Klantyre Sablestone Kintera the High Elf Enchanter

(Klantyre before Luclin...)
(...Klantyre after Luclin!)

NAME: Klantyre (pronounced "KLAN-tire") Sablestone Kintera

SERVER: Terris-Thule

RACE: High Elf

CLASS: Enchanter


BIRTHDAY: September 9, 1999

EYE COLOR: aquamarine blue

HAIR COLOR: blonde

SIGNATURE COLOR: turquoise blue


DEITY: Erollisi Marr, Queen of Love

HOMETOWN: Felwithe

GUILD: Voice of One




OCTAVIAN BROTHERHOOD PARTNER: Telbin Kintera the High Elf Paladin, husband of Klantyre

Hit Points: 636
Armor Class: 441
Attack: 383

Strength: 92
Stamina: 72
Agility: 91
Dexterity: 82
Wisdom: 115
Intelligence: 157
Charisma: 146

Poison: 15
Magic: 44
Disease: 40
Heat: 25
Cold: 25

Head: Runed Circlet [AC: 4, INT +4, WIS +4]
Face: Turquoise Eyepatch [AC: 2, STA +2, CHA +2, INT +2]
Neck: Black Alloy Medallion [AC: 6, WIS +5, INT +5]
Left Ear: Golden Sapphire Earring [STR +2, INT +4]
Right Ear: Golden Sapphire Earring [STR +2, INT +4]
Left Finger: Ring pf Frost [INT +3, Mana +10]
Right Finger: Ring of Goblin Lords [AC: 4, STR +3, INT +3]
Left Wrist: Polished Bone Bracelet [AC: 2, INT +3, WIS +3]/ Electrum Cat-Eye Bracelet [CHA +4]
Right Wrist: Polished Bone Bracelet [AC: 2, INT +3, WIS +3]/ Electrum Cat-Eye Bracelet [CHA +4]
Arms: Gatorscale Sleeves [AC: 6, INT +4, HP +15]
Hands: Incandescent Gloves [AC: 6, STA +3, CHA +3, AGI +3, Mana +3]
Shoulders: Frozen Mantle [AC: 6, Mana +10]
Back: Woven Cape [AC: 3]
Chest: Robe of the Oracle [AC: 9, WIS +5, INT +5, Mana +5]
Waist: Straw Spun Belt [AC: 10]
Legs: Drake-Hide Leggings [AC: 4, DEX +5, CHA +5]
Feet: Kobold-Hide Boots [AC: 5, AGI +3, HP +10]

right hand: Incandescent Wand [5/25 AC: 3, DEX +2, SV Magic +5, Effect: Color Shift]
left hand: Crude Stein [STA +10, CHA +15, Effect: Minor Healing], and Stein of Moggok [Light Source, DEX +5, INT +10, HP +10, SV Disease +25, Effect: Light Healing, 3 charges]
range: Dustscryer's Crystal Ball [INT +2, Mana +30]
ammo: none

SPECIAL SKILLS: Elf-vision, Jewel Craft, Research, Enchanting, Illusions, Magic Specializations, Bind Wounds, Mana Regeneration

LANGUAGES: Common Tongue (Master), Elvish (Master), Teir'Dal (Very Good), Dwarvish (Awful), Troll (Awful), Ogre (Awful), Gnomish (Awful), Old Erudin (Awful), Elder Elvish (Bad), Goblin (Awful), Gnoll (Awful), Dragon (Below Average)

MASTER IN: Abjuration, Alteration, Channeling, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Meditate, Offense, Swimming, Alcohol Tollerance, Jewel Craft

FAVORITE QUOTE: "Thank you, Pet!!" or "PLEASE don't die, Pet!!" or "YOU STUPID PET!!"

PERSONALITY: Klantyre has a very big heart and loves everyone, and it is for this reason that she chose to worship Erollisi Marr, goddess of love, instead of the traditional Tunare, mother of the elves. She took a long time to leave Greater Faydark, so she loves to explore the world and is always amazed and pointing at something crying out "wow! look at that!" She wants to meet new people, make new friends, and fight fight fight!

Klantyre has never been one to discriminate against the "evil" races the way most of her fellow High Elves seem to, and in fact didn't know that trolls, ogres, and dark elves were supposed to be her enemies until she befriended a troll named Hektrol who told her of his frustrations. For this reason, she seeks to stamp out prejudice, while subconsciously trying to convert followers to Erollisi's ways.

HISTORY: Klantyre was born in Felwithe, and was reluctant to leave it's protective walls. She had an older sister, CALINA the paladin, and a younger sister, INYELLE-- also an enchanter. When Klantyre finally decided she was ready to journey out in the world, Calina was right by her side making sure she had money for all the spells, weapons, and armor she would need. After seeing to Klantyre's needs, Calina disappeared and has not been seen since. Klantyre worries for her constantly.

After gaining much strength and experience in the woods, Klantyre received a desperate message from Inyelle to return home. When Klantyre arrived, Inyelle informed her that their mother had died of a sudden illness. Then in a fit of impassioned grief, Inyelle took her own life at Felwithe's gates-- right in front of Klantyre and the guards! Not able to handle this triple-loss, Klantyre ran to Kelethin where she remained until she achieved the third level of enchanting.

Klantyre decided, reluctantly, to return to Felwithe, and it was when she was meditating in front of the gates that she met and fell in love with a High Elf cleric named Kiztan They became inseparable, and after a time they became engaged-- deciding to get married when they had reached their 20th seasons.

