All artworks are properties of Chloebs & Jenny de Asis. Stealing is not allowed. If you want to get a copy, please inform us right away because we'll hate you if we find one of our works in your site.
Fokker Portrait

Wang Tang Portrait

Ayame Portrait

Rouge Portrait

Powerstone guys

Powerstone gals

Fokker...What's up!?

Powerstone 3 (fanfic)

Desert Boys


Wang Tang's 1st date

Lovers Only (strictly 18 & above)

Wang Tang & Ayame (Power Fusion)

Dai Ryu Gyoku

Rouge (Power Fusion)



Ayane (fanfic/Wang Tang & Ayame's daughter)

Elis (fanfic/Fokker & Julia's son)

Wang Tang pose

Wang Tang & Ayame

Accel the Bandit

Fighter's Cliff
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