(this page is awaiting an update!!)

Welcome to the page that lets you see what the Rebellion thought of current movies they've seen or rented! The Rebels love to watch movies, and have become experts at rating them. Each person has slightly different tastes, so unless you are an absolute moron, the Rebellion will tell you which movies are worth your money.

Before you read the reviews, you should become familiar with the Rebel Rating System:

Smile With Teeth= the highest rating, this movie was EXCELLENT; you HAVE to see this movie!

Smile= this movie was really good; you should see this movie.

Grin= this movie was OK; see it during discount times, or if you're really bored.

Smirk= this movie was pretty lame; get someone else to pay for your ticket!

Frown= this was a really bad movie; you should only see it if it's the late-movie on TV and you have insomnia.

MONKEY TROUBLE= the worst movie on the face of creation! don't ever see it, think about it, or mention its name! (this rating was named after the worst movie seen to date)

OK, now that you're experts on the Rebel Rating System, here is the list of movies in alphabetical order:

"American Beauty" from Lisa Hut and Bork

"Armageddon" from Jeff Flash

"Bio-Dome" from Jeff Flash

"Blair Witch Project" from Lisa Hut

"Can't Hardly Wait" from Jeff Flash

"Deep Impact" from Lisa Hut

"The Doors" from Bork

"Elizabeth" from Lisa Hut

"Enemy of the State" from Mad Matt

"Ever After" from Jeff Flash and Lisa Hut

"Lethal Weapon 4" from Jeff Flash

"Life is Beautiful" from Lisa Hut

"Man in the Iron Mask" from Mad Matt

"The Matrix" from Lisa Hut

"Patch Adams" from Laura

"Saving Private Ryan" from Lisa Hut and Jeff Flash

"Seven" from Mad Matt and Lisa Hut

"Shakespeare in Love" from Lisa Hut and Mad Matt

"She's All That" from Mad Matt

"6th Sense" from Lisa Hut

"Sliding Doors" from Mad Matt

"South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Un-cut!" from Lisa Hut

"Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" from Lisa Hut and Mad Matt

"Stir of Echos" from Lisa Hut

"Tarzan" from Lisa Hut

"X-Files" from Jeff Flash


"BASEketball" from Laura

"Copland" from Mad Matt

"Dark Prince: Intimate Tales of Marquis de Sade" from Lisa Hut

"Ready to Wear" from Mad Matt

"Rushmore" from Mad Matt

"Something About Mary" from Laura

"Tale of a Vampire" from Lisa Hut

American Beauty

Lisa Hut: Smile With Saddened Teeth; What an amazing movie...mystery, revenge, love, GREAT acting-- it had it all, and it made me cry because it reminded my too much of my life last year, and I'm sure many people can relate to that, too. Kevin Spacey was so PERFECT! So calm, yet so troubled...all I have to say is, "I RULE!" Best line of any movie in years! And his character was exactly right about everything!

Bork: Smile With Teeth; Easily the Best Picture of the year. Every single performance dead-on, this movie was a delightful departure from the usual Hollywood drama-crap.

Mad Matt: Smile; Really good acting. Everyone in it tries to find what they think would make them happy. The only one to discover what truely make him happy was the one who dies.

American Graffiti

Mad Matt: Frown; This is considered a cult classic? BORING! It's neat to see Harrison Ford and Richard Dreyfuss so young. HINT: In all George Lucas movies there is a hidden reference to George's first movie THX-1138. Look at Harrison ford's car in this movie-- his license plate is THX-138. In Star Wars, while in the Death Star brig, Harrison Ford says that he's taking Chewie on a "prisoner transfer from cell block 1138."

American Pie

LisaHut: Shocked Smile; I waited for this one to come out on video before I saw it because I thought it was going to be a dumb guy-movie, but I was wrong! It's a FUNNY dumb guy-movie! Lots of shockingly funny scenes, but most of them quite believable. What made the movie for me was the scene between flute-girl and the main character at the end-- that's all I'm going to say!

Bork: Smile; I found this movie to be extemely funny, and it almost ranks up there with "Animal House" and "Something About Mary!"

American Werewolf in Paris

Jeff Flash: Smile withholding the jollies; It was a fun movie to watch...great soundtrack...keep you eyes peeled for the cross-over movie "A Canadian Werewolf in Pakistan."

Analyze This!

Mad Matt: Smirk; It was REALLY, REALLY slow getting going. The end was funny, but the rest is sleepy. Robert de Niro is the best thing in that picture.

Lisa Hut: Grinny-Smirk; It's been a little while since I saw this movie. I remember that there were some really funny parts, but I hate when miscommunications happen and lives get messed up because of these "comic" situations! It was a really creative concept for a movie, and the ending was very funny, but how the heck did old Billy Crystal end up with relatively young Lisa Kudrow?? That looked wrong to me.


Lisa Hut: Smile; The computer animation was really creative and funny, and the story was cute and entertaining-- I don't know how they made millions of ants each look so distinct and different! All the voices were done by famous stars. I thought the movie was too short at about an hour and 15 minutes, tho', but all-in-all it's one not to miss!


Jeff Flash: Smile with Teeth; awesome special effects, great cast!

Mad Matt: Smile; It was a rip off of Independence Day right down to the easily-forseen sacrificial bad father. But it still was a good flick.

Lisa Hut: Smirk: this movie was WAAY too Hollywood! They threw in dumb characters just for comic relief, the whole thing was going 90 miles an hour because the writers were trying to squeeze in as much character development as they could, but it just didn't work. Writers: please see "Deep Impact" for a screenwriting lesson! How could Ben Afleck's character know anything about driving space vehicles, or their trajectory in asteroid-gravity? Too many illogical things in this movie! At least Bruce Willis' character died! THAT was unpredictable and a nice touch! :)

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Lisa Hut: English Smile; The thing with the "Austin Powers" movies is that the first time I see them, I'm thinking, "that was a little dumb, but I liked the characters." But by the second and third time seeing it, I'm hooked, and the movie instantly goes on my favorite-movies list! This movie had some hilarious things in there, and some great ideas, but there seemed to be some areas where the joke even flopped while the actors were filming it, only they didn't know if yet because Mike Myers was playing all three characters! Yes, he now also plays a huge Scottish man with lethal bagpipes called "Fat Bastard," and there's one scene where the only characters interacting are played by Mike Myers, Mike Myers, and Mike Myers! Oh, and another Mike Myers, but I don't want to give away the ending! And fun happens when Dr. Evil drinks some of Austin's mojo! My favorite thing in the movie was "Mini-me," the 1/8-sized Dr. Evil clone who was created because Scott Evil just wasn't evil enough. Smashing, baby!

The Avengers

Lisa Hut: Smirk; I think if I knew anything about the old TV show-- or whatever this movie was based on-- I would have liked this movie, but for someone who was in the dark, it was really confusing, non-explanatory, and WAAAY too fast-paced! It was like Batman on speed! Where's Emma Peel's husband? What is the Ministry, and what does it do? And what time-period was this supposed to be?? ARRRRGH! Good action scenes and costumes and visual-stuff, but mentally befumbling.


Mad Matt: Smirk (Laura gives it a "Monkey Trouble!"); We both had higher ratings for it, I almost gave it a Smile, but those two guys spend five minutes MAKING OUT WITH EACH OTHER!!!! This ruined the movie for all of us. It does have it's moments, but that scene kills it.

Lisa Hut: Big Jack Nicholson Grin; We only checked this movie out because of Matt and Laura's somewhat positive review, and it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be! It actually had a clever plot and was really funny-- if not vulgar-- and I laughed a lot! And I'm so glad the mystery of who does Cartman's voice is solved: it's Trey Parker! The blonde dude!


