Ellandra the Half-Elf Bard

(Ellandra before Luclin...)
(...Ellandra after Luclin!)

NAME: Ellandra (pronounced "eh-LAHN-druh") Ellorean

SERVER: Terris-Thule

RACE: Half-Elf



BIRTHDAY: April 12, 2000

EYE COLOR: violet

HAIR COLOR: platinum blonde



DEITY: Karana, God of Rain


GUILD: none



OCTAVIAN BROTHERHOOD PARTNER: Gahhn Withawind the Human Rogue

Hit Points: 560
Armor Class: 540
Attack: 516

Strength: 86
Stamina: 86
Agility: 93
Dexterity: 100
Wisdom: 60
Intelligence: 77

Poison: 20
Magic: 25
Disease: 15
Heat: 25
Cold: 25

Head: Fine Plate Helm [AC: 12]
Face: Turquoise Eyepatch [AC: 2, STA +2, CHA +2, INT +2]
Neck: Split Paw Tooth Necklace [AC: 2, CHA +5, SV Poison +5]
Left Ear: Silver Bloodstone Earring [Stamina +2]
Right Ear: Silver Bloodstone Earring [Stamina +2]
Left Finger: Silver Amber Ring [STR +2]
Right Finger: Electrum Carnelion Wedding Ring [AGI +3]
Left Wrist: Lambent Bracer [AC: 9, STR +4, CHA +1]
Right Wrist: Fine Plate Bracer [AC: 11]
Arms: Azure Sleeves [AC: 12]
Hands: Dark Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets [AC: 11]
Shoulders: Fine Plate Pauldron [AC: 10]
Back: Fine Splinted Cloak [AC: 10]
Chest: Fine Plate Breastplate [AC: 19]
Waist: Fine Plate Girdle [AC: 9]
Legs: Fine Plate Greaves [AC: 12]
Feet: Fine Plate Boots [AC: 10]

Right Hand: Icetooth's Claws [11/29, Magic Item, Lore Item]
Left Hand: Crystallized Sword [11/29] or Chitin Shell Shield [AC 15, SV Poison +10] or Hand Drums or Lute or Flute or Horn
Range: Throwing Knives [5/36, Range: 45]
Ammo: same

SPECIAL SKILLS: Elf-vision, Throwing, Singing, Percussion Instruments, Sneak, Stringed Instruments, Brass Instruments, Wind Instruments, Duel Wield, Forage

LANGUAGES: Common Tongue (Master), Elvish (Master), Halfling (Master)

MASTER IN: 1-Hand Slashing, Defense, Dodge, Duel Wield, Offense, Percussion, Singing, Stringed Instruments

FAVORITE QUOTE: "Another beautiful rainstorm! I think I'll sing..."

PERSONALITY: Ellandra was born with the gift of a beautiful voice, and she sings wherever and whenever she can-- making up songs as she goes, while perfecting the magical songs her guild teaches her. She has a very big-sister attitude, and will try to be the first to help or direct those with questions, as she has a lot of knowledge about Norrath for her young age. She got this knowledge from her former incarnation: a ranger named IVANNA, who was extremely bold, shocking, and seductive with men...particularly men who were taken! A rather sad and lonely figure deep down, she seemed spunky and energetic to those who met her....

HISTORY: Ellandra's life started as Ivanna, the single child of a widowed Wood Elf ranger father. Her high elf mother had been killed while out hunting when Ivanna was a baby. Ivanna's father taught her all he knew-- when he was sober-- until she took up training with the Surefall Glade rangers. She grew up wild and free, independent and loving the rain and storms Karana brought-- protecting and communicating with the wolves and bears.

Ivanna began existing amoung the wildlife of Qeynos Hills when she was a young woman, and ran into a seductive and flirtateous cleric named Evad Starmend. Their personalities so similar, the two hit it off immediately, and it wasn't long before they were lovers. Evad-- always on the go and never able to commit-- left her jilted after two weeks of an intense affair. When Ivanna was finally able to track down his friend Kiztan, Kiztan informed her that Evad prefered Human woman to Half-elves. This news sent Ivanna into an angry fit of depression during which time she kept herself secluded in the Hills.

After months of letting her anger fester, word came to her that Evad was engaged to a human paladin named Alisabetta. Her hatred for this Alisabetta was unmatched, and she made it her goal to try seduce as many husbands and fiances away from their women as she possibly could. Her reign of terror was softened when Akiztar came for her help, and comforted the truly lonely and sensitive Ivanna.

