General Quiz
Did you try all the questions?  Then go to the answers.
And no peeking unless you've tried your best!
1.  What kind of stone is Redwall Abbey made of?

2.  Who founded the Abbey?

3.  Which Abbey was Germaine from?

4.  What is Salamandastron?

5.  What is a corsair?

6.  What is always the title of the otter Chieftain?

7.  What is always the title of the shrew Chieftain?

8.  What is always the title of the mole Chieftain?

9.  Which species is known for always being hungry?

10.  Which animal talks like this:  "Burr aye, zurr"

11.  What's the name of the land south of Redwall?

12.  Name two generally evil bird species and two generally good bird species.

13.  Where do the bats live?

14.  Name two species that only made a quick appearance in a book and weren't seen again.

15.  In which book is the great Redwall tapestry being made?

16.  What is the name of the great sword of Martin the Warrior?

17.  What is the name of the condition or disease that inflicts some animals, usually badgers,
with a killing rage?
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