Lisa Hut: Grin; I've read the book, so I knew how weird the movie was going to be! Why Oprah liked the book I'll never know! For the material she decided to work with, she gave a tremendous performance!! Every single one of those actresses should have gotten Academy Awards! The book was simply too strange and....well, STRANGE to have been made into a movie! Sorry, Oprah!

Big Daddy

Lisa Hut: Grin; This movie was a lot different than the other Adam Sandler movies-- it carried a serious tone throughout with spatterings of comedy. I liked it because it showed Adam's caring side with children, and if he's anything like his character, he has a real knack! Best line heard in years: "Scuba-Steve, damn you!!"

Bork: Grin; Not one of Adam Sandler's best, but still funny and worth renting.

Mad Matt: Smile; Scuba Steve damn you.


Jeff Flash: Smile With Teeth. (Jeff didn't say WHY he gave it this rating, but I guess he really, really liked it!)

Mad Matt: Grin; But a Smile With Teeth for the "Safety Dance" part!

Lisa Hut: Smirk; this was one of those no-brainer movies we've seen 100 times where the stupid guy saves the day while partying and picking up chicks! Jeff, I slap you with my French glove for giving it the Smile With Teeth, Jeff Flash!! (Lisa's note: I DO love Pauly Shore, but this movie tested my tolerance-levels!)


Lisa Hut: Smile; THAT movie rocked!! There was a LOT more blood than we're used to seeing in vampire movies, but the action was incredible and fast, and Wesley Snipes was just AWESOME! Also, they didn't add a cheesy love-story, but had the main actress be a helper to Blade instead, and I liked that. Looks like they're keeping their options open about making a sequel. Now I want to read more Blade comics!

Blair Witch Project

Lisa Hut: Frozen Smile With Terror-Teeth; Here is something everyone should know before going to see this movie (this will make it all the more terrifying): this isn't a real documentary, it's a study of sadistic method-acting at its most-effective! These three actors had no idea what was going to happen, other than daily personal notes left by the directors. They were sleep-deprived, hungry, and hiking 6 miles a day in the rain with heavy backpacks-- filming the entire thing themselves. At night the directors would terrorize them, during the day the directors would leaves surprises for them, and the actors caught the reactions themselves on hand-held cameras. The result? Real screaming, running, fighting, crying, and terror!! These directors are absolute geniuses, and they wrote the entire myth themselves!! So the story may be a fake, but the actors weren't acting!


Mad Matt: Frown; Had a few funny parts, but just plain dumb. Luckily I saw it for free.

A Bug's Life

Lisa Hut: Smile; this movie was almost identical to "Antz," except that in this movie there are purply-blue ants instead of brown ants, the stars doing the voices are different, the ant-royalty are down-to-earth, and the ants battle other insects rather than each other. But this movie was a lot funnier and more appropriate for kids AND adults! The best part: Woody Allen was NOT involved!

Mad Matt: Smile; Disney finally made it back up to the "Aladdin"-end of the cartoon spectrum. Hilarious, well-performed, fun to watch. Hats off to Dave Foley in this one-- I think we might see more of him.

Can't Hardly Wait

Jeff Flash: A Wicked Grin With Teeth; A must-see show, especially because it is in the dollar theaters right now. (thanks for that insightful review there, Jeff! -Lisa Hut)

City of Angels

Lisa Hut: Grin; I'm not giving this a Grin because it was only an OK movie, but because it was too sad! There was just a feeling of alone-ness throughout the film that made me uncomfortable, and it was too slow-paced. But as movies go, it was good.

A Civil Action

Mad Matt: Frown; Just because it's a true story doesn't mean it has to be devoid of any drama whatsoever. Boring. Kind of like a cheap copy of a Law & Order episode drawn out over 135 minutes.


Lisa Hut: Grin; This movie had one crazy, intertwining plot that worked great! Lots of dialogue best unheard by those easily offended, but lots of likeable and unlikeable characters. The BEST part of the movie was when Silent Bob suddenly started dancing rap-style while Jay was dancing with the ghetto-blaster going! Totally unexpected and hillarious!



Mad Matt: Monkey Trouble!!!!!! "Please kill me now," I asked as I sat through this boring, swear-filled, upidstay, crap of a film. Save your money, save yourselves. All it is is Stallone being dumb and fat. I left after an hour ( I had faith that it would get better!) and I went and played Zelda 64.

Cruel Intentions

Lisa Hut: (go to "Dangerous Liaisons")

Dangerous Beauty

Lisa Hut: Grin; I love period-movies-- the costumes and sets and everything-- but this was a weird one! I love a good revenge-plot, but a whole city repelling the Inquisition because they don't want the prostitutes to be killed?? Well, the opening line said it was a true story, so.......go, Venice!?

Dangerous Liaisons

Lisa Hut: Grin; I also saw "Cruel Intentions" in the theatre a couple weeks ago (the modern version of this movie) and while "Cruel Intentions" had more chemistry between the actors, it was very obscene, and gets a Smirk. "Liaisons" was higher quality, but still pretty perverse, and I wouldn't recommend either of these movies to anyone, although both endings were very satisfying!

Dark City

Lisa Hut: Grin; A completely original concept with incredible special effects and an unpredictable ending-- everything the world needs more of! But too depressing and, well, DARK for me to give it a higher rating-- I could see it again to look for details I might have missed the first time, but it wouldn't be an enjoyable experience.

Dark Prince: Intimate Tales of Marquis de Sade

Deep Impact

Lisa Hut: Smile With Teeth; this movie was full of action and incredible special effects, but was so realistic and believable that I was scared, and even the men in the audience were crying at the sad parts!! Definitely a great movie for any personality.


Lisa Hut: Smile; This movie is not for everyone-- especially conservative parents-- but for me, it was GREAT! Great story and idea, great characters-- gotta love Silent Bob and Jay-- and even Salma Hyeck and Chris Rock fit right into the cast, although I'm still pondering if I liked Alanis Morisette's interpretation of God. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were impressive!! Hilarious and irreverent, I thought it rocked!


Dr. Doolittle

Lisa Hut: We both agreed that the special effects and animals get a Happy Smile, but the storyline gets a Smirk, so if you combine the two you get an overall Grin! We're still trying to figure out how they did those animal effects! The actors who did the animals' voices were hilarious. We just hate how stressed-out Eddie Murphy's character acted all the time, and I hate movies where everyone thinks a character is crazy when he's not! I guess I can relate to that kind of treatment.....:)

The Doors

Lisa Hut: Impressed Grin; MAN was Val Kilmar great in this movie!! He WAS Jim Morrison!! I thought the cinematography was incredible-- the Indian-metaphor that popped up everywhere, too. Because I was born too late to experience the Doors while they were at their peak, I'm thankful for a movie like this to bring me back to that time.

Bork: Smile With Teeth; Val Kilmar IS Jim Morrison! What an incredible movie! Oliver Stone really hit the nail on the head with his depiction of a good/ bad Jim Morrison. This movie should have been longer, but not ALL of us are big Doors fans! *grin*

Drop-dead Gorgeous

Lisa Hut: Clever Grin; This movie had me laughing all the way through-- especially the horrifying Wisconsin accent back again-- but it was really a VERY dark movie! Even though I'm going to burn in Hell for it, the best part was the pageant-host's daughter's talent of dancing with a cloth-Jesus to the tune of "You're Just to Good to be True!" I was shocked speechless!

Bork: Smile; Very funny-- the humor was spot-on, the soundtrack was excellent, and I just really liked the movie.


Mad Matt: Smile; I thought it would be a rip off of The Truman Show, but it is really different. A very original and funny movie. I think Ellen deGeneres is really funny on screen, even though her TV show sucked.


