C�i (Chinese)  "Wealth"
(Vietnamese)  "Female"

Cainwen (Welsh)  "Blessed fair one"

Caitlin (Irish) "Pure"  [var.  Catherine]

Calah (Assyrian)  "Old age"

Calandra (Greek) "A beauty" or "A lark"

Calantha (Greek)  "Beautiful flower"

Calida (Spanish) "Ardent"

Calligenia (Greek)  "Beautiful daughter"

Callirrhoe (Greek)  "Beautiful stream"

Callista (Greek)  "She that is most beautiful"

Calypso (Greek)  "Concealer"

Cam (Vietnamese)  "Sweet" or "An orange"

Camila (Latin) "Ceremonial attendant"

Canada (Iroquois) "Where the heavens touch the earth"

Candace (Latin)  "White", "Pure", or "Sincere"

Candelaria (Spanish)  "Candle"

Candida (Latin)  "Pure" or "Bright"

Candra (Hindi) "Moon"

Cantara (Arabic)  "Small bridge"

Caoilfhionn (Irish) "Slender-fair"

Caparina (Spanish)  "Butterfly"

Cara (Irish Gaelic) "Friend"
(Italian) "Beloved"
(Vietnamese) "Diamond"

Cari (Turkish) "Flowing like water"

Caridade (Portuguese)  "Charity"

Carina (Latin)  "Keel of a ship"

Carissa (Latin) "Dear one"

Carita (Latin) "Charity"

Carla (English) "Little and womanly"

Carlotta (Spanish/ Portuguese) "Little womanly one"  [var.  Charlotte]

Carmela (Hebrew) "Vineyard" or "Orchard"
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