Martial Arts
Jui Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, Tai Chi Ch'uan; All of these are forms of fighting. All armies are trained to fight with only their hands. That is why they are called martial arts. Each has it's own literal meaning and general purpose:
Jui Jitsu- Japanese, "the gentle art" Though it is called the gentle art, it is hardly gentle. It is used mostly for maximum damage and killing.
Karate- Korean, "empty hand" Common name for all martial arts, it is the most simply to learn. Surrounds disarming and minor injury to prevent harm to your person.
Tae Kwon Do- Korean, "way of the fist" Used for defense from unarmed and armed assailants, mostly. Good for attacking as well
Jeet Kune Do- Chinese, "way of the intercepting fist" Developed by martial arts legend, Bruce Lee. Used for one hit knock outs.
Ninjutsu- Japanese "art of the ninja" A style used by the silent assasins of Japan. Unorthodox methods that I daren't describe.
Krav Maga- Israeli, Style used to hit vital points and weak spots on the body.

Though each style is different, the purpose is the same: Self-Defense. Whether man or woman, if you are assaulted and want to live to see your loved ones again, you must fight. Our natural instincts of fighting are very much useless. We will aim for parts that stick out, parts that are right in front of us. We must reprogram our reflexes with martial arts training. Only then, will we survive.
Famous Martial Artists
Bruce Lee (Lee Jun Fan) The master who died too soon.
Jackie Chan (Kong-sang Chan)
Chow Yun-Fat
Lucy Liu
Sammo Hung
Jet Li
Kelly Hu
Japanese Special Ops
In ancient Japan, in times of war there were two special groups of people. One was a warrior group, fighting to their last breath. The other was a deadly group of spies and assassins. The samurai and the ninja.
The samurai, trained by the emperor's master of arms, were deadly warriors. They fought with honor and courage. If captured, they were not afraid to commit suicide, in order to protect their comrades. Most samurai were taught an art called,
bushido, meaning the way of the warrior. It was half martial arts training and half mental training, teaching the warrior's code and teaching the meaning of being a samurai.
The ninja was a covert operative. A spy and an assassin. Only the best of the best could become a ninja. They were taught just about everything under the sun. Chemistry, concealment, fighting techniques, meteorology, pyrotechnics, and disguise were only a few of their many talents.
Today, ninjutsu is not used as much as it was. Being replaced by technology, the ninja have become useless. But even though the position has been phased out, the art of
ninjutsu has not. Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, the soke of ninjutsu, still teaches those who he thinks is worthy of the art. Living in Japan, Dr. Hatsumi has taken the mantle as the 53rd grandmaster of ninjutsu.
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