But then Akiztar's true colors came out when he forced himself on Ivanna. After the encounter-- which should have left Ivanna feeling triumphant-- she felt so disgusted with herself that she told Klantyre everything, and worked for months to gain Akiztar's wife-- Bridgid's-- trust and friendship. Upon Akiztar's second attempt to seduce Ivanna, and Bridgid's subsequent announcement that she and Akiztar were then no longer married, Ivanna made the realization that she hated herself and what she'd done with her life. She ran up to a guard in Qeynos Hills and begged him to kill her.

As the guard's hand was lifted to fall upon Ivanna, her god-- Karana-- intervened and froze the guard in place. Karana told her that she was a faithful worshipper, and her heart was good, so he would give her the option to be reborn into the same body and family, but with different skills and personality, and her history wiped clean. Ivanna immediately accepted his offer-- this second chance to do good in the world-- and asked Karana if she could be made a bard to sing his praises as a weapon to destroy his enemies. Karana agreed, and changed her name to Ellandra as she quickly died and was re-born in the blink of an eye.

Ellandra was relieved to find that Klantyre and Bridgid still considered her a friend, and in fact, they embraced her and brought her into their group of friends. Ellandra was even more surprised when Alisabetta accepted her, telling her that she knew what kind of man Evad was, and that she completely understood Ivanna's hatred for Alisabetta. She told Ellandra how she had broken off her engagement with Evad, and this common heartache created a bond between the two. This group of 5 were the founders for the Octavian Sisterhood-- the support-group Klantyre created after bringing in 3 more friends. Ellandra never enjoyed such a fulfilling and friend-filled existence as Ivanna, and has never been more at peace.

When Ellandra was told of the upcoming joining of the Octavian Sisterhood and Brotherhood, she was filled with joy for the other Sisters and their adventageous pairings, but didn't expect or hope for anything for herself. It would be nice to have a friend and partner, but that's as far as her excitement went. Klantyre knew Ellandra was being giving and selfless, but also knew her well enough to know that Ellandra had been hoping in her dreams that someday she'd find a Half-elf man who would love her. It was times like these that Klantyre loved her job as a servant of Erollisi Marr!

Klantyre met with a benignly happy Ellandra to tell her about her new partner. She handed the picture of him across to Ellandra, and Ellandra took it and looked at it politely. Then her eyes bugged out and her mouth dropped open. She was looking at the most gorgeous, handsome Half-elf man she'd never seen in Qeynos! He was meant for HER? She looked up at Klantyre wordlessly, and Klantyre grinned and nodded her head. Ellandra promptly fainted to the ground.

Happily zooming all over Qeynos Hills with Rhiver, Ellandra had no notion that anything could be wrong. She and Rhiver were practically strangers, so she didn't think it odd that he kept quite a large distance between them as they fought, ran, or rested-- she figured he must just be shy. After a week, relations were not improving, and then Klantyre came to see Ellandra. She told her that Rhiver had come to Telbin to announce that he was gay, and wanted to leave the Octavian Brotherhood in search of a...more suitable brotherhood. Ellandra was devistated, but Rhiver's treatment of her suddenly made sense.

Telbin released Rhiver from the Brotherhood, and wasn't long in finding a relacement. A Human Rogue named Gahhn was soon accepted into the Brotherhood, and after a brainstorming session, Klantyre and Telbin decided that he should be partnered with Alisabetta, and therefore Ellandra would be the one stuck with, er, partnered with, Febben the Halfling Druid. Alisabetta was ecstatic when she heard this news-- although her excitement would later be doused somewhat when she actually met the Rogue and discovered he was quite a philanderer-- and Ellandra was understandably disappointed, but she and Febben were in the same season of training, and they were both care-free, fun-loving souls, so soon Ellandra came to regard the Halfling fondly.

But the pairing would be short-lived. Alisabetta complained enough about not wanting Gahhn for a partner that the leaders of Octavia finally had to address the problem. They came to the decision to switch some pairings around to create a more favorable situation, so the two clerical dedicates-- Alisabetta and Febben-- were placed together, which left the two thief-trained Octavians-- Ellandra and Gahhn-- to become partners. Febben and Ellandra were both sad and emotional about having their partnership dissolved, but stay close friends even while getting to know their new partners well. Ellandra and Gahhn found that they had a lot in common-- Ellandra, too, discovered that Gahhn was reminiscent of Evad, and this awoke that more forward, alluring side of her that had lain dormant for 17 seasons...

