Are you Redneck?

What's a Redneck?

Being redneck doesn't say anything about whether you're smart or stupid, educated or ignorant, tolerant or a bigot.  Like ever other affiliation - we got them All.

You ain't got to be Poor to be redneck - but you got to know what Poor is.  You got to have experienced what it is not to have enough of what you & yours need,

You ain't got to be Country to be a redneck - but somebody in your family was and taught you how to be.  If you still on the farm, then you're a Farmer.  A redneck usually done left the farm and misses it. 

You ain't got to be Ignorant to be a redneck - but the School of Hard Knocks was probably a favorite teacher.

You ain't got to be Dumb to be a redneck - but Common Sense might be more important than Book Learning to you.

You ain't got to be Narrow-Minded to be a redneck - but you've probably seen Plenty of it.

You ain't got to be a Bigot to be a redneck - but if you ain't, you might of had to Learn to Rise Above It and congratulations to you for it. 

Whether you're Redneck has more to do with your parents than you.  More what they Taught you, than how much you Know now.   More how you learned from them to Think about the world, than what you Do now.   More what they taught you how to do for Fun, than how much you Got now.

If you grew up among rednecks, then your probably one too.  You can't help it. You may appear urbane and sophisticated now, but you're still redneck inside.

Don't be Embarrassed by it.  Surviving with a Little don't make you dumb, it makes you Wise.

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