Click HERE to join! I know it says "Call me now!", but trust me.. that's the least likely thing to happen here. Can you EVER call ME here? Sure! But not til I have established whether I really want to talk to you or not. Plus, no one talks to the Mistress for free, or without appointment.
If you join and email ME through Keen, ONLY THEN will you be allowed to tell ME your wants and needs, you WILL pay for MY reply through paid mail on If you try to avoid payment, I will KNOW, and you will no longer be allowed in my presence.. PLUS, I will spread your bad name around to other Dommes.

In order to get all your little icky wants and needs off your chest, you must FIRST join, and send ME an email through them, humbly requesting that you would like to express yourself to ME. I will then send you an email (which you will have to PAY for, you cheap little bastards) giving you the green light to write out whatever your perverted little heart desires and I will read it. Fully expect these admissions to be used in your training later.
Tell me ALL your icky little desires!    

$20.00 per-mail

(designed for the cheapskate chicken-shit who's too scared or too much of a tightwad to SPEAK to the Mistress!)
Why does it read as "$20.00" you ask?

Because THAT is how much it's going to cost for the PRIVELIDGE of writing out all your little fetishes and fantasies and then expecting ME to read them, AND potentially reply!

This is how it works:

My slaves will write ME and ask ME politely if they can confess their weaknesses, fantasies, and fetishes to ME, and if I give you the "green light", you can expect to pay $20.00 for my emailed reply, containing MY permission to send your pathetic ramblings.

If you do NOT receive a reply, that means your whining plea was rejected.. but I am GENEROUS enough NOT to charge you for a "No" answer.
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