After being with Gahhn for 6 seasons, Ellandra was-- once again-- a sexual holy-terror! Klantyre attributed this to Gahhn's inluence, and knows in her heart that Ellandra would never actually try to seduce one of the other Brothers, for how big she talks. Ellandra, herself, just loves the spark she gets from flirting with those she knows she has no chance with. Gahhn has made it perfectly clear that theirs is an open relationship, and emphasizes this by sleeping around when he's not with Ellandra. When she wasn't so attached to Gahhn, Ellandra didn't mind this at all, and she and Gahhn would have contests to see who could sleep with the most people-- even though Gahhn is still the best lover she's ever had. But lately Ellandra has noticed that it's started bugging her to hear about Gahhn's conquests, and has actually started snapping at him!

Gahhn has also taken to working extra-hard to seduce Aurorra and Alisabetta because he believes they could never be interested in their shorty-partners, and are probably really wanting a "real man" about now! When Ellandra realized what he was doing, she flew into a rage and slapped Gahhn across the face, telling him the Sisters were off-limits! Gahhn was surprised and taken aback, but agreed to stop going after the Sisters just to appease her. Alisabetta-- so filled with anger for the mean things Gahhn said to her about Febben-- has challenged Gahhn to a duel to be commenced the minute he reaches his 24th season. This gave Gahhn the idea that he would challenge Aurorra to a duel. If he lost, he would leave her alone. If he won...his prize would be taking her virginity! Aurorra refused to these terms until the harrassment and ridiculing of Orek's manhood became overwhelming, and only then did she finally agreed. The upcoming duels were all Octavia could talk about!

When Aurorra reached her 23rd season and Gahhn was still in his 22nd, Gahhn told Aurorra that he wanted the duel to take place immediately. Aurorra reminded him that she was a higher level than him, but Gahhn was so arrogant that he said he didn't care. Perhaps he SHOULD have cared, because Aurorra beat him soundly! Aurorra was VERY relieved and excited, Orek was very proud of her, and Ellandra was just as relieved as the other two!

Then one day tragedy struck. Febben was ported to the moon to resurrect Ellandra-- who had been overwhelmed and killed by a horde of patog phlarg fiends-- and Ellandra began to flirt with Febben again, offering him anything he could want from her. When Febben flatly refused her, Ellandra grew angry and told Febben that Alisabetta was no better than she was-- both of them had rejected Febben, and then wanted him back later! Febben suddenly grew very depressed-- it was true. Alisabetta HAD rejected him for a different partner, and then when she found the new partner distasteful, she had asked for Febben back, just as Ellandra had ignored him and gone off with strange men when they were partners, and now she wanted him back. Ellandra saw that her words had hit home, and suddenly felt a huge regret that she had so wounded Febben, and tried to tell Febben that she was wrong-- that she'd only said that in anger-- but the damage was done.

Febben ran back into Shadow Haven to get his things and recover his magic. As he was meditating, Bridgid found him and offered him all of the rest of her alcohol-- seeing as how she wouldn't be needing it for quite some time. To her astonishment, Febben gladly took it all, and then gated back to the planet abruptly, leaving Bridgid standing there in bewilderment.

Febben appeared back in Freeport, put all his new, golden, cleric armor in the bank while getting drunker and drunker, and then stumbled all the way back to Rivervale. Tawney found him and tried to reason with him, but he told her he had made his mind up. He was going to stay in Rivervale and be a farmer-- leaving Octavia and Alisabetta forever. In a panic Tawney ran to Alisabetta and woke her up, telling her Febben had moved back to Rivervale and was leaving Octavia! Alisabetta didn't give Tawney a chance to say anything else, but strapped on her armor and sword and took off running for Rivervale.

Alisabetta arrived in Rivervale and searched for Febben until she found him in the room they had shared there. She pleaded with him to tell her what was wrong-- the two had had a wonderful evening together the night before, eating and talking until late, and now he had left her and Octavia?? Febben was completely drunk by this time, and was very abrupt with Alisabetta-- even rude to her-- and soon Alisabetta was so distraught and confused that she told Febben she was returning to Freeport, and if he wanted to tell her what was wrong, he would sober up and return there to tell her! Alisabetta ran back to Freeport to stay with her father, Sir Edwardian Holyblade, a knight of the paladin guild, and Febben finished the rest of the alcohol, wallowing in his misery.

Tawney and Talenthalas were secretly observing all of this in great distress, and Tawney finally told Talenthalas that she was porting over to Telbin to ask for his help. She left immediately, and quickly found Telbin in Firiona Vie. She explained everything to him-- Ellandra's sudden pursuit of Febben, her harmful words, Febben's decision to leave Octavia and his partnership, Alisabetta's attempt to talk to him and his subsequent rude treatment of her, and Alisabetta's return to Freeport to her father's side. Telbin narrowed his eyes, sheathed his huge sword, and told Tawney to port them to the moon to speak with Ellandra. This Tawney did in great relief.

