Reed Oliver

Update 7/25/01:
Reed I've start noting my updates, so both of you loyal viewers will know when something has changed. This is also gonna get more personal, so watch out world, here comes Reed's minutae.

From February to May of this year I worked as a writer at the Texas Governor's Office. The experience was satisfying in that it was so surreal. Da Guv'nah My job was to reply to constituents, write proclamations of state days, weeks, and months, and compose greetings to be included in the programs of (or displayed at) events such as the USA Film Festival in Dallas, the Beau D'Arc (that's horse apple to you and me) Festival in Commerce, or any number of national and state-level sporting events from karate to diving, as Governor Perry. Now, Rick Perry isn't one to take a stand on any issue he doesn't have to, but where he takes a stand, I disagree with him, so creating document after document in his name and containing (mostly) his opinions was weirdness itself. My fellow workers, on the other hand, were great to work with and mostly Democrats left over from Bob Bullock.

That all ended when I left to go to Kerrville for my 10th year at the Kerrville Folk Festival. Another year of bliss, music, love, and sleep deprivation. The Festival is not for everyone, but 19 days living in a tent, away from air conditioning and prerecorded music, in the heat and the dust, surrounded by hundreds of people I love is my idea of heaven.

Beth Oliver After Kerrville, I worked for my Mom for a month training her new new assistant and keeping the family real estate business afloat. Boy does Mom wish I wanted to join forces with her. "As mother and son, we could rule the galaxy!" No thanks, I'll stay a struggling artist for now.

So where's The Right Girl's update, you ask? Well, we've had a rough cut for a while, and Shawn and I have been honing it down towards the final cut. Our goal is completion in the Fall (yes, of 2001!), and we're gearing up for shooting a few inserts, doing ADR (automatic dialogue replacement), and adding the music. We trek on, but if you or any of your friends would like to invest, please drop me a line!

And the love life update is (drumroll please):
Dana and I broke up in April, I had a lot of fun at the Festival, and I have high hopes but no dates since I got back to Austin. Anti-climatic, yes. But I'm working up to this whole really showing myself thing.

Check out a previous update!


Reed Oliver

BROQ Productions
610B Genard
Austin, TX 78751
(512) 374-9916

email Reed
The Right Girl
Providing entertainment since 1972
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