Bridgid MacKearney the Barbarian Warrior

(Bridgid before Luclin...)
(...Bridgid after Luclin!)

NAME: Bridgid (pronounced "brid-GEED") MacKearney (mah-KEER-nee)

SERVER: Terris-Thule

RACE: Barbarian

CLASS: Warrior


BIRTHDAY: October 4, 1999

EYE COLOR: amber-brown

HAIR COLOR: rich brown



DEITY: Rallos Zek, The Warlord


GUILD: Voice of One




OCTAVIAN BROTHERHOOD PARTNER: Derrig MacKearney the Barbarian Shaman, husband of Bridgid

Hit Points: 865
Armor Class: 632
Attack: 604

Strength: 144
Stamina: 120
Agility: 97
Dexterity: 74
Wisdom: 70
Intelligence: 64
Charisma: 60

Poison: 17
Magic: 39
Disease: 17
Heat: 27
Cold: 37

Head: Crafted Helm [AC: 14, CHA +5, WIS +5, SV Magic +2]
Face: Grotesque Mask [AC: 3, DEX +7, CHA -9]
Neck: Blackened Alloy Collar [AC: 7]
Left Ear: Orc Fang Earring [AC: 3, STR +3, HP +15]
Right Ear: Orc Fang Earring [AC: 3, STR +3, HP +15]
Left Finger: Jagged Band [AC: 5, STR +3]
Right Finger: Jagged Band [AC: 5, STR +3]
Left Wrist: Crafted Bracer [AC: 10, DEX +2, INT +2]
Right Wrist: Blackened Alloy Bracer [AC: 8]
Arms: Crafted Vambraces [AC: 12, STR +1, SV Disease +2, SV Poison +2]
Hands: Crafted Gauntlets [AC: 12, STR +5]
Shoulders: Bloodstained Mantle [AC 6, STR +3, SV Magic +3]
Back: Splinted Bronze Cloak [AC: 8]
Chest: Crafted Breastplate [AC: 22, STA +5, HP +25]
Waist: Black Alloy Girdle [AC: 8, STA +5]
Legs: Crafted Greaves [AC: 14, STR +1, SV Fire +2, SV Cold +2]
Feet: Crafted Plate Boots [AC: 12, AGI +5]

Right Hand: An Executioners Axe [25/50, Effect: Haste]
Left Hand: duel wield
Range: Carved Ashwood Recurve Bow [15/54, range: 75]
Ammo: Class 2 Bone Hooked Arrows [3/0, Range: 125]

SPECIAL SKILLS: Shield Slam, Bash, Kick, Taunt, Double-attack, Duel Wield, Archery, Riposte

LANGUAGES: Common Tongue (Master), Barbarian (Master), Teir'Dal (Awful), Troll (Awful), Ogre (Awful), Faerie (Awful)

MASTER IN: Two-Hand Slashing, Alcohol Tolerance, Bind Wounds, Defense, Dodge, Double Attack, Kick, Offense, Parry

FAVORITE QUOTE: "The blood o' mae slain enemies courses through mah veins an' gives me strength in battle."

PERSONALITY: Bridgid loves to run blindly into battle, pushing through the others to be the first one at the target, or at least make the kill. She loves the thrill of battle, and will wipe her bloody Claymore blade on her kilt or on her tongue in order to absorb what she believes to be the strength of her opponent.

Bridgid will stand and fight to the death to protect her party members, and sees running from a battle as complete cowardice-- unless the whole group decides to run when the stench of death is upon them. After deciding that her hasty bloodlust was more harm than help to her and her party, she is learning prudence as she grows older.

HISTORY:Bridgid and Akiztar grew up together in the snowy mountains of Halas-- her father the clan chieftain, and his father the clan wiseman. While Akiztar was always intense with his shaman-studies, Bridgid practically grew up with a sword in her hand. They were best friends from the time they could walk, and while Bridgid was constantly making little jokes and teasing the large, tall Akiztar about choosing to be a shaman instead of a warrior, she was very fond of him, and would defend him most ferociously from any other young warriors who tried to make a joke at his expense.

When about 12, they both became apprentices under masters of their fields, and then at age 16 Bridgid was accepted into the Field of Slaughter training grounds for warriors, and Akiztar began studying in the Chantry of Justice for shamen. One night when they were walking back to their homes together after a long, hard day of training, Akiztar observed how beautiful Bridgid was, and suddenly stopped. When Bridgid turned to see what was wrong, he suddenly grabbed her, pushed her forcefully against a wall, and kissed her. Expecting her to punch him in the face afterwards, he was pleasantly surprised when she kissed him back even more passionately. The two began to talk, and admitted that they'd both had crushes on each other since they were little, and had both fallen in love! That night they didn't get home until late, and were both quite disheveled and frozen from lying in the snow.

Some years later, they graduated from their schools of training, and were given armor, weapons, and/ or spells from their teachers so they could go out into the world and gain levels. Bridgid and Akiztar got a large hut together and two sled dogs, and a few days after their graduations, spontaneously decided to get married in Akiztar's guild, right in front of his guildmaster.