Telbin cornered Ellandra and asked her to explain what was going on. She told Telbin that she had suddenly realized that she wanted Febben, and was sorry for how she treated him when they were partners. Telbin very patiently unraveled Ellandra's true feelings until even she could see the truth. She was falling deeply in love with Gahhn, but because he reminded her of the last man she'd fallen in love with-- Evad Starmend-- and she and Gahhn had agreed to have an open relationship, she was terrified of being hurt again. She saw Febben as a steady, loyal, undyingly dedicated man who would never hurt or leave her, and suddenly craved that security, and so she started pursuing him. Telbin told Ellandra that she should tell Gahhn her true feelings-- she would probably be surprised at his response. Ellandra nervously agreed to do this...soon...and Telbin finished their conversation by ordering her to stay out of Febben and Alisabetta's lives. Ellandra-- in awe of Telbin's overwhelming presence-- took a step back and quickly agreed to do as he said.

Next Tawney ported Telbin to Freeport, where Telbin quickly found Alisabetta with her father. She introduced the two men to one another, and then Telbin asked to speak with her privately. She nodded, and took him to a grassy area by a stream. He asked her to explain what had happened between she and Febben, and she confessed that she had no idea. Telbin then grew very strict with Alisabetta, and told her that Febben was afraid that at any time she might ask to be partnered with someone else, and so to avoid that heartache, he had left Octavia. Alisabetta was shocked! How could Febben think she would do that after how close they had become?? She expressed her disbelief and hurt that Febben would think that, and Telbin calously reminded Alisabetta that she had done it once before.

Alisabetta grew very defensive at this, protesting that she would never ask for a new partner-- that she cared too much for Febben to ever want a different partner! Telbin maintained his strict demeanor, telling her that he thought perhaps it was best that Febben take up a new life as a farmer, and he would find Alisabetta a new partner. Alisabetta grew very alarmed and began pleading with Telbin not to do this. She said that if Febben wouldn't return to Octavia, she, too, would hang up her armor and sword and join Febben in Rivervale, and grow jum-jum plants-- she would have no other partner! Telbin didn't seem moved by this. He told her that when a halfling falls in love, it is for life. Once a halfling falls in love, he will go into seclusion or waste away and die if that love is taken away or not returned. Alisabetta was stunned-- did Telbin mean that...no...no, Febben didn't love her! Telbin began walking towards the door, telling Alisabetta that he had made up his mind: he would go to Febben and tell him that his request to leave Octavia was granted, and that he would find Alisabetta a new partner.

Alisabetta shrieked in fear and pain and ran to block the door so Telbin couldn't leave. She told Telbin that he could strike at her, threaten to kill her-- she still wouldn't move. She said she couldn't let Telbin leave. Telbin studied her for a moment, and then told her she was a fool to do that. He asked why he shouldn't be allowed to go to Febben, and Alisabetta finally cracked and told Telbin that she loved Febben! Telbin smiled to himself inwardly at his triumph in getting Alisabetta to admit this, but kept his face emotionless. After letting Alisabetta stand there sweating in defiance, he finally said that he wouldn't go to Febben. He would allow Alisabetta the chance to make things right with Febben first, and if she succeeded, their partnership would remain fast. If she failed, she would have to accept a new partner. The one condition was that Alisabetta couldn't tell Febben that she loved him-- Telbin felt that Febben should be the one to decide when that subject would be broached. Alisabetta finally agreed to these terms, and Telbin left the paladin guild.

Soon after that, Febben arrived at the paladin guild and approached Alisabetta. Alisabetta got after Febben for being so rude to her, and for thinking she would want a different partner after how close they'd become, and for leaving her after such a wonderful evening together...and for getting drunk-- something she couldn't abide! Febben hung his head and felt very sorry, and apologized profusely to her. Then Alisabetta apologized for asking for a new partner in the beginning, and recognized how hurt Febben must be. The two talked for quite some time, and finally...FINALLY Febben agreed to stay in Octavia and be her partner!! Alisabetta was so relieved and overjoyed that she found herself wanting to open her heart to Febben, but she was a paladin, and a paladin always kept their word-- especially a promise made to another paladin-- and so she kept her silence. Febben showed her his new golden armor, and she exclaimed over it for quite a while!

So the two are reconciled and partners once more...but when will Febben get the courage to share his deepest feelings with Alisabetta? And will Ellandra get the courage to tell Gahhn that she no longer wants an open relationship because she's in love with him??

Ellandra and Febben in wolf-form find the poor Pained Unicorn

Ellandra beats on her bardic handdrum warily

Ellandra strums a peaceful healing melody

Ellandra's passionate melody floats from her flute

Ellandra blasts a painful horn-call

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