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My Goodness! All these potential slaves have been racing into MY Palace with the speed of rats deserting a sinking ship and herding onto the nearest barge! Ha! There are just too many wishy-washy Dommes out there and not enough of ME, I see!

In fact, I have had to ADJUST this site's counter because every time I check on it, the number of visitors has gone up dramatically! Good Work, slaves!

I have a challenge for MY best slaves, if you little piggies are up for continuing your Mistresses' happiness! Seek out MORE slaves for ME. Join the Yahoo Group, AKA MY "Slave Quarters" and take the polls/quizzes for ME. Once a member of MY Slave Quarters,,Mistress needs to see messages from you! I want to hear WRITTEN DEVOTIONALS to ME! I am your new religion, your Goddess, your All! PROVE IT!

Remember THIS, slaves... you have about a ONE WEEK trial period with ME. If I do not see potential, you will be cast aside like so many others.

That is all, for now.

I suggest you all visit the following URL:

WHY, you ask?

   ONLY ONE of you has impressed me enough to win MY favor over the rest of you slobs.. there is only ONE potential slave here who has PAID ATTENTION, DONE his HOMEWORK, and realized Mistress's REAL needs and wants. Not only THAT, he filled out the application correctly, and set forth to PROVE his faithfulness by getting his PayPal account set up and verified! This slave has sent DEVOTIONALS regarding MY BEAUTY, MY SUPERIORITY, MY GENEROSITY, and MY GRACIOUSNESS..

and so..this slave has earned a gift!

At MY listing, you will find a RECORDED SONG for slave patrick! YES .. a recording of ME singing in MY beautiful voice! JUST for slave patrick! The rest of you are encouraged to listen as there is a message at the end of the song PRAISING slave patrick, and informing other potential slaves of just HOW they can be treated so favorably by ME.

   My generous nature has won out, and I have opened a section on, which can be found at:

There are a few recordings, and a new option on My Keen page.  If slaves would like to hear MY beautiful voice, and gain a private audience with their Goddess, they can now email Me from the page and request to call Me.  So, yes.. Mistress is now offering "phone domination".!!

I suggest to interested slaves that they VISIT and READ the page at, by following the URL above.

Tonight, a certain slave who will be known as "gowithephlow" , did what he was SUPPOSED to do! He made a willing and suitable first donation to the "Tribute to Our Goddess" fund!

So what's the matter with the REST of you little oinking tightwads?

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