Mattimeo Quiz
1.  What does Slagar's skull mask look like?

2.  How did Matti & friends spell Basil on the placecards?

3.  How many large raspberry seedcakes were being baked for the feast?

4.  What were the 5 cheeses to be rolled out by Matti & friends?

5.  What are Redwall's two bells called?

6.  What are the teeth on Malkariss's statue made of?

7.  What does Friar Hugo name his fish masterpiece at the feast?

8.  Who did the slavers take from Redwall?

9.  What color is the paint on the splinter that gets stuck in Basil's paw?

10.  What does Basil call Cheek when he purposely says their names wrong?

11.  Name 2 of the 5 things Tim, Tess, Sam, Auma & Mattimeo give to Scurl?

12.  How many sisters does Jube have?

13.  What were the ants collecting juice from?

14.  What language is the poem on the stone tablet written in?

15.  How many green letters were on the tablet?  Name them for a bonus of 1 correct answer.

16.  Name 2 of the 4 possible solutions to these mixed up letters, and which one is correct?

17.  In Loamhedge's old language, what do sinistree and dexteree mean?

18.  What weapon does Stonefleck carry?

19.  How many shrewcakes in a batch?

20.  What do moles use when they encounter immovable stones while tunnelling?  (Hint: it's
also what they smear on the staircase)

21.  What 2 colors do the Painted Ones have all over them?

22.  Give 1 of the 2 names Constance calls Ironbeak before she negotiates for the hostages?

23.  What are the three hostage exchanges?  (Hint: Which hero for which bird?)

24.  What does Nadaz's sceptre look like?

25.  What is the Lord of Mossflower?

26.  Give one of the titles Nadaz calls Malkariss?  (There may be more than these)

27.  Which paw on the image of Malkariss on the mural opens the secret passage?

28.  What's the name of Jabez Stump's grandpa's great-great-great grandpa?

29.  Which two Redwallers must cook supper because Cornflower & Constance are busy?

30.  Name one of the books the mice look in for how to heal Stryk's broken wing?

31.  What did Matthias's sword and Orlando's axe fly into?
Did you try all the questions?  Then go to the answers.
And no peeking unless you've tried your best!
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