Reed Oliver presents:
Haunted Housewarming XI

Dark Ages for Dark Times!

Dudes fighting A lot has gone horribly wrong in the last few years, so let's forget our present troubles by recalling a past full of hearty mead, lusty women (accused of witchcraft), King Arthur, Vlad the Impaler, Vikings, and Visigoths!

We don't expect the Spanish Inquisition, so bring your fallen nuns, righteous peasants, and the ignoble aristocracy, along with a barrel of wine to share and join the party crusade.

Never settle for merely Med-ieval!

Oh, and my band, World Racketeering Squad will be playing too!

The Man of God! Ladies in the Place! Vikings Ho!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


10 PM till the Darkness ends

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5908 Belfast Drive



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