Sekhem-hotep-ra the Human Monk

(Sekhem-hotep-ra before Luclin...)
(...Sekhem-hotep-ra after Luclin!)

NAME: Sekhem-hotep-ra (pronounced "sek-hem-ho-TEP-rah")

SERVER: Terris-Thule

RACE: Human



BIRTHDAY: June 24, 2001

EYE COLOR: yellow




DEITY: Quellious, The Tranquil

HOMETOWN: Freeport

GUILD: none



OCTAVIAN BROTHERHOOD PARTNER: Fuzzlebumpwick the Gnome Magician

Hit Points: 447
Armor Class: 355
Attack: 366

Strength: 92
Stamina: 100
Agility: 119
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 77
Intelligence: 75
Charisma: 75

Poison: 15
Magic: 27
Disease: 15
Heat: 33
Cold: 25

Head: Wu's Fighting Cap [AC: 5, AGI +3, Weight 0.1]
Face: Wu's Fighting Mask [AC: 3, AGI +1, Weight 0.1]
Neck: Wu's Fighting Collar [AC: 4, AGI +2, Weight 0.1]
Left Ear: Silver Bloodstone Earring [STA +2, Weight 0.1]
Right Ear: Silver Bloodstone Earring [STA +2, Weight 0.1]
Left Finger: Silver Opal Engagement Ring [STA +3, AGI +2, Weight 0.1]
Right Finger: Silver Opal Engagement Ring [STA +3, AGI +2, Weight 0.1]
Left Wrist: Wu's Fighting Wristband [AC: 4, AGI +1, Weight 0.1]
Right Wrist: Wu's Fighting Wristband [AC: 4, AGI +1, Weight 0.1]
Arms: Wu's Fighting Sleeves [AC: 5, AGI +3, Weight 0.1]
Hands: Wu's Fighting Gauntlets [AC: 4, Light Source, Weight 0.1]
Shoulders: Wu's Fighting Mantle [AC: 4, AGI +3, Weight 0.1]
Back: Wu's Fighting Cloak [AC: 5, AGI +4, Weight 0.1]
Chest: Wu's Fighting Shirt [AC: 9, AGI +4, Weight 0.1]
Waist: Wu's Fighting Sash [AC:4, AGI +2, Weight 0.1]
Legs: Wu's Fighting Pantaloons [AC: 6, AGI +4, Weight 0.1]
Feet: Wu's Fighting Slippers [AC: 5, AGI +2, Weight 0.1]

Right Hand: Heavy Iron Ulak [8/38, AC: 1, HP +15, Mana +15, STR +1, WIS +1, SV Magic +1, Magic Item]
Left Hand: Heavy Iron Ulak [8/38, AC: 1, HP +15, Mana +15, STR +1, WIS +1, SV Magic +1, Magic Item]
Range: Shurikens [4/26, Range: 60]
Ammo: same


SPECIAL SKILLS: Defense, Dodge, Duel Wield, Hand-to-Hand, Kick, Mend, Offense, Round Kick, Safefall, Sneak, Throwing, Double Attack, Tiger Claw, Feign Death

LANGUAGES: Common Tongue (Master), Gnomish (Average)


FAVORITE QUOTE: "Where is my weapon, you ask? *smile* I AM the weapon."

PERSONALITY: Sekhem-hotep-ra is extremely dedicated to her guild the Ashen Order. She has always taken her studies and training very seriously, and is indeed a serious person. It is rare to see her smile, and even rarer still to hear her laugh...unless she finds something ironic or ridiculous. Some would call her emotionless, but that's because they haven't seen her private outbursts of rage she carries on after believing she did not perform as well as she could have. A very stubborn and determined monk, she is always hardest on herself.

Much of this behavior is a result of Sekhem-hotep-ra idolizing her father and wanting to be just like him, and from studying the dedication and emotionlessness of the monks who were her idols. Having been raised to believe that she was Japanese, she disciplined herself to adhere to the Japanese code of honor. Now that she knows she's really Egyptian, she's forcing herself not to be so uptight, and to explore her heart, her desires, and her dreams. Having lost her soulmate Noth, before she believed that she would remain alone the rest of her life. Now she's trying not to rule out to possibility of giving herself to another one day.

Sekhem-hotep-ra is most comfortable in the company of men, because she can relate to them best and feels like she can be herself around them. She's very tom-boyish, and the only use she has for a dress or formal clothing is as rags to polish her blades. She's very proud of the guild tattoo she earned upon graduating from basic training, and prefers to keep her midriff bare in order to give everyone a nice view of it. She never gives up, and would rather be driven into the ground by her enemy than show him her back to flee.

