Aanandini (Hindi) "Always happy"

Aba (Fante, Ghana)  "Born on Thursday"

Ababuo (Ewe, Ghana)  "A child that keeps coming back"

Abagbe (Yoruba, Nigeria)  "This child was wished for, we begged to have this one to lift up"

Abana (Hebrew)  "Stony"

Abebi (Yoruba, Nigeria)  "We asked for her"

Abeni (Yoruba, Nigeria) "We asked for her, and look, we got her!"

Abey (Omaha) "Leaf"

Abeytu (Omaha) "Green leaf"

Abeytzi (Omaha) "Yellow leaf"

Abidemi (Yoruba, Nigeria)  "Born during the father's absence"

Abigail (Hebrew) "My father is joyous"

Abikanile (Yao, Malawi) "Listen"

Abiona (Yoruba, Nigeria) "Born during a journey"

Acacia (Greek) "The guileless one"

Acenith (African)  "Goddess of love"

Achala (Hindi) "Constant"

Achava (Hebrew) "Friendship"

Achsah (Hebrew) "Anklet"

Adah (Hebrew) "Adornment"

Adalgisa (Old German) "Noble pledge"

Adamina (Hebrew) "Daughter of the red earth"

Adamma (Ibo, Nigeria) "Child of beauty"

Adara (Greek) "Beauty"
           (Hebrew) "Noble and exalted"
           (Arabic) "Virgin"

Adelaide (Old German) "Nobility"

Adelle (Old German) "Noble"

Adesimbo (Yoruba, Nigeria)  "Noble birth"

Adesina (Yoruba, Nigeria)  "This child opens the way (for more children)"

Adia (Swahili) "Gift from God"

Addolorata (Italian) "Sorrowful"
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