My Rules:

Never ever email ME (without requesting and being approved in advance, see with an "I want" or "I need". This is about what I need and want, not you.

Do not tell ME no. If you think it would be cute to test MY patience, you WILL be removed from the graciousness of MY presence, without fail.

Do not pretend to be more stupid than you already are, and dance around the issue of what I want from you. I am putting in MY valuable time here, and I expect to be compensated for it. There are lots of passive-aggressive, weaker Females out there if you want to toy with them, I am not one of them, and someday I or someone like ME will make you pay for disrespecting said weaker Female.

I am not playing a game, and neither should you be. If you are, this is going to turn out to be one expensive game for you, or a waste of time for both of us.

I expect ultimate submission and indentured servitude from you. Up to and including trading or loaning you out to my Superior Female Friends, and demanding a financial tribute from you. Why else should I waste MY precious time on you? Money should mean nothing to you, as you are a lowly male who couldn't possibly know what is best to do with it. Being that as it may, I suggest you give it to ME.

Do not argue with ME.

Do not disobey ME, and should the unthinkable occur, and you DO disobey ME, you better give ME a good reason to acknowledge you.

Do not demonstrate jealousy, I will keep other slaves as I see fit, as well as give all of MY slaves plenty of opportunity to gain MY ultimate favor over the rest.

Do not expect ME to go tripping across the country to bother with you. I will only do this if properly motivated, and I can tell you right now, none of you simpering little bastards will ever have any sort of sexual contact with ME.

I will offer chances to hear MY beautiful voice, and see pictures of MY most beautiful self.. these will also come at a price.

If you can't hack it, don't waste MY time.
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