Meet Bastet
Name:  Bastet
Nicknames:  Little Girl, Ooo-Bastet, Demon Kitty, Bastet-Kitty
Fur Color:  Tri-color (Gray, cream, white)
Eye Color:  Amber Gold/Light Green
Age:  6 years
Birthdate:  April 6, 2001
Zodiac:  Aries
Likes:  Music, Fuzzy Toys, Napping in baskets, Me, Her "Bastet time" away from other cats
Dislikes:  Vaccinations, Most Other Humans, Being Bothered by the other cats
Declawed:  No
Spayed:  Yes
A Brief Biography of Bastet:

Bastet came into my life on May 25, 2001.  I remember the first time I laid eyes on her she was just a little seven-week-old ball of fur.  She looked up at me and meowed so sweetly, it was love at first sight.  I gave her the most honored name a human can ever give a cat:  Bastet, for the cat-headed Egyptian goddess of pleasure and joy.

Her new daddy, Matt, was so enthralled with her!  He acted like a proud daddy with his first baby girl.  Even the grouchy, seven-year-old tomcat, "Uncle" Memory, began to like her.  She would cry when Matt and I had to leave the room.  When we were sure Memmy wouldn't hurt her, we put him in the room with her to babysit.  In fact, it was Memmy to "took care" of her when we went on our honeymoon.  We later "inherited" two other cats, Tweetie and Alley.  Bastet grew to love Tweetie very much.  She was rather fond of Alley and was very sad when Alley died.

As she grew, Bastet grew more abrasive and distrustful around strangers.  I think she acts this way because some of her first encounters with other people were visits to the vet.  She became even crankier after she was spayed, but I really don't blame her.  Bastet is one of those cats that is only comfortable around one or two people (her two people are Matt and me, no one else).  We all had a hard time being apart for those two days.

People who don't know her too well say she's vicious, but in saying that, they prove their ignorance.  Bastet insists on being in the bathroom whenever Matt and I take a shower.  She helps us dry off by licking us.  She even lets me know it's time to wake up by licking my lips.  She doesn't love to get a bath, but she's very cooperative and will even play while in the water!  Bastet loves music and will calm down if she hears singing.  She knows her name and will even come to it!  She is leash trained and will often go places with me.  I love taking her Pet Supermarket at least once a month.  Sometimes, I walk there with her in my arms and she is very well-behaved for the entire two-mile round trip.  Unlike most cats, she will not try to get out of my arms when scared.  Instead, she clings to me.  It is very cute and I am very happy that she has such trust in me.  In public, she is neither abrasive nor ill-behaved.  She purrs and people talk about how beautiful and smart she is.

Now, if I sat here and wrote that I never had any problems with her, I'd be lying.  I have recieved many, many claw marks from her.  One nearly left a scar on my face.  However, after she saw how badly she had hurt me, she tried to lick my wound and has never, ever again applied that much force behind her claws.  You could say that after that, she learned to "pull her punches".  People keep telling me that I need to get her declawed, but I refuse.  I feel very strongly that cats were meant to have claws and if one wants to have a cat in her household, then she needs to just live with the slightly tattered furniture and the occasional claw mark.

During the three years that she has been with us, we have gotten four other kittens.  At first Bastet was angry with me and then she decided that the kittens would be her babies, too!  She's a very loving mother to them and a sweet little baby to us.
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