HISTORY: Sekhem-hotep-ra was named "Murasaki" by her father, because at the time of her birth, it was the fad to claim that you were of Oriental descent by giving your children Oriental names. If you looked the part, as well, you seemed to get better treatment. After many seasons of training, Murasaki suddenly looked around and wondered how it was possible that there could be so many blond and red-headed Orientals, and asked her father-- who she considers the seat of all knowledge-- how this could be so. He explained that, quite simply, they weren't Oriental. It was all a deception so they would get equal treatment with the Orientals. At the time of Murasaki's birth, the Orient was considered the only legitamate place where the monk disciplines could be learned, and that only Oriental people could learn them. It was a prejudiced and incorrect belief, but it holds today within many people across Norrath.

Murasaki expressed her opinion that if each family would give their children honorable names from their own cultures, those of them who trained as monks could open the minds of all into seeing that any culture can produce powerful monks. Then she smiled at her father and said that it looked like this wouldn't be her fight to lead since she was Japanese. Her father gave a nervous laugh, cleared his throat, and revealed that this actually wasn't true. Their family was Egyptian.

It took some time for this information to sink in, and she had to be shown proof of their ancestry, but from the moment she heard the words, something inside her knew it to be true. It explained her large, golden eyes, as well as her brothers' darker skin. She had to laugh about how obvious it was that her family wasn't Oriental after her eyes were opened! She began learning and studying the Egyptian culture and language intently-- as she does everything-- staying up all day and night absorbing information like a sponge. And when she finally emerged from the library, she was a changed and enlightened person; and a person with a new name.

She registered her new name with the Freeport Militia: Sekhem-hotep-ra, which means "She who is powerful & strong, who strengthens herself, prevails over, and gains the mastery of peace and satisfaction for her god." She began lecturing to the monks of Freeport-- especially those with Oriental names who are not Oriental-- that they should shed these false name and end this time of cultural prejudice, that the planet might know that any race can produce powerful and respectable monks! Her words have been very convincing, and new non-Oriental monk-names have been appearing in Freeport and Qeynos.

Sekhem-hotep-ra comes from a relatively large family. She is the youngest and has 4 older brothers who are also Monks. The brothers were always very protective of her...until they discovered how powerful she could be when she took one by surprise by beating him in a duel. From that day on, they gave her the respect and freedom she deserved. Their mother died during an outbreak of plague when Sekhem-hotep-ra was just 10 years old. Her father-- a very respected, skilled, and weather-worn Monk-- decided to stop teaching Sekhem-hotep-ra and send her to train full-time with the Ashen Order.

Upon graduating from basic training years later, Sekhem-hotep-ra stepped out of the West Gate of Freeport and began her career out in the world. Klantyre was sitting by the gates meditating when she looked up and saw Sekhem-hotep-ra hammering down on her foes with fists and feet. Impressed and astonished by this class that needed no weapons and little armor, Klantyre made a quick decision. She had been looking for 1 more woman to complete the Octavian Sisterhood, and hadn't been sure what class or race to look for. Now she knew they needed a Monk in their ranks. She greeted Sekhem-hotep-ra, and the two became friendly acquaintences.

Klantyre talked to the other Sisters, and Ravenne informed them that there was a new, fearsome, lizardman-race called the Iksar that had been discovered on a small continent called Kunark who also trained monks, and that the Sisterhood would benefit greatly from recruiting one of those, instead. They could use that Sister as an informant as to what life was like in those strange and unknown lands. After confiring with the other Sisters, and her Enchanter guildleader-- who told her of a quest that could only be completed in Kunark-- Klantyre reluctantly left to find an Iksar Monk to recruit.

Klantyre journeyed through Kunark invisible until she finally came to the city of Cabilis. She spied one young Iksar female fighting on the grounds. After watching her for some time and determining that she was, indeed, a Monk, she cast some calming spells on her, and then approached her with her hands empty, palms up. She and the Iksar talked for many hours, and Klantyre returned the next day and the next so they could share information with each other and get to know and trust one another. She learned that the Monk's name was ZITHISSE, and that Zithisse had a mate named SARESHALISS who was a Necromancer.

Finally after a week, she asked Zithisse if she would like to join the Octavian Sisterhood-- explaining who they were-- and in return she would be her beneficiary, providing the Iksar with the provisions and armor she needed. After being studied wordlessly for a long time-- and Klantyre feeling like a bug under a microscope-- the Iksar agreed to join this circle. Klantyre thanked her, and within the hour, Tawney had teleported her way up to the Swamp and presented Zithisse with 4 backpacks containing Cured Silk armor-- including Wu Gloves-- jewelry, shurikens, and bandages.

All seemed to be well for about a year. The Octavian Brotherhood had finally joined and partnered with the Sisterhood, and everyone was feeling optimistic and complete. Then Klantyre happened upon Sekhem-hotep-ra again. Sekhem-hotep-ra was with a man-- a fellow monk-- and they were FIGHTING together in perfect harmony. Klantyre watched them wordlessly for a few minutes, and suddenly realized that something had been wrong in Octavia. They had the Iksar in their ranks, but everytime they offered to teleport the two to Antonica to be with the other members, they refused. Communication was tapering off, and the Iksar rarely left the grounds surrounding Cabilis, so Octavia really hadn't learned much about Kunark from the Iksar. Tawney had been able to explore and report back much more valuable information than the Iksar had provided. And to top it off, Zithisse seemed very cold and, well, reptilian, and didn't fit in well with the others. It was as if the Iksar were the weak links of the whole, and it hadn't dawned on Klantyre just how incomplete the group really was until now.

