Replica News!
The last four books (sniffle!) in the series will be:  #24, The Plague Trilogy III: Fast Forward, in August 2002; #25, All About Andy, in September 2002, #26, War of the Clones, in October 2002, and #27, Amy, On Her Own, in December 2002. Below are the descriptions of each book:
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Counting down to the release of the next Replica book, #24: The Plague Trilogy III: Fast Forward!
The Plague Trilogy III: Fast Forward
  "Being perfect isn't a big deal to Amy - until word gets out that she's a clone. Now everyone shuns her, and she's getting mad. She starts to believe that the organization has the right idea: The world would be a better place if only Project Crescent clones existed.
    With a little help, Amy gets what she wishes for. She enters a world where everyone is just like her. But even perfection has its flaws...
The gripping conclusion to a Replica miniseries!"
(Disclaimer: All of the Replica books belong to Marilyn Kaye, not us - we just like the books.)
#25: All About Andy
   "Andy's life is a puzzle - even to him. He knows he's a clone, but other facts remain sketchy. Now he's on a quest to uncover the ties his "father" has to the organization - facts that jolt Andy back to past events and that ultimately determine his future.
    Is Andy's mother really dead?
    Was he ever really kidnapped?
    Who is really out to get him?
    The more Andy probes for answers, the more he and Amy learn shocking truths about Project Crescent - and about their beginnings.
Do you know who you are?"
#26: War of the Clones
We don't have a description for this book yet. Sorry!
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