During their 19th season, Kiztan left Klantyre on the Plains of Karana to try to rid Kithicor Woods of the undead infestation. While Klantyre was resting from a fight, the Erudite Magician Elginn Spiritseeker-- who had long desired Klantyre in rejected frustration-- came upon her and placed a powerful spell over her. The spell allowed him to control her completely, and he took great advantage of it.

When Klantyre came to her senses 2 months later, she was laying by the bank in Highkeep naked and alone. Stumbling to the bankkeeper, she discovered to her horror that all her armored clothing and jewelry had been stolen, as well as her Stein of Moggok and Flowing Black Robe. Devastated and utterly shaken, her guild-- Voice of One-- came to the rescue, with Aamzeneth Blackheart, Dethruhate Elvenbane, and Ilyena Idyllica giving to her generously.

When Kiztan ran to her side, they were both stunned to discover that Klantyre couldn't tolerate his touch or words of love any longer. Desperate to keep love alive, they tried to work through this tragedy, but Klantyre found herself wanting to hide and seclude herself away from Kiztan. The new cold and independent Klantyre alienated Kiztan, and he gave up the fight in sadness and the two separated.

Soon after this, Klantyre started regaining her memory of the two lost months and all the horrors that Elginn had forced her to do. In a fit of rage, she located and confronted him, demanding he explain himself and return the items he stole. In his cold, yet sincere manner, he told her of his longtime love for her, and how out of desperation he had used magic to make her love him...and fall out of love with Kiztan. With Erollisi's influence, Klantyre felt pity for Elginn, and decided not to seek revenge after he returned most of what he had taken. To this day they maintain a cordial, yet wary relationship.

Klantyre and 5 of her closest friends all went through their man-troubles around the same time, so they created a support-group for each other. Within the next couple months, Klantyre had brought 2 other women into the group as information sources, feeling a sense of completion with the addition of the 8th member-- as if the circle had closed itself off and was perfectly balanced. Klantyre decided to make the group official and give it a name. She also gave each woman a title reflecting what she contributes to the group, and gave them a rank based on their level, skill, and when they joined. She called this group the Octavian Sisterhood, or Octavia.

Their purpose? To become completely independent from the rest of Norrath-- needing no one's help, nor feeling obligated to help anyone else. Why? Because Norrath is filled with selfish people who demand healing, SOWs, Clarity, and any other number of things, giving nothing back in return. Because while trying to heal or replenish mana, complete strangers will demand the caster use their hard-earned mana on them, and if the caster refuses, the strangers will yell and insult them. Demanding, insulting, and begging disgusts the members of Octavia more than anything else, so Octavia chooses not to fight in groups, and instead fights in secluded places to avoid people. Because Klantyre and 3 other Sisters were Voice of One guildmembers first and foremost, they are loyal to Voice, and include Voice as an extension of Octavia, as long as the members give the respect they get.

Klantyre's best friend, Ilyena Idyllica, has endured a heavy curse from Innoruuk, God of Hate. Innoruuk destroyed all of her relationships, as well as her two marriages. Despite all of this, Ilyena has stayed true and steadfast to her god Mithaniel Marr. For this reason Mithaniel lifted up Ilyena and all those who volunteered to go with her, and transported them to a realm where Innoruuk could not touch them. In this realm the group will be able to grow in strength until they can enter the Plane of Hate and challenge Innoruuk himself. Only with his death will Ilyena truly be free. Klantyre and her Sisters all decided to go with Ilyena, but Kiztan and his friends decided to stay. Klantyre bid a final, tearful farewell to her once-fiance before she joined with the others and disappeared from Kiztan's life forever.

Klantyre enjoyed the solidary life the new realm had to offer, and quickly passed through many productive seasons. It was during a stay with her father in Felwithe that she met the charismatic paladin Telbin, who, himself, was the leader of a group of men with the same goals as the Octavian Sisterhood. After many months of negotiations, the two groups decided to join forces. The men numbered 8, as well, and so they were called the Octavian Brotherhood. Each Sister would pair up with a Brother to journey Norrath together. Klantyre and Telbin were one of those pairings.

The two had great admiration and respect for each other, and those feelings soon deepened into love. Both individuals reluctant to admit their feelings so soon, they address each other by "my lord" and "my lady" as they slowly get to know one other and reveal more of themselves. Erollisi smiled down on her faithful daughter when she saw her gift of True Love accepted and welcomed.

On the day Telbin reached his 20th season, he went to the Temple of Marr in Freeport where Klantyre had been serving her goddess. As she aproached him smiling, he suddenly knelt before her in humility and reverence and asked her to marry him! Stunned and overjoyed and wondering if this day would ever come, Klantyre said yes, and the two immediately left for Felwithe to tell their friends and family, and plan their wedding. After years of serving the goddess of love faithfully, and making it her life work to bring lonely people together, Klantyre, at last, would be married, herself!

The wedding was incredible-- more beautiful than either Elf could have imagined-- and after a peaceful and relaxing honeymoon, Telbin worked hard and caught up to Klantyre in seasons, and they now journey and fight side-by-side.

Klantyre's Photo Album

Klantyre and Telbin's engagement and wedding!

Klantyre's many enchanting illusions!

Klantyre's favorite places to visit

As Klantyre's eyes meet yours, you feel your skin start to prickle

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