Klantyre returned to Octavia and explained her feelings to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood. The Brotherhood readily agreed with Klantyre, and decided immediately that the Iksar should be kicked out and new WARM blood brought it. The Sisterhood was more reluctant, because they were all fond and curious about their Iksar sister, but eventually they, too, decided it would be best to get 2 new members. Everyone was very sorrowful when they explained the situation to Zithisse and Sareshaliss, but the Iksar understood completely. It was a very amicable split.

Klantyre invited Telbin to watch Sekhem-hotep-ra and her partner to decide if he wanted to ask the male to join the Brotherhood. Telbin had been thinking that he wanted a Necromancer to take Sareshaliss' place, or maybe another type of caster, but when he saw Sekhem-hotep-ra's partner in action, he knew right away that he wanted his final member to be a Monk. The couple approached the Monks, and Klantyre hailed Sekhem-hotep-ra. Sekhem-hotep-ra remembered Klantyre from over a year before, and the 4 went to an inn to talk.

Sekhem-hotep-ra had heard of Octavia, and had wondered what it was. Klantyre and Telbin explained everything to them, and offered to be their benefactors and provide them with all the equipment they needed until they were making good money on their own. Sekhem-hotep-ra introduced her partner Noth, and said that they had trained together at the Ashen Order, and had recently agreed to be partners-- that they also believed in the idea of a male and female partnering for a perfect fighting combination. They quickly agreed to join Octavia, and became the 8th and final members of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood.

The two monks journeyed to Faydark to join in the fight against the orcs of Crushbone. When in need of supplies, they would often split up to run their errands, so it was no big deal when Sekhem-hotep-ra left for Felwithe for the day while Noth took off to Kelethin. When the time came for the couple to meet back up, Noth wasn't at the designated meeting place. Sekhem-hotep-ra thought nothing of it...until an hour passed by with no sign of Noth. Sekhem-hotep-ra began to feel panic in her stomach, and started asking around for Noth.

Ten minutes went by and she was getting nowhere, when suddenly she heard a commotion from the "newbie" lift. She ran there and saw some bloodied Wood Elves being tended to by other Elves. Sekhem-hotep-ra ran up and asked them what happened. One of the clerics explained that the evil Brownies had started invading the once-safe Greater Faydark, and many brave fighters had been killed or wounded in the battle to drive them out. Sekhem-hotep-ra felt herself grow dizzy as all the pieces came together in her mind: Noth was dead. A part of her held to the hope that he must be one of the wounded, so she couldn't bring herself to believe the truth when she was finally lead to his dead body.

Octavia grieved deeply for the loss of Noth, but none more so than Sekhem-hotep-ra. Sekhem-hotep-ra would stand in front of a wooden post and strike it repeatedly, her eyes staring unfocused into nothingness. Klantyre grew concerned, and told Telbin he should find Sekhem-hotep-ra a new partner as soon as possible. Tawney was also told to keep her eyes open for any possible candidates while on her constant errands. Whenever Tawney needed to get to Faydark, she would take the teleport to Steamfont and then run the rest of the way. She was resting after one such port when she heard a voice nearby. Hiding quickly, she peeked around the stones and saw a little Gnome pacing back and forth talking to himself. He spoke very quickly-- the words flying out of his mouth in rapid-fire-- but soon Tawney's ears grew used to how he spoke and she could follow what he was saying.

The Gnome was so entertaining and funny that Tawney couldn't contain her laughter any longer and began giggling from her hiding place. The Gnome ran over-- looking around in confusion-- so Tawney came out of hiding and introduced herself. The two talked and walked for a while, and to make a long story short, Tawney introduced the Gnome-- who was a Mage named Fuzzlebumpwick-- to Klantyre and Telbin, and they invited him into Octavia.

After much pushing and prodding, the Sisterhood finally got Sekhem-hotep-ra to spend the day with Fuzzlebumpwick. At first she kept herself emotionally distant from him, calling him "short one" and making little jabs here and there, but by the end of the day she was effectionately tugging him around with her as he would try to stop and engage in conversation with everyone he met. At the present, they have been fighting together for many seasons, enjoy one another's company very much, and work in perfect unison-- neither one interested in romance, and both obsessed with their particular fields of study.

soulmates and former partners Noth & Sekhem-hotep-ra

Sekhem-hotep-ra and Fuzzlebumpwick are kung-fu fighting!

Sekhem-hotep-ra bends down to get a better look at her new partner!

Fuzzlebumpwick and Sekhem-hotep-ra dance together after advancing another season

Sekhem-hotep-ra bows honorably to her opponant

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