Andrew Craig Hooker

Born December 10th 1996
Became an Angel January 9th 2001
Due to Aspiration

Andrew.... Our Miracle, Our Angel

Parents Craig and Dora Hooker
Sister: Megan Hooker
Re-united in Heaven with his brothers
Jacob Alan Hooker
Miscarried July 30th 1993
Due to Low Progesterone levels
Joshua Lee Hooker
Miscarried November 28th 1993
Due to Low Progesterone levels
Always loved, never forgotten
for anyone who has lost a child!
Quilt of Memories (Add your child)

"A Mothers Prayer"

Dear Lord,
I wanted to hold my baby close
and tell him all about you !
But, I never got the chance;
So could you hold him close
and tell him about me.

Losing A Child
Weeks turned into months and months into years
Each day of our lives are now filled with sad tears
Our heart is broken the pain still remains
But others can't understand and dont feel the same
They ask  the simple question, how are you today?
I'm fine is the answer,  what else can we say
They dont really want to know what is deep in our hearts
Life is so empty, Our family torn apart
We want others to know that It wont go away
We have a hole in our  heart that is dying to say
"The loss of a child, is more then you see
I not only lost my child, but a big part of me!"
Our days are not only filled with sadness and tears
The memories of our children will last through the years
The sound of their voice and smile on their face
Is something that pain and time can't erase
God chose our child early, we may never know why
Many times weve asked as we look to the sky
Gone from our arms, but not from our hearts
Not even death will  keep us apart
Written with Love by:
Doris Hooker
In Loving Memory of
Andrew Craig Hooker
12/10/96 - 01/09/01
Please do not use without prermission:
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