Destiny - Dobromila
Destiny (Old French) "Fate"

Devahuti (Sanskrit)  "Goddess"

Devaki (Hindi)  "Black"

Devasha (Hebrew)  "Honey"

Devi (Sanskrit) "Goddess"

Devika (Sanskrit)  "Little goddess"

Devorgilla (Scottish Gaelic)  "True oath" or "True testimony"

Dextra (Latin)  "Adroit" or "Skillful"

Dezba (Navajo) "Going to war"

Dhanadaa (Hindi)  "Bestower of wealth"

Dhara (Hindi)  "The earth"

Dhavala (Hindi)  "White"

Diamanta (French)  "Like a diamond"

Diana (Latin) "Divine"

Diantha (Greek)  "Divine flower"

Diederike (German)  "Leader of the people"

Diet (Vietnamese)  "Destroy" or "Conquer"

Dieu-Kiem (Vietnamese)  "To search for love"

Dilwen (Welsh)  "Genuine and blessed"

Dilys (Welsh) "Genuine", "Steadfast", or "True"

Dima (Arabic)  "Rain without thunder or lightning"

Dimona (Hebrew)  "South"

Dinah (Hebrew) "Judged" or "Vindicated"

Disa (Old Norse)  "Goddess"

Divya (Hindi)  "Radiant", "Brilliant" or "Resplendent"

Dixie (American)  "Girl of the south"

Diza (Hebrew)  "Joy"

Do (Ewe, Ghana)  "First child after twins"

Dobrila (Czech)  "Good" or "Kind"

Dobromila (Czech)  "Kind love"
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