Lisa Hut: Thoughtful Grin; Another one by the director of "Seven," this one was freaky because it explored an underground world that really exists, and it portrays so realistically how an innocent man can be desensitized to the point where he's acting like the criminals he's been sent to find. "When you dance with the devil, you don't change the devil, the devil changes you." Nicholas Cage was incredible.

Bork: Smile; Great movie, STRANGE topic! It was a definite plus to see a very restrained Nicholas Cage.


Lisa Hut: Smile With Teeth; I'm a self-proclaimed English history expert, and this movie was so visually accurate that it's astounding! The actresses who portrayed Queens Mary and Elizabeth looked EXACTLY like the paintings of Queens Mary and Elizabeth! This is the first time I've seen a movie about Queen Elizabeth before her coronation, where it tells how she went from naive girl to powerful monarch. I LOVE when directors are sticklers for detail!

Mad Matt: Frown (Lisa recoils in shock); Sure the sets and costumes were good, but the story was boring. Sure it was history, but make it a little lively please... All she did was turn into her sister at the end. She had no redeemable qualities that would make her a good ruler, so how did she stay in power for 40 years? At times, it was hard to follow. I still don't get why Robert killed the girl, actually I thought it was Elizabeth and I thought she tore or something. Anyway, I didn't like it. [an explanation to Matt: the girl had snuck and put on one of Elizabeth's dresses, but the dress had been laced with poison or acid or something. That's how she died!]

End of the Affair

Lisa Hut: Borderline Smile/ Grin; Great acting, and NICE plot-twist! The twist, as well as Ralph Fiennes' characters' cynicism was what made the movie great. But there was just something lacking that made me give it a lower rating...I guess I felt a coldness between the couple, and wasn't convinced she was in love with him, so that ruined it for me.

Bork: Grin; Lisa hit it right on the nose. While I felt there was some chemistry, there was some coldness to it that just seemed out-of-place for the passionate movie it was supposed to be.

Enemy of the State

Mad Matt: Smile with Teeth; Scary to think that this could happen. It's kind of like the Net only much more interesting. I also like how Gene Hackman and John Voigt worked for the NSA and didn't know each other. Normally in movies, the unbelievable coincidence exists that they were twins or best friends or something like that. Will Smith takes the role of being a dumb blond to a new level. Sure, he doesn't know they've bugged him, but once he does he still does stupid, "dumb-blond-running with-tight-dress- and high-heels" things. Nicely wrapped up at the end. Sweet.

Ever After

Jeff Flash: Smile with Teeth; Drew Barrymore's best movie so far. If you like the Princess Bride, you will like this movie. Not as funny as the Princess Bride but it has a great story line.

Lisa Hut: Smile With Teeth; I thought this movie was going to be cheesy from the previews, but it was excellent! Great acting and cast, and especially great costumes and setting! If you're a "Rocky Horror Picture Show" fan, did anyone look familiar to you? Richard O'Brien aka. Riff-Raff played Pierre LePeu, the evil bald guy!

Eyes Wide Shut

Lisa Hut: Weary Smile; This movie was so slow-paced that I KNOW the Europeans are going to feel right at home watching it! But beware! In the first 10 seconds of the movie, you get to see Nicole Kidman's bum, and lots more of it throughout the movie! No nudity from Tom Cruise at all, and either due to cutting scenes or exaggerated stories, there are no sex-scenes at all between Nicole and Tom, or with them and any other parties! There's some naughty grabbing, and a dream-scene with Nicole and her buttocks, but no one cheats on anyone. After all the talk the past months, I thought it was going to be a porno, or something! There are also too many boobies and F-words in the movie, so this isn't going to be one I recommend! The reason I gave it a Smile is because the psychological exploration was very well done and realistic. I wouldn't want to have to sit through again, tho'.

Falling Down

Mad Matt: Grin, but a very depressing Grin; it's not the ending you'd expect. Michael Douglas's character starts out as a hero against society but turns out to be a big jerk.

Galaxy Quest

Lisa Hut: Big Smile; The reason I loved this movie so much was because it was basically making fun of Trekkies, and I grew up being friends with Trekkies-- and, er, being one, myself, although not THAT hard-core-- so I got all the little pokes and jibes! I loved how the actors were able to use the technical information they'd memorized in their scripts to save an alien race, and how the obsessed fans saved the day! (this should be Chris' favorite movie of the year!)

Bork: Smile; A good movie that pokes fun at Star Trek. I KNOW people like this, so it made it even funnier. However, if you don't know anybody like that, you may not get the jokes. It would have been much better had they gotten William Shatner to play the captain!


Jeff Flash: Smile; Great story line.

Lisa Hut: Smile; I give this a Smile because it was a completely unexplored, yet feared topic-- one that's getting closer to being possible. The story and actors were excellent, and the attention to detail was immaculate. A very moving, emotional ending.


Lisa Hut: Broken-toothed Smile; Incredible acting and swordsmanship from Russel Crowe!! VERY nicely-done battle-scene at the beginning, and great strategies seen throughout the movie. There was something missing in the movie that made me not want to give it a Smile With Teeth, and I think that something was the unseen relationship between Maximus and his wife. If we'd gotten to know her, we would have been more moved emotionally. BAD director, hehe!

Bork: Smile; Now THIS is an epic! Hollywood is doing something right lately by making these excellent pictures. This one will SURELY make Russel Crowe a star! (Lisa: and a sex-symbol to boot!)


Lisa Hut: Grin With Some Teeth; I can sum up this movie in one sentence: "Pulp Fiction" for teenagers! It was very interesting watching the story from each of the characters' points of view, but what a messed-up bunch of freaks!! I actually have a desire to see "Pulp Fiction" repeatedly, but while "Go" had a butt-kickin' soundtrack, once was enough.

The Godfather Trilogy

Lisa Hut: OK, let's shorten this review! I saw all three parts in a 3 day span, and they all seemed the same to me, so I'm not going to review each one separately. They were all well-acted, and it was great seeing a thinner Marlon Brando with his trademark godfather voice, and seeing Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro so young! I-- believe it or not-- loved it when someone in the Corleone family would get revenge on an enemy by killing them! It was so satisfying! I give all three parts a Gangsta Smile, but because each movie was 3 hours long, it was really hard to sit through them without getting impatient and looking at my watch. I'm glad I'm now an expert on "The Godfather" movies like everyone in Hollywood seems to be! I don't feel left out anymore.


Lisa Hut: Grin; I agree with Matt-- it WAS visually stunning! But that's about all I thought it had going for it. If you grew up watching Godzilla on TV like I did, you KNOW that Godzilla needs big, huge cheesy foes to fight! All he-- or SHE, rather-- did was run through the city trying find a nest for her babies. At least the writers tried to explain Godzilla's freakish size! I smell a sequel coming involving one of the babies and a big, huge cheesy foe, heh-heh!

Mad Matt: Smile; Visually stunning. The beginning was really hokey though and the blonde can't act. However I give it a Smile because you can really get into it. Notice the three actors from Simpsons: Hank Azaria (Moe, Chief Wiggam, etc) was the cameraman, Harry Shearer (Kent Brockman, Waylan Smithers, C. Montgomery Burns) was the jerk reporter, and Nancy Cartright (Bart Simpson) was his secretary.

Good Fellas

Lisa Hut: Sicilian Grin; This must be the movie "Johnny Dangerously" was parodying...wait, didn't "Johnny Dangerously" come out before this? Hmmm...ANYWAY! This was a great look at the inner-workings of the mafia, and how a boy can go from earning his elders' trust, to becoming a respected member, to betraying them all. The best part had to be when Joe Pesci's character was finally offed! He was an idiot!

