Tawney Thistledown the Wood Elf Druid

(Tawney before Luclin...)
(...Tawney after Luclin!)

NAME: Tawney (pronounced "TAH-nee") Thistledown

SERVER: Terris-Thule

RACE: Wood Elf

CLASS: Druid


BIRTHDAY: October 14, 1999

EYE COLOR: green

HAIR COLOR: orange-red

SIGNATURE COLOR: dark orange


DEITY: Tunare, Mother of All

HOMETOWN: Kelethin

GUILD: Voice of One




OCTAVIAN BROTHERHOOD PARTNER: Talenthalas Thistlethorn the Wood Elf Druid, Bound to Tawney

Hit Points: 599
Armor Class: 493
Attack: 545

Strength: 97
Stamina: 96
Agility: 107
Dexterity: 92
Wisdom: 147
Intelligence: 92
Charisma: 78

Poison: 17
Magic: 35
Disease: 15
Heat: 25
Cold: 30

head: Savant's Cap [AC: 2, INT +3, WIS +3]
face: Platinum Ruby Veil [STR +7, WIS +7]
neck: Black Iron Medallion [WIS +3, INT +3]
left ear: Electrum Jasper Earring [WIS +2]
right ear: Golden Amber Earring [STR +3]
left finger: Platinum Jasper Ring [WIS +6]
right finger: Platinum Jasper Ring [WIS +6]
left wrist: Polished Bone Bracelet [AC: 2, INT +3, WIS +3]
right wrist: Polished Bone Bracelet [AC: 2, INT +3, WIS +3]
arms: Platinum Armband [STR +3, WIS +3]
hands: Split Paw Hide Gloves [AC: 4, DEX +3, WIS +2]
shoulders: Lizardscale Mantle [AC: 5, WIS +3, INT +3]
back: Cloak of the Ry'Gorr Oracles [AC: 6, WIS +2, INT +2, Mana +10, SV Cold +10, SV Magic +5]
chest: Brown Chitin Protector [AC:12, DEX +9, STA +9, AGI +9]
waist: Purity Belt [AC: 3, STR +2, STA +2]
legs: Black Chitin Leggings [AC: 7, HP +10, mana +10]
feet: Kobald-Hide Boots [AC: 5, HP +10, AGI +3]

right hand: Obsidian Scimitar [7/ 27, AGI +6] or Cold Iron Morning Star [9/35]
left hand: Charred Guardian Shield [AC: 10, Wisdom +9]
range: Preserved Split Paw Eye [SV Poison +2, Effect: Glimpse]
ammo: none

SPECIAL SKILLS: Elf-vision, Forage, Hide, Tracking, Healing, Teleporting

LANGUAGES: Common Tongue (Master), Barbarian (Good), Elvish (Master), Teir'Dal (Awful), Dwarvish (Awful), Troll (Awful), Ogre (Awful), Gnomish (Awful), Halfling (Awful), Old Erudin (Awful), Elder Elvish (Awful), Gnoll (Awful), Combine (Awful), Elder Teir'Dal (Awful), Lizardman (Awful), Orcish (Awful), Faerie (Awful)

MASTER IN: One-Hand Blunt, Abjuration, Alteration, Channeling, Defense, Evocation, Meditate, Offense, Swimming, Tracking, Forage, Divination

FAVORITE QUOTE: "Hail to you, too. I guess you want a SOW or a port, right? *sigh*"

PERSONALITY: Tawney is a very sweet, wide-eyed, almost innocent wood elf. She likes people, and tries to help or talk to everyone she meets, and assumes that they are nice before she even gets to know them. As a druid, she is very attached to wolves and bears, and always cries when she sees a wolf being attacked, or finds one of their corpses. She once saw an orc pawn attack and kill a wolf, and now makes it her goal to wipe out as many orcs as she can. She has a big curiosity, and once followed a faery maiden deep into the woods where she was attacked and killed by three orc centurions, and wasn't able to get her corpse back until the 6th try!

Tawney is learning now that each race and class is not quite as friendly as she'd hoped, but instead of learning prejudice, she is trying to accept diversity. She joined Voice of One as a way to do this, and to add her special skills to the pool and do what she can for anyone-- providing they don't talk about killing wolves or bears or friendly magical creatures in front of her!

