How to Apply!
So, you think that you have what it takes to serve ME?

Fill out the questionairre below and I will decide!

Mistress does NOT like bad grammar, nor does She appreciate "yep" and "nope" answers. Be creative!
Copy these questions into an email, answer them, and send your pathetic missive to: [email protected]

Do you accept your inferiority (as a male) to Me, fully?

Are you willing to be completely Dominated on MY terms, not according to your petty desires?

Outline some of your Fetishes for ME.

Tell ME about yourself (what you do for a living, your education, family issues, etc).

Do you support yourself?

Are you opposed to financially honoring ME? (If you answer "yes", you might as well give up now.. you are demonstrating insubordinance by answering "yes", and I do not bother with insubordinate slaves)

Can you follow simple instructions given by ME, and be able to prove that you followed them?

Can you accept and perform tasks and challenges?

Will you obey ME, and deny any feelings of jealousy regarding MY keeping of other slaves?
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