All you Rednecks --- Relax !!!     Resist the temptation to be Hip.     Repent your Yuppie Ways.     Remember you ain't Cool.     Get your Rear out of that Recliner.    Go outside.     Ice down some Beer.   Take a Leak on a tree.     Holler for your Buddy to come on over.     Get your borrowed boat in the water.     Dig some worms.  Pick out a pole.  Tie on a hook.     If the Fish don't bite - It don't matter.     Don't think too much.     just Fish, Drink, and be Happy, - 'cause Eventually, - She's gonna make you go to Work and earn a Paycheck ...

All you Rednecks --- Relax !!! 

Resist the temptation to be Hip. 

Repent your Yuppie Ways. 

Remember you ain't Cool. 

Get your Rear out of that Recliner. 

Go outside.  

Ice down some Beer.  Take a Leak on a tree.

Holler for your Buddy to come on over.

Get your borrowed boat in the water. 

Pick out a pole. Tie on a hook. Dig some worms.

If the Fish don't bite - It don't matter.

Don't think too much. 

just Fish, Drink, and be Happy,  - 

'cause Eventually

She's gonna make you go to Work and Earn a Paycheck ...

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