Jasper Ring [WIS +2]
Left Wrist: Small Fine Plate Bracer [AC: 9]
Right Wrist: Ivory Bracelet [AGI +3, Mana +20]
Arms: Small Fine Plate Vambraces [AC: 10]
Hands: Small Fine Plate Gauntlets [AC: 11]
Shoulders: Embroidered Black Cape [AC: 4, HP +15, Mana +20]
Back:Small Fine Splinted Cloak [AC: 10]
Chest: Ry`Gorr Battle Mail [AC: 18, STR +10, Mana +20, SV Poison +5]
Waist: Small Fine Plate Girdle [AC: 9]
Legs: Small Fine Plate Greaves [AC: 12]
Feet: Small Fine Plate Boots {AC: 10]

Right Hand: Zraxthril Forged Mace [9/ 36, STR +2, WIS +1, HP +5, Mana +5]
Left Hand: Sporestrand Shield [AC: 5, WIS +2, INT +2, Mana +25]
Range: none
Ammo: none

SPECIAL SKILLS: Elf-vision, Healing, Bonuses Against Undead, Resurrection

LANGUAGES: Common Tongue (Master), Elvish (Master), Teir'Dal (Bad), Dwarvish (Master), Gnomish (Awful), Old Erudin (Awful), Elder Elvish (Bad), Elder Teir'Dal (Awful), Faerie (Awful)

MASTER IN: Abjuration, Alteration, Channeling, Defense, Evocation, Meditate, Offense

FAVORITE QUOTE: "By Tunare, I won't let you die!"

PERSONALITY:Aurorra is regal and proud; daughter of nobility, cousin to Klantyre Sablestone, and dedicated to Tunare, Mother of the Elves. Her love of healing and skill with weapons makes her indispensable to any group she joins. She has the heart of a warrior, and will die while trying to heal or defend a fallen commerade.

HISTORY: Aurorra and Klantyre grew up close cousins, similar in that they both wanted to rush into battle swinging and casting. When the time came to choose a trade, Aurorra found the thought of using a summoned pet to fight distasteful and dishonorable, and knew she wanted to rely on her own skills instead. Being highly religious, she hit indecision while trying to choose where she wanted most of her power to go: into healing, or fighting. Aurorra idolized Klantyre's older sister Calina the paladin, and it was while watching Calina spar that she decided she had to become a PALADIN, and fell in love with the sword. She joined the paladin guild of Felwithe, and ecstatically began her training.

After training for 3 seasons as a paladin, her guildleader approached her with the guildleader of the clerics. They explained that because of the recent rise in the undead population, Felwithe needed more skilled clerics, and asked Aurorra if she would cross over and take up her training with the become a cleric. The training quite similar, she would be studying religious magic more intensely than fighting.

Aurorra was torn between duty and desire. Being a faithful novice, she immediately agreed to become a cleric for Tunare, but the guildleaders could tell her heart wasn't in it. While talking to her, Aurorra explained that she felt at one with her sword, and wanted to concentrate more on fighting than magic. She would have to give up her sword for a blunt weapon if she became a cleric.

After much consideration, the guildleaders came to a compromise: Aurorra would train as a cleric for 7 seasons, and then she would be allowed to return to the paladins. This way, she would be equally powerful in magic and fighting. Aurorra agreed quickly and thankfully-- with much relief-- and put away her sword for a warhammer. Knowing that she would one day become a paladin again, Aurorra started absorbing all she could from her new teachers.

Cousin Klantyre approached Aurorra and told her about the support-group she had started with Bridgid, Tawney, Alisabetta, and Ellandra, and asked her if she would join. She told Aurorra of her plans to make it into a group of 8 members-- each a different class-- so she needed 2 more members if Aurorra would join. She said that as a cleric, Aurorra's future power to resurrect would be one of the most valuable skills the group would possess. Aurorra immediately had a war in her mind over if she should give up her dream to return to the paladins, or join this group and remain a cleric forever. Seeing the exuberant look on her cousin's face, and hearing about her plans for this wonderful group, she decided to join and remain a cleric. Since this decision, everyday as an Octavian Sister has proven to her that she made the right choice, and she would never go back to being a paladin if she could do it all again.

Klantyre came to her cousin soon after the joining of the Octavian Sisterhood and Brotherhood and let her know that the best match for her would be the Dwarven Warrior Orek. At first Aurorra felt depressed and let-down that she would not be fighting with a High Elf, as this would have been her last chance to find love as Klantyre had found love with Kiztan. Then Aurorra started hearing about Orek's exploits, and how he was highly regarded and respected all across Faydwer and Eastern Norrath for being an honorable warrior, and she began to feel proud of her new partner.