Bork: Smile; A great movie with a great cast. Robert Dinero is as good as always, but the real shining star is Ray Liotta's portrayal of the manic Henry Hill. Excellent! Highly recommended!

Great Expectations

Lisa Hut: Grin; The cinematography was nice, but the mood of the movie was too dark and depressing and weird! Even though the ending was what everyone would want, the movie was too uncomfortable to enjoy.

The Green Mile

Lisa Hut: Satisfied Smile; I read the book last year, and while seeing this movie, I was so impressed at the perfect casting-job, and how loyal the director stayed to the details in the book! He took no liberties at all! The actors ALL gave incredible performances-- they should each be nominated for Best Supporting Actors, at least! The Academy better reward this movie!

Bork: Smile; The movie was as good as the book, and Tom Hanks' quiet performance was the highlight of the movie. While others thought this movie was over-long, I found it to be perfect.

The Haunting

Lisa Hut: Disappointed Grin; I wanted so much to love this movie and be scared, but it was dumb. The house and special effects were absolutely amazing, and I like the fact that no one died until the very end-- that made the movie better than if people were dying right and left-- but the story just sucked. It had so much potential, too! I hear the book is good-- I'll have to reserve my hopes for that.

Hope Floats

Mad Matt: Smirk; Not bad, just cheese-filled. Girly-movie. Sappy. Nuff sad.

House on Haunted Hill

Lisa Hut: Smirk; I ALMOST gave this movie a Frown, but the cool premise saved the day. A house haunter by an evil doctor and his insane victims-- COOL! Plus the special effects were nice. The rest of the movie set in modern-day was all over the place out-of-control. More of the usual horror-cliches.

Bork: Smirk; It started out good, but ended off bad. The idea of a mad-house being haunted was very good, and there was one scene where the doctor's ghost was coming across on the video screen, and the jerky-actions were awesome. But after that it just went downhill.

How Stella Got Her Groove Back

Lisa Hut: Saggy Grin; I didn't like this movie because A) I couldn't identify with it at all (all you single, 40-year old women who are involved with a 20-year old man-- this movie is for you!), B) Angela Bassett and the young actor looked the same age, so it was hard to believe that they were such an odd pair (yes, that's a compliment to Ms. Bassett!), and C) I don't want to see some movie about a rich, gorgeous woman with a perfect, in-shape body trying to get her groove back! Bring on the poor, fat housewives with 6 kids! Now THERE'S a groove that's been long-lost!


Lisa Hut: Nervous Grin; I could identify with enough things in this movie (and maybe Matt, too!) that it was scary! Both me and Gweneth Paltrow's character have mothers-in-law from the South who have expressed interest in killing them! (although mine was delirious at the time!) ACK! But after the movie-mother-in-law's intentions are found out, they just leave her in her house and go back home!! She's still free to come stalk the daughter-in-law and her family! Not a good way to end a movie!

Immortal Beloved

Lisa Hut: Big Smile; I saw it when it first came out, and saw it again last night, and it's excellent! OK, so I'm a music minor and am biased and get all the music-references-- it's still a very good but tragic movie! A tear-jerker for da ladies! Talk about the fates stepping in and wrecking potentially happy lives! Gary Oldman, as always, is outstanding.

The Jackyl

Lisa Hut: Smirk; this was basically a carbon copy of "The Saint," only the main character was a bad guy. Richard Gere made a HORRIBLE Irishman!!

Lethal Weapon 4

Jeff Flash: Big Smile with Teeth; Five great cast members. I give it such a good rating because I'm comparing it with other movies who have reached their fourth movie and really should have stayed at three. (ie. Superman 4, Land Before Time 4, Revenge of the Nerds 4). Every Lethal Weapon movie has been a success.

Lisa Hut: Smile; The action and explosions were huge and way over the top! I liked how they explored the disadvantages to being a 50-year old cop fighting a 20-year old ninja-master-- a nice departure from Hollywood! You have to have watched the previous "Lethal Weapon" movies to understand all the relationships going on, and I feel sorry for all the crap Danny Glover's character went through in this movie! Chris Rock was a funny addition, too!

Life is Beautiful

Lisa Hut: Smile Con Dentes; Roberto Benini definitely earned all the Oscars he received-- he was an excellent physical/ character actor, and I could see the Charlie Chaplin-influence he talks about! The first half of the movie was very light-hearted and clever, but the second half was very bittersweet and clever-- almost like two movies in one. Very well done, and a very unpredictable ending.

Mad Matt: A Sad Smile; I can't give this a "With Teeth" clause, it's too sad for a comedy. Try putting Jim Carrey in Schindler's List. I can see why it lost for best picture, but I can also see why Roberto Benini got best actor...he was amazing. It was a good movie but I went in expecting a comedy. The problem was that the tragedy and sadness of the concentration camp was so overpowering that any jokes could only get you so far. The begining wasn't tragic and the movie played like a brilliant romantic comedy, it just got too sad. I DO however, recommend you see it.

Lion King 2: Simba's Pride

Mad Matt: Grin; No Rowan Atkinson as Zazoo the bird, so that sucked, but hooray! they got most of the same voices back. It actually was a good story line too. Watch for Newsradio's Andy Dick in there.


Lisa Hut: Grin; This was a parody of "The Godfather" all the way through, and the gags came one right after the other-- they were funny almost all of the time, too! You have to keep your eyes open or you'll miss the crazy things going on in the background and silly things written on signs and newspapers and such. It was pretty good as far as the "Naked Gun"-type movies go.

Man in the Iron Mask

Mad Matt: Smile With Teeth; (Matt didn't give a review)

Lisa Hut: Smile With One Vampire Fang Hanging Out; I don't get this Leonardo DeCaprio-craze! To me, he's an excellent actor, but has the body of a 10-year old boy! Hint to directors: don't have him take his shirt off!! Anyway, great cast, creative plot, beautiful setting and costuming-- just a really good movie all-around. Something about it made me not give it a Smile With Teeth, but I can't put my finger on what.

Jeff Flash: Smile; this movie shows that even the Titanic star-- Leonardo DeCaprio-- can sound like chewbacca.

Man on the Moon

Lisa Hut: Smile; Jim Carrey was amazing in this movie! He had a really tough job because he had to imitate Andy Kauffman exactly in order to make this movie work, and he was working with a cast of people who almost all knew Andy Kauffman personally, and he pulled it off perfectly! Even the entire cast of "Taxi" made appearances! I was too young to watch "Taxi" while it was running, and didn't hear anything about his crazy antics or show-appearances for the same reason, so I was learning about Andy from watching this movie, and after it was over, I'd wished I'd been old enough to be there during his moments of fame.

Bork: Smile With Teeth; Jim Carrey gets robbed AGAIN! His best performance TO DATE! "Man in the Moon" was one of the best movies of the year, and it was totally ignored by the Academy. THAT is a shame.

Mary Riley

Lisa Hut: Startled Grin- this was with Julia Roberts and John Malkovich. I've always been a Jekyll and Hyde fan, so I was excited to see this. It was genius to shoot the movie from the maid's point of view because you never see anything without it being from her eyes, so things either remain mysterious or get revealed. I would have liked to see more of what Hyde did while on his rampages, but I really liked the special effects associated with Jekyll turning into Hyde. I also liked the subtle romance between the maid and both personalities. A very dark and dreary mood-movie.

The Matrix

Lisa Hut: Smile With Lee-Press-On Teeth added! It was....ASTOUNDING! INCREDIBLE!! I was in mid-sentence telling the person next to me something as the movie started, and I never finished my sentence, but my mouth stayed open the whole time! Whoah! I want to buy this movie the minute it goes on sale! The storyline was very complex yet believable, and the writers didn't try to confuse the audience-- they pretty much explained everything and why things are the way they are, which is very refreshing after some of the confusing futuristic movies I've seen! And the action and special effects were UNBELIEVABLE! I heard both Keanu Reeves and Lawrence Fishburn studied Kung Fu for the action scenes.

