Full Name:  Ally Jahn
Nicknames:  Ally-Lou, Awwey
Fur color:  (tabby)  Brown and black
Eye color:  Brown
Age:  16 years
Birthdate:  1985
Last Day:  October 19, 2001
Zodiac:  Unkown
Liked:  Sleeping uninterrupted in quiet, comfortable places
Disliked:  Being bothered by more playful, younger cats and kittens
Declawed:  No
Spayed:  No
A Brief Biography of Ally Jahn:
Ally only lived with my husband and me for three months out of her 16 years, yet I remember her as a tiny kitten.  I was eight years old and my mom's youngest brother had just gotten married.  I remember Ally staying at my Mamaw's house during their honeymoon.

Over the years, I'd visit my uncle's house and all I would usually ever see of dear Ally was a dark streak as she'd run and hide.  Maybe her tail poking out from under the couch or from behind a table.  If I was lucky, I'd see the glint of her eyes as they caught the light.  She was extremely shy.

The years went by and we all lived our lives.  In a few years, my young cousin, Alexandria (more fondly dubbed Alex, or as she likes to be called now, Lexi) was born.  It was she who added the "Lou" to Ally's name.  On Alex's fifth birthday, she received a new kitten, who she named Tweetie.  Ally wasn't very thrilled, as she had been the only cat for 13 years.  But they got along pretty good.  Later on that year, disaster struck as my uncle and aunt's marriage deteriorated.  My uncle moved to a new house and in all the chaos, Ally and Tweetie soon found the garage of the new house to be their home.  I often came over to bathe and groom them.  I loved petting them.  I was the only person who could bathe Ally without getting clawed to ribbons.  This greatly impressed most of my family.

A couple of years later, I met the man of my dreams and we got married in July of 2001.  Our courship had been like a whirlwind, with virtually no thought to the future, but we lucked out.  My uncle was remarried two weeks before my husband and I tied the knot.  He no longer needed his house and if he went ahead and sold it, it would be at a severe loss.  So, he rented it to us.  Ally and Tweetie could not come along with him, as my new aunt had a dog and these cats weren't used to living outside.  You could say we inherited them.

Ally was extremely old by this time.  She wasn't too active and would hiss and growl at Tweetie and our new kitten, Bastet, if they got too close.  It never seemed to deter them.  She warmed up to my husband and me after about a month and would snuggle with him while he'd play his video games.  By October, it was obvious her health was failing.  She got extremely skinny, wouldn't eat much and slept constantly.  We knew it was getting near the end.  My suspicions were confirmed on October 17, when I took a nap with all three of my cats and saw Ally, for the first time, snuggling with Tweetie and Bastet, licking them affectionately.  She was reconciling.

On the evening of October 18, I wrapped Ally in a baby blanket and fell asleep with her in my arms.  When I woke up, all I was holding was the blanket.  Ally was on the floor, stiff and already cold.  I still think that when she felt herself passing on, she got up so I wouldn't find her dead in my arms.  My husband had to rush off to work that morning, but my Mamaw came over and helped me bury her.  Tweetie and Bastet were sad and confused.  They kept looking for her during the following week before accepting that she wasn't coming back.

Even though I didn't know Ally for most of her life, she was still a part of it.  She will always have a place in my heart and I will always love her.  The only picture I have of her is the picture in a magnet my uncle left in the house.  It has a special place on the refrigerator door.  Other than that, all I have are beautiful memories.  Until we meet again, Ally.
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