The Story of the Infamous
D'Veronn Family

Nachte (Nachturna) and Daharann...
...Gerhann and Nuite (Lanoire)

NACHTE'S FAVORITE QUOTE: "That's right, Lighty...come to me...I've been saving this Harm Touch for you..."

NUITE'S FAVORITE QUOTE: "Oh-- was this YOUR money purse?"

NACHTE'S PERSONALITY: Nachte is very verbal about everything she's thinking, she gets a high out of mocking others and treating them like submissive slaves. She is very cynical about anything good-- especially love-- and praises Innoruuk constantly for keeping her life filled with hate and death. In possession of a hot temper and domineering manner, she fills the air with her colorful curses when things don't go her way. Nachte is a very arrogant fighter, and constantly tests her companions to make sure they are worthy of her presence.

NUITE'S PERSONALITY: Nuite is a quiet, soft-spoken Dark Elf, but a fierce and skilled fighter...and has knowledge of the shadier arts, as well! She most admires her older brother Gerhann-- who helped raise her-- and also greatly respects her lover Taneuevan-- a priest of Innoruuk. Her mild manner fools many people, for she will win the fight at any cost-- whether it be to employ poison, sneak-attacks, or backstabbing as the method to make her able to come out on top. Gerhann is constantly admonishing her to fight honorably...which she agrees to do just to get him off her back!

FAMILY HISTORY: Nachte was born into an extremely disfunctional family. Her mother never married her father, but slept with him enough times to produce 6 children-- 2 sets of twins included. The mother found the father of her children weak and pitiful because he was a warrior-- and an honorable one, at that-- and couldn't learn magic. When her first child-- a son named Gerhann-- was born, he was tested for magical skill and found to have none. Her mother detested him and left him to be raised by his father, who he grew to deeply respect and admire for his honorable ways.

Next her mother gave birth to twins daughters who she named Nachte and Nuite. When tested, both girls came out as strong warriors, but Nachte did have a nack for magic whereas poor Nuite did not. The mother decided not to reject Nachte based on that one principle, but she had no patience left for fighters, and didn't even bother to take little Nuite to her father to be raised, but abandoned her in Nektulos Forest. Not aware that his daughter had been abandoned, no one came to rescue Nuite. She spent her young life living amoungst thieves, learning the Thieves Cant language, and being taught how to beg and pick-pocket for her bread. Athletic and quick, she was a natural-born rogue.

Nachte's mother decided to try again to see if she could produce a caster of whom she could be proud. She gave birth to another set of twins-- a boy named Noth and a girl named Veil. Both children showed a huge potential for magical ability, and were both sent to be trained as necromancers, like their mother. Nachte's mother-- very pleased by her luck with these children-- decided to have one more. She had a son named Daharann, and he, too, showed wonderful magical potential. When he grew to an age where he could decide which school of magic to train in, he chose to become a magician. Not his mother's favorite choice, but a caster was better than anything else, she believed.

After a few years, Gerhann and his father found out about the abandoned Nuite and quickly found her. Soon after that, their father was murdered by a Human Lighty. Gerhann had to raise his little sister, and both siblings swore to avenge their father by killing every Human they could get their hands on.

As Nachte grew older, many people would approach her and ask her about her twin sister. She went to her mother and asked her about this, and her mother stammered that Veil was her twin sister. Her mother then threatened the other children to continue this lie, and demanded that Noth never agknowledge Veil as his twin again. The children agreed out of fear, and life continued on.

Then tragedy struck when Veil fell in love with an Erudite named Radisson. Nevermind that he was also a necromancer, the couple was hunted down and killed at Nachte's mother's order. Nachte weeped and wailed at the loss of her twin sister, but somewhere deep down inside, she had a feeling that her twin wasn't dead. She didn't know how this could be, for she saw Veil's body as it was carried by guards past the gates, but she felt as though that part of her that should have been dead, wasn't.

Noth seemed to lose his inner fire after his true twin's death, and when he went out to fight, it was only half-heartedly. It was because of this that he didn't notice the group of Lighties sneaking up behind him until it was too late. Noth and his pet fought valiently for the last time before they were hacked to pieces.

