Name:  Amadeus
Nicknames:  'Deus
Fur color:  Light cream w/dark points (Blue-point Siamese)
Eye color:  Light blue
Age:  approximately 2 years
Birthdate:  1992 ?
Last day:  February 28, 1994
Zodiac:  Unknown
Liked:  Coming inside the house and snuggling
Disliked:  Dogs and cars
Declawed:  No
Neutered:  No
A Brief Biography of Amadeus:

Amadeus was a beautiful blue point Siamese whose life was cut too short by the perils of outdoor living.  A friend brought him to my family when I was 15 years old.  He had an injured leg.  I took care of it and soon, he was walking and running again.  We grew very close, but I was only able to sneak him in the house for short periods of time before my mom made me put him outside again.  You see, Mom was very ailurophobic at that time.  I begged her to let him stay in the house with us, but she wouldn't hear of it.

In November of 1993, I became very ill and had to be hospitalized for a month.  I missed 'Deus so badly!  But I knew everything would be better when I could see him again.  I got out of the hospital just in time for Christmas.  Mom even let me bring 'Deus inside on Christmas Day!

For the next couple of months, everything was fine.  Then, on February 28, I came home from school only to be told that Amadeus, my beautiful, blue-eyed Amadeus, had been hit by a car and killed.  I wasn't able to to cry for him.  I was too sad.  My mom and dad wouldn't let me see the body.  I suppose that's a good thing.  Dad says it was pretty messed up.  At least now, I get to remember him as he was.  We buried him in the backyard next to the shed.  He's laying there even now.  I gave Dad his favorite toy to bury with him.  Mom cried as Dad filled up the grave; she hated cats, yes, but she never wanted him to die!  I sang the song, "Memory" from Cats.  It would be my next cat's name, in honor of Amadeus.

I have many cats now, all of them indoors.  Amadeus' loss drove the point home to my mom that the outside is no place for a cat.  Mom even likes cats now.  I suppose they all have Amadeus to thank for that.  It's been almost 12 years since he was lost to us, but it still hurts.  I guess it will always hurt.  That's a good thing in a way; it means he was deeply loved.  No cat will ever take his place, nor would I want them to.  He was special, will always be special.

And he will always be remembered and loved.
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