Perfect Girls Quiz
1. Which Amy gets killed by the hearing test?
a) Number One
b) Number Six
c) Number Three
d) Number Four
2. What new talent does Amy learn at the school assembly?
a) lip-synching
b) lip-reading
c) mind-reading
d) sight-reading
3. How do Amys Seven, One and Eight plan to escape?
a) through a window
b) by a hole in the ceiling
c) out the back door
d) through a secret passageway in the closet
4. When the pink-smocked girl gives Amy her lunch of hamburger, fries, and hot apple pie, Amy...
a) dumps it into the trash can.
b) pies the girl in the face.
c) eats it.
d) flushes it down the toilet.
5. When Jeanine cries as a result of Tasha's yelling at her, Tasha...
a) hugs Jeanine and tells her she's sorry.
b) lends Jeanine Amy's crescent moon charm.
c) continues to yell at her.
d. gets grounded by her mother.
6. When Amy discovers the doctors are using the crescent moon charms to spy on the Amys, the first thing she does is...
a) takes her necklace off and hides it under her pillow.
b) paints the charm with clear nail polish.
c) calls the Morgans for help.
d) stomps on Tammy's foot.
7. What is the name of the deaf doctor who gives the Amys their hearing test?
a) Dr. Zuhzuh
b) Dr. Zimmerman
c) Dr. Ziegler
d) Dr. Zyker
8. What does Amy suggest to do as a protest against the doctors?
a) March around the hospital yelling and holding signs.
b) Escape through a window.
c) Go on a hunger strike.
d) Stomp on all the doctors' feet.
9. Which of the Amys collaborates with the doctors?
a) Number Three
b) Number Five
c) Number Two
d) Number Eight
10. Which doctor says he/she was the original director of Project Crescent?
a) Tammy
b) Dr. Zyker
c) Dr. Franklin
d) Dr. Markowitz
Okay! Now for the answers:
1: c
2: b
3: a
4: d
5: b
6: b
7: d
8: c
9: b
10: b
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