The stress of having to order the daughter she was the proudest of to be murdered for treason, the death of the son for whom she'd had the most hope, combined with the physical wearing down of being pregnant continuously for 4 years finally took its toll on Nachte's mother, and she died a frail, shaking woman who looked older than her years. Before she died, she told Daharann and Nachte about their other 2 siblings, and told Nachte that Nuite was her true twin sister. They were shocked, but after their mother's death, they were soon reuinted with Gerhann and Nuite in a joyous reunion.

Nachte had reason to be both ecstatic and nervous: she had found her real twin sister, but the truth had come out that Nachte and Daharann were lovers. The family contemplated the twisted situation, but then shrugged and grinned. Innoruuk would be sure to support such an evil act as a brother and sister being lovers! And so the affair continued on.

Nachte was also introduced to Veil's best friend-- an enchanter named NETTLE. The two spent many hours talking about their mutual respect for Veil, and Nettle became like that missing sister to Nachte. Nettle spent a lot of time with the D'Veronn family, and soon became Gerhann's lover. Gerhann's best friend TANEUEVAN the Cleric had also joined the little family, and had become Nuite's lover.

Gerhann admired Nachte's fighting style and fiercenes, and invited she and Nettle to join the Ebon Army-- a well-known, respected, and feared Dark Elf guild of which he was the leader of the Initiates. They accepted, and Nachte also brought Daharann into the guild. Daharann-- an extremely ambitious and charismatic mage-- had aspirations to create the most powerful dark guild on the face of Norrath, and with the help of his powerful family and Nachte by his side, he had no doubt in his mind that he could accomplish it.

The 3 couples continued fighting within Nektulos Forest. Nachte watched over Daharann's progress until he reached her level, Nuite and Taneuevan fought together and quickly reached their 9th seasons, but Nettle had to solo her way up to 9 because Gerhann was already in his 20th season and had no way to help her gain seasons faster. Levelling had never been a priority for Nettle, so the couple came to the agreement that she would continue to fight until she reached her 12th season and could bind, and then she would play magic-servicer to Gerhann.

It was not long after this that Nachte, Nuite, and Daharann decided that they were going to petition to be teleported to the realm of Bertoxxulous. Gerhann, Nettle, and Taneuevan said they wanted to remain, which led to a horrible decision for Nuite: would she choose to be forever parted from her twin sister Nachte, or from her lover Taneuevan? She couldn't make up her mind, and this delayed the plans and made Nachte and Daharann increasingly agitated and angry. 2 weeks later Nettle found Taneuevan's dead body and immediately ran shrieking to Nuite and Gerhann. Gerhann and Nettle suspected that Nachte and Daharann had either killed Taneuevan, or arranged to have him killed, in order to persuade Nuite choose to go with them and stop holding things up, but Nuite couldn't bring herself to believe that about her sister. But despite this loyalty to Nachte, things became different between them...Nuite more distant and quiet around Nachte, and preferring to keep to herself. Their petition to be teleported to Bertoxxulous was finally approved, and they were sent over. The twins decided to alter their names as a symbol of their new lives, and Nachte became Nachturna while Nuite became LaNoire.

The weeks went by, and while Nachturna and Daharann quickly advanced in levels, LaNoire had ceased to care about anything she once loved. When prompted to go and fight, she would drudge slowly and carelessly through the forest, allowing the ferocious animals to attack her without resistance. Sinking into the quagmire that had claimed the life of her brother Noth, she didn't see the connection and continued her path of destruction.

At last she approached her Bertoxxulous benefactor Mindius wearing only her undergarments, and handed him her packs containing all her earthly possessions. He accepted them wordlessly, and watched as she walked slowly into the inky river until at last her head disappeared below the water. He knew the resident pirhanas would make short work of her, and turned sadly to take the packs back to his manor.

Nachturna stayed with Deharann for a time until her sorrow over LaNoire's death turned into hate and resentment towards Daharann for everything that had happened-- all the sibling and ally-deaths, and departing their home-realm for this one-- and she petitioned long and hard until she was finally able to be teleported back to Gerhann and their home. Once home, she told Gerhann that she was through with Daharann, and ready to dedicate herself to their realm. She saw how Nettle had turned herself into Gerhann's personal slave, and was disgusted. She kicked Nettle out of the family home, took up residence there, and began whipping Gerhann into shape!

Nachturna D'Azul in her latest gear

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