About Me:
Vital Statistics:
Name:  Sara C.
[email protected]
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Ha, ha...nice try
Age:  27
Birthdate:  August 7, 1978  (9:07 AM, EST)
Greek Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign:  Earth Horse
Residence: Jacksonville, Florida
Marital Status:  Happily married
Matthew (Matt) C.
Wedding Anniversary: July 21, 2001
My Life:
Occupation: Homemaker
Hobbies: Spending time with Matt, playing with our cats, collecting Barbie dolls, working puzzles, writing poetry & short stories, playing games (i.e.  chess, mancala, Monopoly, role-playing games), listening to music, singing, dancing, watching & critiqueing movies, going for long walks, riding my bicycle, learning about mythology and astrology
Pets: Memory, Tweetie, Bastet, Jal, L�-L�ang, Pasht, Nephthys & Wulfgar  (cats)  Rookie & Nellie  (sugar gliders) and Nippy (hamster)
Favorite Color: RED!
Favorite type of jewelry:  Amber
Favorite Number:  7
Favorite Saying:  "Si vis pacem, para bellum"  (If you wish peace, prepare for war)
Favorite Foods: Salmon, cheese pizza, jalape�o poppers, celery w/peanut butter (yummy!)
Favorite Domesticated Animal: Cat
Favorite Wild Animal: Tiger
Favorite Mythological Animal: Phoenix
Favorite Movie Genre: Comedy and Horror
Favorite Songs:
Hallelujah, Because the Night, Paxara D'Hermozura
Favorite TV Shows:
The Simpsons, King of the Hill, That '70's Show, South Park
Favorite Super-Hero:  Daredevil
Least Favorites:
Least Favorite Color: Orange
Least Favorite Type of Jewelry:  Turquoise
Least Favorite Number:  (Can't write it; it's bad luck)
Least Favorite Saying:  "C'est la vie!"  (That's life!)
Least Favorite Foods: Liver, sauercrout, & green beans
Least Favorite Domesticated Animal: Iguana
Least Favorite Wild Animals:  Alligator & Crocodile
Least Favorite Mythological Animal:  Basilisk
Least Favorite Movie Genre: Pornography
Least Favorite Music: Rap
Least Favorite TV Shows: "Seinfeld" & "Mad About You"
Least Favorite Super-Hero:  Batman
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