When Aurorra and Orek finally met face-to-face and began travelling around Butcherblock, Aurorra's respect and admiration steadily grew for this gruff little fishing-loving, hard-hitting, chivelrous Dwarf. The hopeless and hopeful romantic Aurorra pondered that maybe they would, in time, grow to love each other. Stranger things have happened!

The months and seasons of being together have only served to prove that perhaps Aurorra was right. Orek now has her heart, but is completely oblivious to it! Orek could tell that Febben was pining for Alisabetta, but couldn't tell that his own partner had fallen for him! Aurorra is too nervous to tell him of her love for him because whenever they get onto the topic of love, Orek talks about how one day Aurorra will find a handsome High Elf to fall in love with, and he, himself, will probably end up getting married to a Dwarf and having many children. Aurorra knows that it's hard for High Elves to produce offspring, and figures that Orek would never consider being with a High Elf, anyhow, so she kept her love to herself...she thought!

Aurorra's love for Orek was very obvious to the other members of Octavia! Finally one day Febben-- who knew her pain-- was talking to her, and let her know that he and many others knew she loved Orek. Aurorra was horribly embarrassed when she realized that everyone knew, but Febben was able to calm her down and share his own secret love for Alisabetta-- Aurorra's best friend. The two swore a pact to not give up hope, and to support one another until the day came when they could finally get up the courage to tell their partners how they felt.

The pact came none to soon, for after Gahhn and Ellandra came to the moon and discovered that Aurorra and Alisabetta's partnerships were in Shadow Haven, too, Gahhn started cornering Alisabetta and Aurorra, trying to seduce them, and making fun of their partners' statures and abilities. Aurorra's gentle nature wasn't used to this kind of treatment, but Gahhn's verbal-attack on Orek inspired her to choose just the right words to let Gahhn know exactly how little she thought of him! Still he wouldn't leave her alone, and then one day he challenged Aurorra to a duel. If he lost, he would leave her alone. If he won...his prize would be taking her virginity! Aurorra refused to those terms until the harrassment and ridiculing of Orek's manhood finally became overwhelming, and only then did she agreed to the duel. Just before that, Alisabetta had challenged Gahhn to a duel to commence the moment he reaches his 24th season. The upcoming duels were all Octavia could talk about!

When Aurorra reached her 23rd season and Gahhn was still in his 22nd, Gahhn told Aurorra that he wanted the duel to take place immediately. Aurorra reminded him that she was a higher level than him, but Gahhn was so arrogant that he said he didn't care. Perhaps he SHOULD have cared, because Aurorra beat him soundly! She was SO relieved and excited, and Orek was very proud of her, indeed!

When Aurorra and Orek reached their 24th seasons, Orek excitedly brought Aurorra to Kaladim and took her on a tour of his city. Then he treated her to a lovely dinner out on a pier over a pond. Aurorra had been trying to get up her courage to tell Orek that she was in love with him for so long! The last time Orek had taken her out to dinner, she had been planning on telling him then, but they'd both gotten so drunk that she hadn't gotten the chance. However, Orek HAD told her that she could braid his beard, and that he thought she was beautiful! The next day when Aurorra told Orek what he'd said, he got very embarrassed and flustered and wouldn't tell her why. He did admit that he really did think she was beautiful! Aurorra was talking to Talenthalas soon after that, and he told her that a dwarven man proposes to his intended by asking her if she'll braid his beard because only married dwarves have braided beards. Aurorra was so excited and ecstatic to learn this that it gave her the courage to decide to tell him she loved him at their dinner in Kaladim!

Dressed in her most-flattering gown, she was finally sitting across from Orek wanting desperately to tell him her feelings! And-- after Orek gave her a bottle of the perfume Scent of Marr, and she took a drink of some white wine-- she finally told Orek that she'd been in love with him since she first laid eyes on him! Read the actual conversation by clicking on the link below!

Aurorra and Orek finally confess their feelings for each other!

Orek admitted to Aurorra that he had been in love with her since he first met her, too, and asked her to marry him!! Aurorra-- stunned by this news-- said yes, and they were married right then and there! Aurorra-- now Mrs. Orek Silverforge-- finally braided Orek's beard, and finally discovered all the joys and pleasures love has to offer! Here is the account and the photos from their wedding!

Orek and Aurorra's Wedding!

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