Meet Joe Black

Lisa Hut: Smile; this movie was better than I thought it would be. Brad Pitt played a very dark yet friendly Death, and the story of how he ends up looking like Brad Pitt was very shocking to me! He played a very consistent personality-- he hadn't turned all mushy and lovey by the end of the movie the way I thought he was going to. The ending was a little TOO sweet and perfect, and left a pretty big question unanswered. One thing that bugged me during the movie was this question: how can Death kill one person senselessly for his own gain, and then tell a dying old woman in pain that it wasn't her time to go yet?? Anyway, it was a pretty good story!

Mercury Rising

Lisa Hut: Smirk; these government conspiracy-movies really freak me out and make me want to live in outer space! The kid-actor did a good job playing an autistic boy, but sometimes I could tell he was just acting and it ruined any chance of me feeling compassion for him-- especially when he went out of character and hugged Bruce Willis' character at the end. Still, the ending was mostly satisfying.


Mad Matt: Smile; Obviously not an accurate depiction of angels, but it was still a cool movie. There's an AL-link. (hint: twine)

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Lisa Hut: Smile; I don't know what it was about this movie-- the familiar Southern setting, or the crazy characters-- but I really liked this movie! It was really odd, but maybe that's because the weirdest characters played themselves! I don't understand how the ending could be possible, but I just liked it! Man-- what hold does this movie have over me?? The book was slightly different, and of course had more detail and character-development.

Midsummer Night's Dream

Lisa Hut: Smile; Great adaptation, although the language and law didn't fit the time-period very convincingly. The Smile was earned by the set and costume departments! NICE! Beautiful creation of a fairy-palace, and anyone who's played Changeling would instantly recognize the various Kith!

Bork: Smirk; The sets were nice, the costumes were great. A good romantic movie for those late-night couch-sittings! *grin*

Mad Matt: Smirk; I fell asleep watching this one. I had the flu and so I'm a pretty poor judge when I'm sick.

Mrs. Brown

Lisa Hut: Stern Grin; This movie was about Queen Victoria's bodyguard who she had a crush on, but I'd never heard of him before-- anyone out there heard about this guy? I thought the movie was about Victoria's reign, but it was about her relationship to this guy, and rather than ruin the ending, I'll just say that the ending was abrupt and unexpected. The movie didn't seem to go anywhere or have a point to it, other than this friendship-thing, so it wasn't very satisfying.

Mad Matt: Grin; Queen Victoria is James Bond's boss.

Mod Squad

Mad Matt: Frown; Just weirdy-dumb.


Mad Matt: Smile; The mother is JUST LIKE GRANDMA!!!! Watch it and tell me its not true!!!!! Well done, really funny.


Lisa Hut: Happy Smile; the animation was incredible (other than the actual characters who looked like a 10-year old's drawings, that is!), the songs were actually cool, and there was *gasp* no mushy love-story!! Having Eddie Murphy do the dragon-friend's voice was really funny, but it seemed a little strange in a movie about China!

Mad Matt: Smile. Waaay better than Hercules and Pocahontas. About equal to the "Lion King," only I didn't have to watch "Mulan" 12 times before I appreciated it like I did with "Lion King". I loved Sulu's voice as the first ancestor. I thought Eddie Murphy was just fine as the dragon, but why the bug? Is it there only because of the Bug's Life movie? It isn't as "I am woman hear me roar" as Pocahontas was. It's still not up there with Aladdin.

The Mummy

Lisa Hut: Smile; I LOVED the first part of the movie set in ancient Egypt, and loved the naughty-chick's body make-up that was put on to alert the pharoah if anyone else touched her! How original! But I was totally cheering for the mummy, and he let me down!! Why wasn't he meaner and quicker?! You don't stop a nearly-completed ceremony to bring your woman back just because some puny mortals walked in on you!

Mystery Men

Lisa Hut: Rockin' All-Star Smile (teeth threatening to show); This movie was so original because the heros' powers are powers that any human (well, SPECIAL human!) could possess, but when put together, they eventually make a great team! Lots of unpredictable events, as well as predictable, but I love how the heros had to make their own costumes themselves, and how they seemed so normal all the way through. Lots of high-brow humor, including the villian's name-- Casanova Frankenstein (what the???)-- and when Furious jumped off the wall he made a Bionic Man-sound that only our generation and older would get and laugh at! And hooray-- Paul Reubins is back at last, and he's got back! As the Sphynx said, "We are #1, whereas everyone else is #2 and lower!"

My Giant

Mad Matt: Grin; It has some pretty funny scenes like a Rabbi eating a roast pig. Watch for Mini-me in one scene. Luckily the sappy parts aren't too drawn out, kudos on that! The best scene is the movie he's supposed to do. Watch what happens after he says "Vanquish mine enemies!"

The Negotiator

Lisa Hut: Grin; The idea of one innocent man against the world is not original, but one innocent cop against many cops, taking evil hostages is original. But the movie seemed really long and drawn-out, so that-- plus that fact that the innocent man against the world-plot stresses me out-- is why I gave it a Grin.

Noah's Ark

Mad Matt: Frown; Kudos to the special effects. Thumbs waaaaaaay down for God's voice (the bald hispanic guy on Chicago Hope), and even farther down for Biblical accuracy. Anyone who has ever glanced casually at Genesis knows that ABRAHAM went to get Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah. Noah was born centuries after the twin cities were destroyed and long after Lot had passed on, yet they show Noah saving Lot and living in Sodom. Noah also had four sons, not three. Two of only some animals were put on the ark, other animals there were seven. Noah and his family were the only ones saved, yet the movie shows bad guys who also built boats who try to commandeer the Ark. It was beyond dumb.

Lisa Hut: Uneducated Monkey Trouble; I read all the horrible reviews for this movie before it aired, so I could only stand 15 minutes of the actual show before I had to turn the channel! I call my review "uneducated" because I didn't see much of it, but anyone who thinks they have to "spice up" the Bible and mix up the facts to get ratings deserves a Monkey Trouble!

Notting Hill

Lisa Hut: Grin; I just liked this movie because it was set in my old neighborhood! Notting Hill Gate was my Tube-stop, I shopped on that street (got my plaid Doc Martins there), and probably went in that very travel-book store to get my wall-maps! Oh, and the story was good, up until the Fairy-Tale ending. Shouldn't have had it, should have stopped with Hugh Grant breaking up with her. THAT'S real life.

Bork: Smile; Very funny. I'm not a big Julia Roberts fan, but this was actually pretty good. Hugh Grant was also excellent, and the flatmate was a hoot!

Mad Matt: Smirk; I thought it was kind of boring except for the flatmate.

Office Space

Lisa Hut: Vengeful Smile; This as a great movie for anyone who hates their office-job...or ANY job! The ending was satisfying, and the rap video-style fax machine-beating was classic!

Bork: Smile; A highly, HIGHLY underrated film. Good premise, very funny, and the hell hasn't had bosses like that??

One True Thing

Lisa Hut: Smile; This movie was a good illustration of how a close family member's death can impact the rest of the family for the better-- strange as it sounds. The actors were all excellent, but the mood was heavy-laden with sadness the entire time, and that made it uncomfortable to watch.

Out of Sight

Mad Matt: Smirk; It was confusing. They kept jumping back and forth through time, you didn't know what was up.