Gaining many seasons of battle together, it soon became necessary for the couple to journey to Qeynos for one of Akiztar's spells. After discovering that the Qeynos merchants wouldn't sell to barbarians, their friend Klantyre sent word to a local Half-elf ranger named Ivanna that she should aid Akiztar in getting the spell. Bridgid-- uncomfortable in the big city-- set back for the mountains of Everfrost where she would meet Akiztar later.

Upon meeting Ivanna, Akiztar found himself uncontrollably attracted to the hot-headed little Half-elf, and forced himself upon her in a fit of passion. Ivanna-- confused, exhilarated, and disgusted at the act-- ran to Klantyre and told her everything. Meanwhile, Akiztar returned to Bridgid, and she immediately detected Ivanna's scent on her husband. After much begging and pleading, Akiztar earned Bridgid's forgiveness.

Months went by, and Bridgid found herself unable to trust Akiztar alone with other women. The memory of his disloyalty was like a thorn in her side, constantly irritating her. One day Akiztar left to hunt in the Karanas, and when he hadn't returned home after dark, Bridgid-- now close friends with Ivanna-- sent Ivanna out to track him.

Ivanna tracked him to Qeynos, confronted him angrily with Bridgid's worries, and then was further angered when Akiztar again tried to force himself on her. Ivanna ran until she found Bridgid, and told her all that had happened. Bridgid-- furious and unbending-- confronted Akiztar immediately and told him that the marriage was broken, and they were no longer man and wife. Bridgid continues to gain seasons and experience, and hasn't seen or heard from Akiztar in many months.

Bridgid helped Klantyre create the Octavian Sisterhood, along with Tawney, Alisabetta, and Ellandra, and found new purpose with her Sisters. At the creation of the group, Klantyre informed everyone that Ilyena needed their help to finally destroy Innoruuk, and that this would mean being transported from this realm to a mirror-realm, where they would never see this realm or its inhabitants again. Bridgid waited to hear what Akiztar would decide to do-- as a member of Voice of One, himself-- but he decided to remain behind with his friends. Bridgid raised her chin in quivering strength and defiance, and stepped back with Ilyena as Mithaniel Marr transported the group away forever.

Bridgid worked for over a year in the arena of Freeport for the leader of the warrior's guild, training the new warriors before they were allowed to journey out of the city gates. Her work was very satisfying, but something was missing. Bridgid took her leave and was given a Blackened Iron Bastard Sword as a parting gift from her employer. She felt something tugging at her...calling her back to Halas. Along the way she earned her 21st season.

Upon finally arriving back home in Halas, Klantyre sent Tawney to Bridgid to tell her about the joining of the Octavian Sisterhood and Brotherhood, and that a respected barbarian shaman named Derrig would be Bridgid's new partner. Bridgid felt a quickening of her blood. Was it Derrig's soul that she had felt tugging her back to Halas?

When at last she looked upon Derrig she knew it was true, for she had seen his face in her dreams this year past. He had the same tattoos upon his face as she did! Could she love again? Trust again? Ever wary, but feeling the power of their joining, Bridgid is optimistic that she will once again know the joys of being a blissful wife with a greater purpose to her days.

The Barbarians spent many moons together learning each others' ways, and Bridgid played bodyguard as he quickly gained in experience. The two were instantly attracted to each other, and loved engaging in seemingly casual conversation filled with innuendo. One evening they were out walking the maze-like mountain passes of Everfrost when a sudden blizzard struck. They luckily found some abandoned gnoll igloos, and went into the largest one to wait out the storm...but the storm raged all night. When the sun came out the next morning, a grinning Bridgid and Derrig emerged looking a little disheveled and sleepy. They were officially a couple, and found a new hut to move into together! In the Barbarian way, they arranged that they would be married once Derrig reached his 20th season.

The day finally came when Derrig did reach his 20th season, but they had a little bet to settle before returning to Halas! They entered the arena of Qeynos and challenged each other to a duel-- Derrig was so sure that his powerful DOT-spells would do Bridgid in that he couldn't believe it when she mowed him down with her blade in no time! Bridgid is a dangerously powerful woman, but Derrig figured he'd be able to beat her once he reached his 21st season! (he was wrong!) The couple quickly returned to Halas and stood sky-clad before the leader of the Tribunal and were married! They feasted and partied all day and night in great celebration, and when the next week dawned, the spouses began hunting mammoths together as husband and wife-- their skills perfectly complimenting each other.

Upon reaching their 23rd seasons, Bridgid revealed to Derrig that she was pregnant! The returned to Halas once their reached their 24th season so Bridgid could spend her pregnancy there, give birth, and the two could settle down for a time. But make no mistake-- this isn't the end of their adventuring!

Bridgid tells Derrig that she's pregnant!

Official Portrait and Log from the Wedding
Pictures from Everfrost Peaks
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