Marlfox Quiz
Did you try all the questions?  Then go to the answers.
And no peeking unless you've tried your best!
1.  What color is Florian's silk coat?

2.  Which shrew was on guard when the logboats were stolen?

3.  How many strawberry baskets were given to cellarhog Tragglo?

4.  What does Reguba mean in the ancient squirrel language?

5.  Approximately how many water rats carry Queen Silth's palanquin?

6.  How many children does Queen Silth have?

7.  How many sons does Queen Silth have and what are their names?

8.  How many daughters does Queen Silth have and what are their names?

9.  Florian writes a song for Songbreeze to sing.  What tune do the words go to?

10.  Who was a great ancestor of Florian's?

11.  Who was Grandma Ellayo's husband?

12.  What color do water rats of the Guard Command wear?

13.  What is the name of the leader of the magpie tribe?

14.  Which water rat dropped his shield in the presence of Queen Silth?

15.  What's the name of the weapon Song carries - a stick with a ball of green stone on the end?

16.  What is a halberd?

17.  What did the letters G T G T carved into the door mean?

18.  What kind of pie did the Dibbuns want to make Skipper?

19.  What was the name of Soll's wife?

20.  What was Soll's name before he changed it to Sollertree?

21.  What color is Goody Brimm the otter's fur?

22.  Who was the only Redwaller stung when the tree fell?

23.  What do the Dibbuns call Marlfoxes?

24.  What kind of fish lives underground and is white and totally blind?

25.  Who did Mokkan promote to Army Commander?

26.  Who did Mokkan promote as his Personal Adviser?

27.  What is Song's position/title at the end?

28.  What is Dipp's position/title at the end?

29.  What is Dann's position/title at the end?

30.  What is Burble's position/title at the end?
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