Patch Adams

Mad Matt: Smile; Laura gives it a Smile With Teeth and Funny Shoes. It was really good. Just wait and see when he goes to a gynecologists convention. I'd like to read up on the life of the real Patch Adams now. I think Robin Williams is up for another Oscar with this one. It really takes you up and down the emotion roller coaster. I don't feel so old in school anymore. He was 37 when he got into med school.

Lisa Hut: Smile; Robin Williams was at his best in this movie, and deserves an Oscar! This movie went the full spectrum of laughing-hapy to crying-sad, and you'll never forget "the end!"

Perfect Murder

Lisa Hut: Smile; This was a really unpredictable movie-- really suspenseful and well-done! They could have built up the friendship between the wife and the policeman working on her case a little more, tho'. I mean, just because you speak Arabic doesn't mean all Arabic speakers will do anything for you!


Lisa Hut: Grin; this was sort of like "Back to the Future" meets "What Dreams May Come!" Nice special effects, and I like how they showed how one little "pebble" can totally ripple the pond, but the ending left too many questions unanswered. Who was this crazy guy giving out magical remote controls, and where did he get his power from??

Portrait of a Lady

Lisa Hut: Confused Grin; OK, what was the director smoking when he directed this movie?? It was very confusing with lots of strange flashbacks, the language was muddly and odd, and what the crap was up with Nicole Kidman's character's afro-hair?? Yucky! There was no ending whatsoever, and nothing was resolved. The camera faded out on Kidman's character after she ran up some stairs, and that was the ending! I think the director was trying to be too artsy, but he shouldn't have used the LSD!

Primary Colors

Lisa Hut: Surprised Big Smile; this movie was a lot deeper and more interesting than I thought it would be-- a tear-jerking last half hour! I really liked the black actor playing the campaign manager-- he's a really good actor-- and Kathy Bates rocked, too! John Travolta's character was a little too much like Clinton for my tastes, and there were WAY too many uses of the F-word, but those are the only bad points.

Prince of Egypt

Mad Matt: Smile; Great voices, neat ideas and not so far from the truth. Only I think Aaron should have had a bigger role, since it was he that stood by Moses' side and spoke for him to the Hebrews. I like the idea that Moses' wife played a larger role, which I think she did in real life.

Lisa Hut: Surprised Smile; I was really blown away by this movie! The animation, music, and quality of the movie was outstanding! I liked getting to see Moses in his pre-prophet days, and the portrayal of Jews as slaves to the Egyptians was very compelling. A must-see for everyone-- kids or no kids.

Psycho (the 1998 re-make)

Lisa Hut: Troubling Grin; Kudos to the director for trying to use Alfred Hitchcock's camera-style and original score, and the actors all did very well at bringing their 60s characters into the 90s. I like how the shower-scene was handled-- they actually showed some realistic wounds on Marianne's body when she pulled the shower cutain off and fell, yet the wounds were subtle and not drawn attention to, so it made the scene creepy rather than gorey. Vince Vaughn does an amazing Normal Bates-- an even crazier, scarier, yet gentler Norman, if you can believe that! I think he enjoyed looking through his peep-hole a little TOO much...


Mad Matt:Monkey Trouble!!!; Matt says to just stay away from this one!

Regarding Henry

Mad Matt: Smile; Yes, its an older one, but I hadnt seen it. Very good acting on Harrison's part. Watch for John Leguizamo in his first movie appearance.

Reservoir Dogs

Lisa Hut: Smirk; Like you said about "Rounders," can you ever say f**K enough?? Quentin Tarentino needs to take an "expanding your vocabulary" class! I gave this a Smirk because it just didn't work as a movie. Too much dialogue and too slow-moving. It would make a very excellent and clever short story or play.

The Ripper

Lisa Hut: Grin; Watch out for Lisa the English history buff! This movie was about Jack the Ripper, and because I've been on the Ripper walking-tour in London's east end, and done a lot of research on the cases, I can critique this movie! The first 3/4 of the movie was extremely accurate. They showed the exact positions, locations, and wounds of the victims' bodies, and kept accurate with the days and times of the murders. They also included little trivia-details, like what was left near the bodies, and the message that was written on a nearby wall in chalk. But then they had to go and make the police chief fall in love with who should have been the last and bloodiest victim, and have him save her at the last minute! Yeah, right! Also, because no one knows who the Ripper really was, the director decided that Prince Albert (Victoria's grandson) was the Ripper, and ended the movie with it, indeed, being him. While that COULD be true, no one really knows.

Rising Sun

Mad Matt: Smile; nice mystery full of plot twists. Unfortunately for us, but fortunately for Jeff, there's a lot of boobies.

Romi and Michele's High School Reunion

Mad Matt: Grin; what puts it up from a Smirk is Lisa Kudrow's dream sequence-- you gotta see how the guy leaves his limo! Also, Mira Sorvino is hot.

Jeff Flash: Stern-faced Grin; It has its good moments, but not enough to keep your interest.

Lisa Hut: Like, Mega-Smile OK!; What a great movie!! I never do this, but I had to watch it again the next night! It was SO nostalgic and real, and I loved watching Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino talk! While Michelle's dream-sequence was very nice-- especially seeing how Alan Cumming left the limo, like Matt said, as well as Cameron Manheim's floating head over the limo-- the best part for me was that scary/ funny choreographed dance between Alan, Lisa, and Mira at the very end!! WHOAH! If I went to their high school, I would have been a mixture between Romy and Heather the angry chick. I just wish I could have gotten mono and lost all the weight Romy did, heh-heh!


Mad Matt: Grin; Can you ever say F**K enough? Matt Damon doesn't think so. Nice story; if you ever think that your best friend is an idiot, check out this best friend.

Rush Hour

Mad Matt: Smile With Teeth; (Jackie Chan & Chris Tucker) The only hang-up I had was trying to believe that Tucker's a cop. If you can make that leap, this movie is good. Finally, a Chan movie that isn't dubbed to death! I thought it was hillarious. Chris Tucker can get annoying, and he overpowers Chan several times.

Lisa Hut: Grin; I give it a Grin because Jackie Chan didn't do as many funny/scary stunts in this movie as he normally does. The Chris Tucker-interaction was funny, but I agree that he overpowered Jackie at times.


Mad Matt: MONKEY TROUBLE; What a stupid, pointless, unfunny movie. Bill Murray should be ashamed....ashamed.

Saving Private Ryan

Lisa Hut: HUGE Smile with Glowing, white-capped Teeth! This is the scariest, most-traumatizing, most-realistic war movie ever made, and Stephen Spielberg is a genius for all the techniques he used to make this movie perfect. At last! An unpredictable, American movie!! This movie shows you what Hell looks like, in case you were curious. Grandpa fought in that war, and I feel bad for making all those Grandpa-jokes now-- even if he does make me mad! (WHO MAKES ME MAD?!)

Jeff Flash: Smile With Teeth; but I had nightmares for three days after watching that movie. I accidentally started laughing when the soldier gets his arm blown off, and he looks around like he does not know what he should do, so he picks his arm up off the ground and starts running... I got a lot of dirty looks for laughing; I guess that they have never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail...

Mad Matt: Smile; Powerful drama. Very realistic. But I felt it lacked that certain Je ne sais quoi that would put it over to a Smile With Teeth. Maybe I need to see it again.

The Siege

Lisa Hut: Big Grin; This movie was very intense and stressful up until the end, and then you get the typical happy-American ending where all the bad guys are packed off to the salt mines-- or killed-- and you think everything's OK again. I did like how they explored the topics of Muslim holy-war-guys actually taking over buildings in New York, and what happens when an American city falls under Marshall Law, and some of its citizens get sent to war-camps under suspicion. Scary!


