Blayde's Page




When I was three years old I was with my mom in the kitchen.She had a phone call. It was her boss. She left the fried chicken on the stove and it caught on fire. I told my mom to call 911she did. We told the fire men were we lived they came quickly. And the fire was out. We were glad.




I Like the Desert


I like the desert because it is dry and hot.  I like the snakes lizards iguanas that in the desert rattle snacks live in the desert too the cactus is prickly Water is in side of the cactus I like the desert it has a lot of animals in the desert.




A penguin lives in a climate. Their nest is made of stones. They are very fast swimmers. Penguins drink snow. A baby is called a chick. Seals eat penguins. Penguins can’t fly. Their fathers keep them warm. A penguin moves threw snow and water. Penguins live on ice. Penguins are black and white.

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