Meet Ma'at
Name:  Ma'at
Nicknames:  B'Dot, Lady Death Strike
Fur Color:  Tri-color (Gray, cream, white)
Eye Color:  Coffee Brown
Age:  2 years
Birthdate:  September 29, 2005
Zodiac:  Libra
Likes:  Playing, cuddling with Li
Dislikes:  cars
Declawed:  No
Spayed:  Yes
Brief Biography of Ma'at:

On November 3, 2005, a neighbor brought over a cute tiny little tortie kitten that I instantly fell in love with. So did my husband.  Surprisingly, most of my other cats fell in love with her, too!  Only four of them did the customary hissing.  The other three, Tweetie, Bastet and Wulfgar, instantly began licking her and making her feel right at home.  We immediately dubbed her Ma'at, after the Egyptian goddess of truth.

Shortly after Ma'at arrived, my husband found her litter mate (whom I dubbed Ren) caught in a chain link fence!  With the introduction of her sibling into the household, Ma'at grew accustomed to her new environment faster than any cat I have ever known.

She hasn't been with for yet a month, but she acts like she has been here forever.  She loves to play and purr and sleep in my lap.  She is very demanding when she wants her milk and will sit on the kitchen floor and cry until she gets her way. Of course, she always does.

She is a tortie, just like my sweet Bastet ki7tty4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer1who is trying to help me type at this very moment.  When my father came over to see my new kittens, I held up Ma'at and said, "Look, Dad!  My spell worked!  I have successfullly shrunk Bastet!"

Right now, she is sleeping in my lap and purring like a little furry angel.
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