Mad Matt: Smile With Fangs; Gross, graphic scenes, but an ending that will haunt you forever. I still think about it, and I saw it when it was in theaters.

Lisa Hut: Smile With Fearful Teeth; This is the scariest psychological thriller I've ever seen, but I'm drawn to it like moth to flame. Very well-written and well-acted, and just like Matt said, I saw it in the theatre and it still haunts me to this day.

Shakespeare in Love

Lisa Hut: Smile With Pearly Whites; This movie was so much better than I thought it would be!! Why did the producer allow the previews to make the movie look like it was going to be a teeny-bopper flick starring popular actors?? This movie was so intense and well-done! And no matter how many times you've seen "Romeo and Juliet" performed, this is one play-within-a-movie you will never forget! Hint: Shakespeare plays Romeo. If I didn't already think "Saving Private Ryan" should win the Oscar for best film, I would want this movie to win for sure! [Note: this movie ended up winning Best Picture!! Weird, but OK!]

Mad Matt: Smile With Teeth; I loved all the Shakespearian quips throughout the movie as well as Will having modern day problems and seeing a shrink! Geoffery Rush was amazing since he usually plays the bad guy (the policeman in Les Mis). Still, they didn't need to show Gwenyth's "bubbies" so much. I've seen a bubbie and I don't think it was necessary. Oh yes and Dame Judy Dench is a wonderful queen. you could watch Elizabeth and this movie back to back and swear it was the same queen.

She's All That

Mad Matt: Smile With Teeth; Very well done. We especially liked the dream sequences and that the nerdy girl wasn't a goody two shoes. I love what she did to puke girl. The main guy in the film could have smiled more, but other than that, it was excellent.

6th Sense

Lisa Hut: Smile With Scary, Surprising Teeth; Boy was this movie well-done!! A completely surprising/ shocking ending, and an absolutely well-done, scary middle!! Horror-movies are just getting better and better, if you don't count "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and "Scream!" But this one was more of a psychological ghost-story, and is of such great quality that I've recommended my parents go see it. I can't say any more, other than the little boy in the movie BETTER win Best Actor at the Academy Awards, and Bruce Willis and the woman who plays the mom better be nominated for Best Supporting Actor and Actress!! GO SEE THIS MOVIE, and if you don't cry, you are stronger than I!

Sliding Doors

Mad Matt: Smile With Sad Teeth; Great concept and played out nicely. Almost Star-Trekky in its own way. Nice mix of British, Irish, and Scottish accents too.

Lisa Hut: Big Smile; I don't know why this movie didn't get better reviews from the "professionals," because it was completely original, (for this genre) and was done in such a way that you don't get confused. (the haircut helped!) It was very interesting and entertaining and sad. It's still hard to believe Gwenneth isn't English! I liked the nice mix of accents, too!

Snake Eyes

Lisa Hut: Grin; I thought this movie was going to be a dud before we rented it, but it was actually a decent murder-mystery for the first half. Nicholas Cage, as always, is very intense and good in it. The stand-off at the end was a nice twist.

Bork: Smirk; Another weird Nicholas Cage movie! Gee, there are a lot of those out there, aren't there! Nice idea, but predictable plot-twist. Nicholas Cage saves this movie, but just barely.

Something About Mary

Lisa Hut: Smirk, borderline Frown; We paid full-price to see this movie because the critics absolutely loved it, but I hated it! I hardly ever laughed, and the humor was either not funny, really childish, or unpredictably shocking!! I don't know how the other Rebels would react to this movie, but I just didn't like it. What's wrong with the critics?? Were they paid-off??

Mad Matt and Laura: I (Matt) give it a smirk and Laura gives it a "Spank-the-Monkey Trouble!" It was gross humor with only a few laugh-out-loud parts. My favorite guy in the whole movie was the bored drummer. Now that's sad. It was pretty sick.

Species II

Lisa Hut: Smirk; Beware-- this is a borderline porno! They did try to have an interesting storyline, and I liked how the female alien was written in this one (interesting alien love-scene), but don't use your free Blockbuster movie-coupon on this one!

South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Un-cut!

Lisa Hut: Smile With Evil, Shocking Teeth; I've been in turmoil trying to decide what to give this, because it's SO rude, crude, nasty, and disgusting that if I give it a really good review, people who go see it will think I'm a sick-o because I loved it so much!! So I will say this: if you go see this, prepare to be blasted from every side by more shock than Howard Stern would know what to do with!! I have this visual of Trey Parker and Matt Stone sitting in their writing studio, trying to cram all the most overwhelming evil they've ever thought of since they were kids into a 2-hour movie!! I hope they are feeling a catharsis right now-- they've GOT to be empty! I spent 99% of the movie with my hands covering my mouth for 2 reasons: to muffle my CONSTANT loud laughter, and out of reflex while reacting to the shock! Let me give you a visual to sum up. At the beginning of the movie, the kids are watching the new "Terrence and Phillip" movie called "Asses of Fire." The language in the movie is so shocking that everyone in the theatre gets up and walks out-- except the kids. Well, in OUR theatre, the South Park movie was so shocking that everyone got up and walked out-- except for us!!! So beware! I think you need to be a true South Park fan to understand why we loved it so much!!

Spy Hard

Mad Matt: Smirk; Some cool moments like Weird Al, and the home alone kid getting beat. Mostly stupid.

Lisa Hut: Grin; I saw it in Scotland, and the audience's laughter and enthusiasm helped me enjoy the movie a lot more! The beginning with Al was great, and there were some parts where I couldn't breathe from laughing. Seeing this movie is a gamble-- it depends on your mood!

Star Trek: Insurrection

Mad Matt: Smile; [Lisa Hut accidentally erased Matt's review of this movie, but Matt loved it-- other than the fact that the story is more TV episode-material than movie-material, and the humor seemed forced at times.]

Lisa Hut: Smile; Great action and special effects, and I loved the humor involving Data and Worf! The reason this movie seems more like a really high-quality episode is because no familiar races are invloved-- they invented a new race just for the movie, so no one really cares about them-- and the movie's conflict doesn't threaten the universe or the Federation.

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Lisa Hut: Smile With Thousands of Saarlac-Teeth!; This movie lived up to all its expectations! The continuity between it and the previous 3 movies was well-done, the character-development and action was well-balanced, the actors chosen to play the characters were great choices (Ewan McGregor had Obi-Wan's voice down good!), and it was SO wonderful to finally see two Jedis in action!! It gave me chills seeing them fight Darth Maul, and seeing Qui-Gon melt through the doors with his lightsaber! Beware of Chancellor Palpatine!! True Confession: I started crying when the opening credits came on the screen! It was so overwhelming to think that after all Star Wars meant to my childhood, here I was as an adult seeing a brand-new Star Wars episode! George Lucas is a god!!

Mad Matt: Smile With Teeth...or better yet, a Menace! My favorite scenes were the lightsaber-duels and the pod race-- the pod race was incredible! (Matt filled two E-mails with praise over this movie, so suffice it to say, he loved it!)

Stealing Beauty

Lisa Hut: Confused Smirk; What the..? This movie was just confusing and weird! Weird dialogue, weird, weird, weird. The Italian setting was gorgeous, and made me want to punch poor-little-rich-girl for having to spend a lazy summer there! The search for romance, or whatever she was doing, was the saving grace, because that was realistic.

Bork:Confused Smirk with Furrowed Eyebrows; This movie proves that Jeremy Irons will be in anything! Liv Tyler plays a virgin wanting to lose her virginity: nice concept, but the movie just plodded on and went everywhere. Still, the setting was gorgeous.


Lisa Hut: Smile; I loved the verbal fights between Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon-- very satisfying! Cat-fight! Meow! The daughter needs to be put out of her misery, tho'-- I would have done it if I were the stepmom! Very interesting transaction the women make from the beginning of the movie to the end.

