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The Ocean

The ocean is the habitat I would like to visit. I will tell you three different things that live in the ocean. The three different things are dolphins, tiger sharks, and octopus. Other things live in the ocean to. The ocean is a great place to live in.


Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus likes to sail and loves maps. Christopher Columbus made four trips to America. He had three ships the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He discovered America in 1492.He had 90men in all. Christopher Columbus believed the world was round. Christopher Columbus was a famous man.



Penguins live in a cold climate. Penguins are very good swimmers and they swim very fast. The penguin’s feathers keep it warm. Penguins can not fly. Penguins eat fish and seal eat penguins. The penguin’s baby is called a chick. The chick eats his dads throw-up. The penguin’s nest is made of stones. The penguins drink snow to get the water out of it. The snow is 30 to 40 below zero. Penguins can move in the snow and the water. Mans pollution is when they throw stuff in the ocean. This is penguin’s greatest threat.


Sara Kirks


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