Ice Cold Quiz!
1. When Amy accidentally knocked Jeanine into the pool at Simone's birthday party, Jeanine wanted to get back at her. So she...
a) dumped a milkshake on her head.
b) pushed Amy into the pool.
c) poisoned Amy's cake with drugs that smelled like cinnamon toast.
d) hacked off her hair.
2. How did Jeanine find out Amy's secret?
a) Tasha told her.
b) Someone wrote an article about it in the National Star.
c) She overheard it after Amy left a message on her cell phone.
d) There was a rumor at school about Amy's secret.
3. Who killed Jeanine?
a) Dirt Sanders
b) Simone Cusack
c) Jeanine killed herself.
d) Mr. Nevins
4. Who are 3 people Jeanine blackmailed?
a) Amy Candler, Simone Cusack, and Eric Morgan
b) Simone Cusack, Dirt Sanders, and Amy Candler
c) Tasha Morgan, Layne Hunter, and Carrie Nolan
d) Dirt Sanders, Linda Riviera, and Kristy Diamond
5. Jeanine took Simone's ____________ she got for her birthday.
a) silver-and-turquoise necklace
b) silver-and-turquoise bracelet
c) fringed suede jacket
d) cell phone
6. When Amy was talking to the unconscious Jeanine in the hospital, Jeanine's mother thought Amy had...
a) smashed Jeanine's head in with a baseball bat.
b) smothered her with a pillow.
c) pulled her feeding tube out.
d) disconnected her heart monitor.
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