Mad Matt: Frowny-Grin; Boring, predictable girley-crap. The only thing I liked was that it showed that the new mom and old mom can get along under the same roof. It kind of blasts the social stereotype of the new and old hating each other. Sadly, it shows that this can only work if the old mom is dying. And beside, Julia's lips are scary. Where's her cleft under the nose?


Lisa Hut: Smile; I wanted to give this a lower rating, but it was actually a very well-thought-out story, relevent for today, and anyone who knows that the Catholic church is full of crap would love it! *grin* (and I liked the underlying romance going on with patient and priest, tee-hee!) Great, underrated performance by Patricia Arquette, nice special effects, and again, good story!

Bork: Smile; What is it with Catholic-bashing lately?? First this, then "Dogma!" The movie was creepy, powerfully religious, but the ending seemed a little lacking in my opinion, but other than that, it was good.

Stir of Echos

Lisa Hut: Smile With Surprised Teeth; What an underrated movie! This one was almost as good at "6th Sense," and at least as deep! I was VERY impressed with Kevin Bacon's performance, and how the director portrayed him being hypnotized, and later haunted by what he sees! I was scared and moved emotionally.

Bork: BIG Smile; Almost BETTER than "6th Sense." Very spooky, the ghosts were well done, great movie overall.


Lisa Hut: Smile, Borderline Smirk; SUPERSTAAAR! (this movie had me doing that for days afterwards) (Bork: yeah, and GODS was it annoying!) If you like Mary Catherine Gallegher from SNL, then you'll love this explanation of why she is who she is. I just loved watching the fantasy-scenes and dance-scenes! Molly Shannon can hold a movie!

Bork: Grin; Ooooh, Molly Shannon...

Tale of a Vampire

Lisa Hut: VAMPIRE-MONKEY TROUBLE!!! This wasn't even a movie, it was so bad! It was so boring that even while fast-forwarding at the highest speed it still put us to sleep! Merciful death!


Lisa Hut: Smile With Ape-Teeth; Disney really put a lot of detail and took out a lot of usual crap with this movie!! No musical numbers (other than the apes doing a Stomp-inspired jungle-tune), and no cute animal-pals other than the obvious apes and elephants. They had Tarzan walking on his knuckles like an ape would, and drew his muscles as they would have developed had he really been walking like that for 20 years or so. I loved the interaction between Tarzan and Jane, and the animation went from titanic ship-adventure with real-looking water, to dizzying vine-roller-coaster! Really, an excellent movie!

The Thin Red Line

Lisa Hut: Art-value: Smile, Movie-value: Smirk, which give it an all-around Grin; HOLY muthuh this movie was LONG!! OK, it may have been as long as "Private Ryan," but it seemed much longer! This is an art-film, and very slow-paced, so don't rent it thinking you're getting an action-movie. The camera-shots were beautiful, and the acting good, but I just didn't have the attention-span for the three hours it took to tell the story when it could have been done in two. It was the mirror-image of what happened in "Private Ryan," only this was against the Japanese, and the American soldiers started going Pompeii on the POWs' butts when they finally took over the camps. The dirty, dirty apes! I thought there would be more violence, but this was mostly an artsy-movie.

The Truman Show

Lisa Hut: Smile; nice original concept, and Jim Carrey was great, as usual, but it was too hyped-up, and the movie ended right at the climax!

2001: A Space Odessey

Mad Matt: Smirk; A classic, and used in many comedies like the Simpsons, so you have to see it to get the joke or the reference. Sadly, like most of Stanley Kupricks movies, it is very artsy and bizarre. How did it end? It's pace is slower than "Star Trek: the Motion Picture!" Interesting ideas, though.


Jeff Flash: Smile; Not nearly a good as the Fugitive, the story line is difficult to follow at times.

The Unnamable

Lisa Hut: Smirk; This was your basic 80s Fangora slasher/ horror movie. Sometimes suspenseful, not memorable. I know all the Lovecraft fans are mad at me now!

The Unnamable II

Lisa Hut: Less-condemning Smirk; the timeline for part II was about an hour after part I ended, but it was made about 5 years after part I, so all the actors look older. Fortunately, the acting is better and there were some really startling parts. Unfortunately, it's still not that good of a horror movie. Sorry people!

Wag the Dog

Mad Matt: Smirk; A good concept, but hardly kept my attention. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a comedy or what. If I can't tell, that's a bad sign. It was also a little morbid. Not even a funny-morbid like Grosse Point Blanke.

The Waterboy

Lisa Hut: Smile; this movie didn't have as many trademark Adam Sandler-funnies as his first two movies, but when it was funny, it was very, very funny! If you like making fun of rednecks (and who doesn't??), like football, or like seeing underdogs get revenge, this movie is for you!

Mad Matt: Smile; Good home cookin, nice mama, nice baby-head, and finally, nice 20 year-old butt, Fonzie!!! Henry Winkler stole the show, I thought.

The Wedding Singer

Mad Matt: Smile; Adam Sandler plays a very different character for him...a nice guy! He's not swearing every second word this time and there are no alligators nor Presidents Lincolns waving at him from above. It's a normal movie that makes you glad the 80's are over. A well done movie with a surprise appearance from Billy Idol!!

Lisa Hut: Smile; We saw "The Wedding Singer" the night Tony proposed to me, and while it wasn't hilarious like Adam Sandler's past movies, it was still really good, made fun of the 80s by simply reminding us how they really were, had happy-mild language like Matt said, and will now be on our special-list no matter what! I loved the song Sandler's character wrote about his ex-fiancee, and what a cute couple Sandler and Drew Barrymore made!!

What Dreams May Come

Lisa Hut: Weak Smile; The special effects were gorgeous and amazing-- groundbreaking-- but the story was just too emotional and traumatic the whole time, so it was hard to enjoy. Plus, the ending was very unsatisfactory and confusing. If that's the afterlife, please let me stay on earth!

Laura: Smile.

Wild Wild West

Lisa Hut: Wild Wild Smile; This movie wasn't as bad as the critics made it out to be! You don't need to have seen a single episode of the original show to know what was going on. I know this because I haven't seen a single episode! I was actually thoroughly entertained, and found the story and characters very original! I love all the inventions the scientists made. I found it very realistic that Will Smith's character was constantly persecuted for being black by the ex-slave owners in the South. The funny part was that the redneck family and the black family in the theatre I was in both found all those scenes amusing! Selma Hayak's character was completely unnecessary, and was obviously thrown in for scantily-clan-woman-appeal. She wasn't even in very may scenes.


Jeff Flash: Smile With Teeth; I have never seen the TV show, but this movie was exciting and entertaining.

Lisa Hut: Smile; Before this movie came out, everyone was whining that it wasn't going to reveal anything new, and it was just going to be another confusing TV episode. But this movie totally explained everything, and lots of shocking, unexpected things happened! I'm glad they didn't compromise Scully and Mulder's delicate relationship, and I can't wait for the season premiere!

You've Got Mail

Mad Matt: Grin; I expected "Sleepless in Seattle" all over again, but this one had some originality to it. The problem was that it was at least a half an hour too long. They kept posponing the inevitable!! It got frustrating.

Lisa: Grin; I had to give it a Grin because I didn't think it was very realistic (and I'm the expert on internet-romance!), and it was very predictable. But the actors had great chemistry, and there was a lot of entertaining material! I guess I'm just bitter because these two internet-romancers were from the same freakin' city!


Lisa Hut: Smile; Great action and storyline, and I was impressed to learn that Antonio Banderas is a master fencer! The ending was cheesy and predictable, but everything before that was cool!

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