Dave's Astounding Quotes!

Dave is a man with deep thoughts. Maybe no man was meant to hear those thoughts because they would not understand, and we fear what we don't understand. Well, fear now!!!

BEHOLD! Dave's thoughts!

(note: this is a constantly-growing list as Dave is a constantly-thinking man!)


Dave's Quotes are ranked by the reaction they make me have. For example:

1. "To be the warrior, you must BE the warrior."

2. "It makes me want to dance, and that's good enough for me!"

3. "That Superman music is AWESOME! It really fits the movie!"

4. "Some days I'm softer than others..."

5. "This movie proves that Jeremy Irons will be in ANYTHING!" (referring to the movie "Stealing Beauty")

6. "I love Steve Martin. I'll watch anything he's in...which led to the unfortunate "Sargeant Bilko"-incident."

7. "...I mean, NO one would want to eat a masturbating squirrel!" (heard as Lisa and Dave were discussing various animals' self-defense mechanisms)

8. "Everyone's leaving because of all the naked wizards!!" (Dave exclaimed in a loud, frustrated cry while playing EverQuest)

9. "Sorry man, but if someone steps on your goonies, you're done for the day!"

10. "If there was a group of terrorists hiding out in a house, they'd be like 'Look! Mormon missionaries! Let's kill them! No wait-- then the other ones will know we're home!'"

11. "Chile is a jungle-- not a [insert monkey-noises]-type jungle...more like Missouri."

12. "Good old Trent Reznor...you can always count on him to be depressing!" (heard while listening to the new NIN album)

13. "I like to treat my body like it's an amusement park. I'd like to treat your body like it's an amusement park, too." (one of Dave's failed come-on lines)

And now...the Little Monkey Chronicles!

14. "If I were a monkey, I'd be one of those little monkeys. That way I could run around the apartment unnoticed." (which led Lisa to ponder why Dave thought she wouldn't notice a little monkey running around the apartment)

15. "And if I were a little monkey, I would only have HUUUUGE bananas to eat, because they'd really be normal-sized bananas, but to a little monkey they'd look HUGE!" (which caused Lisa to take a big step back from Dave as she fumbled for the door-handle)

16. "And if I were a little monkey, you would sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" to make me go to sleep at night!" (after which, Lisa to ran to the nearest payphone to call the mental hospital)

17. "It's good in the dark-- that's where it will stay!" (referring to Dave's singing. apparently he can't do a vibrato unless he's looking up, and he doesn't want anyone to find out...oops)

18. "Hugs are better than drugs!" (Dave exclaimed as he threw his arms around his dog Safvet)

19. "Basebat bat, and spider-death!" (Dave grinned after rescuing Lisa from big spiders in the bathroom)

20. "I like to dance to express myself." (this was stated in a calm and completely serious voice...I guess you had to be there!)

21. "No WAY do you play with your liver!!" (Dave stressed during a conversation about taking care of your body)

22. "That was a Wraith-movie...BIG time." (Dave stressed...and then 3 seconds later both Dave and Lisa burst into laughter)

22. "Why does Bruce Campbell keep haunting our lives?!?!" (Lisa cried in frustration when Dave made her watch "Brisco County Jr." OK, so this was a Lisa-quote! I don't do many!)

23. "It's a big, jaggedy sword-- it can hurt people, and stuff!" (Dave was proudly showing Lisa his Shadow Knight's new weapon)

24. "You wouldn't believe how many people are into the Go-Gos!" (Dave was trying to convince Lisa that the Go-Gos haven't lost it)

25. "The Go-Gos still have the beat!" (Dave said this quote following the previous one in complete seriousness and enthusiam while watching the "new" Go-Gos video)

26. "Whatever happened to that Hootie and the Blowfish craze??" (at this point Lisa is staring silently and sadly at Dave)

27. "Oooh, that's beautiful! Wow! Look at those nice city-lights!!" (maybe you had to have been there, but Dave said this in such sincerity while looking at pictures of Hong Kong that I realized I was married to a dork)

28. "Offer me vanilla and I'll say 'YES!!'" (this was Dave's reply when Donna asked him if he'd like one of her Vanilla Cokes)

29. "'Charlotte's Web'...now there's one of the few children's movies I enjoyed-- and probably still would today." (you had to have heard the intense, sincere way Dave said it, I think!)

30. "What's wrong with "Head of the Class??" It was a good show!" (Dave cried incredulously when I shrieked for him to change the channel)

31. "It's about time Slash came back and taught everyone how to rock!" (Dave said excitedly while watching the new Velvet Revolver video)

32. (2nd only quote from Lisa! Dave insisted I put it in here!)
"I HATE that Baileys commercial!! Everyone just stares and points at the floating globules of Baileys and they don't even try to DRINK any of them! If I were there, I'd be like PAC-MAN!" (I said in frustration after watching the anti-gravity video for Bailey's Irish Creme)

33. (3nd only quote from Lisa! Again, Dave insisted I put it in here!)
Dave: "Say what you like about Michelle Branch, she can play her own instruments and write her own songs and that makes her OK in MY book!"
Lisa: "I can make lots of effort! Just give me a banjo!" (Lisa says, strumming energetically in the air)
[again...one you probably should have been there for!]

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