Can you properly serve ME?

I am looking for a new project, if you will. I am not your toy, and you may not be Mine. I am not here to amuse you... you are here to amuse ME, that is, should I decide to honor you with MY acknowledgement... you are here to serve MY needs, not the other way around.

Do you think you are worthy enough to talk to ME?

I am a GODDESS, and you are nothing more than MY servant, and possibly unworthy of THAT much credit. I will not tolerate an attitude. If you are rude once, you will be forever banned from the magnificence of MY presence and acknowledgement.

Prove yourself to ME and find ways to demonstrate your WORSHIP of ME and your GRATITUDE for MY reading your emails.

If you are ready to serve and please ME, then do it, you simpering wuss.

I am divine, and you are trash that MIGHT be able to better yourself by serving divinity.

Can you accept the challenge?

I am not your fantasy image of a Domme. I am the real deal, a TRUE DOMME. If you strive to serve a proper GODDESS, then be prepared.. I will DEMAND only the best from you, and you will do what I say, when I say it, on MY terms only.

If you can accept your lowlyness fully, and realize that you are on this Earth ONLY to serve a POWERFUL Woman such as MYSELF, then you had better be ready to demonstrate it. Write me NOW. .. just remember, that I currently have many slaves vying for your place in MY domain. I expect you to present ME with proper incentive so that I MIGHT be interested in taking you on.

I prefer good, hardworking slaves who do not interfere with how I spend MY time, and who can support themselves...sometimes your Mistress needs to see you make a DIFFICULT sacrifice to prove your devotion. Email ME and give ME some DAMN good reasons why I should allow your pathetic self to serve ME.

Why are all these "Donate" buttons here, you ask? It's simple really, you mindless idiots... nothing gets Mistresses attention more than hardworking, devoted slaves who realize that there is NOTHING better on this Earth than to spend the fruits of your labor on your Goddess!

Feel free to donate to ME.. do I need it? No. Do I need for you to prove your devotion? Damn straight I do. What better way than to part with something as "material" and therefore meaningless as cold, hard cash? Does cash mean more to you than your Mistress's approval?

I thought not.
I am a Female Supremacist, and believe that no man is of any use to ME whatsoever unless he is serving ME in such a manner as I have chosen for him

DO NOT even bother emailing ME, telling ME what a horrible Bitch I am. I will consider it a compliment, and your mail will otherwise be completely disregarded.

IF, you have read THIS far along, then you have a fair idea as to what I am about. If you think you are up to the challenge of serving ME, then read on, if not, get
About ME!
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