HISTORY: Tawney is the youngest child of a very large wood elf family. She has brothers and sisters all across Norrath-- all of them either rangers or druids-- and all so full of wanderlust that they're never in one place for very long, and don't run into each other much. Tawney impatiently stayed in Kelethin until she completed her druid-training-- jealously watching her older siblings run off to adventure-- and the minute she graduated, she made for the forest. The first day she came down the lifts, she met a wonderful wood elf bard named Rubidia who gave her a full set of leather armor and would check up on her progress regularly.

Tawney ran all the way to Felwithe to see its legendary beauty, and met some high elves who were very friendly, and gave her expensive gifts to sell for money. Encouraged by the good will that had been shown her, she agreed to join the guild Voice of One when she met a barbarian named Xalous who invited her to join. When talking to the guild for the first time, she was horrified to hear three of the necromancers discuss their quest to kill the unicorn who lives in her lands. And on a solo run to see Kaladim, she healed a dwarf by the side of the road who was dying from a fight with a giant bat, and the dwarf never gave her a word of thanks, or any acknowledgement. These events sank her spirits, but she was determined to try to accept them as the way the world is, and not to learn to hate.

During Tawney's 6th level as a druid, she was finally joined by her best friend-- a ranger named Tissa-- and a boy she'd grown up with-- another druid namd Awney. Awney's parents were long-time friends of Tawney's parents, and Tawney was born a month before Awney. Awney's parents liked Tawney's name so much that they named him after her-- dropping the T. The two young wood elves always felt close to each other-- even thought they were often teased about their names growing up-- and wandered Faydark together for many seasons before their paths again lead in different directions.

When Tawney and Awney again met up, Tawney-- much to her horror-- learned that Awney had taken up drinking and partying, and was not the sweet little boy she had loved growing up. He had also stopped his studies and advancement as a druid, while Tawney was filled with ambition and drive. The two were going in different directions...a fact that made Tawney sorrowful. It was about this same time that Klantyre, Bridgid, and Alisabetta were breaking up their relationships, so the 4 women found strength and comfort in each other, and in talking about their heartbreaks. After bringing Ellandra in, Klantyre realized that with the addition of a few more members, these friends could create a self-sufficient group. After inviting Aurorra, Ravenne, and Zithisse, the Octavian Sisterhood was born. Tawney is now one of the busiest druids in Norrath-- teleporting and running errands for her Sisters all over Norrath, from Cabilis to Paineel!

The moment Klantyre and Telbin joined the Octavian Sisterhood and Brotherhood, Klantyre charged Tawney with the task of reaching her 29th season so she would be able to teleport the Brothers to their new partners. Tawney worked harder than anyone on Norrath and was able to reach her 29th season just as the Brothers were ready to be teamed with the Sisters. Tawney made sure each man made it to his destination safely, and then teleported herself back to Kelethin to meet her new partner.

Maneuvering through the crowds of the tree-city, Tawney made it to the bank where Talenthalas the Druid was supposed to be waiting to meet her. She was very shy and nervous, having been almost always alone for the past year. Then she bumped into someone, and looked up to see a very cute Wood Elf male smiling at her. She smiled back and blushed-- he had to be who she was looking for because she suddenly felt this attachment to him. "Tawney?" the man asked. "I am Talenthalas." She could tell just from looking at him that he was also an innocent and curious explorer, and it wasn't long before they knew they were soultwins.

The two ran all over Norrath together-- Talenthalas intent on catching up in season to Tawney so he can port the other Sisters, as well as make money porting other Norrathians around, and Tawney more intent on training him to be a gentle yet powerful druid than worrying about her own progress. They performed a Wood Elf Rite of Promise in which they declared their love for each other, and promised before the Goddess Tunare that they would perform the Rite of Joining once Talenthalas reaches his 20th season.

At last Telanthalas reached his 20th season-- now able to port himself and track-- and he and Tawney ported back to Faydwer together. They ran to Kelethin, entered their Druid guild, and bowed before their guildleader, the Heartwood Master. Dropping their weapons and shields to the floor, their turned to each other and recited words that bound themselves to each other-- body and soul-- in this life and the next, while the Heartwood Master bore witness to it and blessed their joining! Telanthalas is almost caught up in seasons to Tawney, and once he is, the two will be able to run off to explore more lands!

Talenthalas holds Tawney as they meditate

Tawney and Talenthalas' Rite of Binding (Druid wedding)

Tawney's Adventures in Norrath

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