The Fever Quiz
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1. What does Eric do to try to help Amy?
a) Gets Tolliver to send a specialist over to look at her.
b) Gets her into a hospital.
c) Tries talking to her to bring her out of her coma.
d) Tells Tolliver that Amy is a clone, and then sees what he can do to help.
2. What does Amy say to Tolliver right before she passes out?
a) "Let go of me!"
b) She doesn't say anything.
c) "I'm Amy, Number Seven! I'm perfect! I'm stronger than you are!"
d) "You're not going to get away with this!"
3. What does Amy think is making her sick?
a) a virus
b) the food from Ace's Space
c) the ear-piercing
d) drugs in the drinks at Ace's Space
4. What really made Amy sick?
a) drugs
b) the ear-piercing
c) alcohol
d) poison in her soup
5. Who does Amy see in her dream as she's going through her coma? (Chapter 7)
a) her mother
b) Tasha and Eric
c) Mr. Devon and Dr. Jaleski
d) Ace Tolliver
6. What does Tasha do to save Amy from the specialist?
a) Shoves Amy in the closet, and then pretends she's her.
b) Chases the guy out of the house.
c) Locks the bedroom door.
d) Calls Amy's mother and Dr. Hopkins.
7. When the fire starts at Ace's Space, what does Amy do to try to help?
a) Tries to pull an unconscious guy off the floor.
b) Gets a hose and starts helping the firefighters put the fire out.
c) Calls 911.
d) Screams for help.
8. What happens to Amy later in her dream? (Chapter 11)
a) Nancy rescues her.
b) She freezes.
c) Jeanine tries to kill her.
d) She burns in the fire.
9. What happens to Amy when she tries to help the firefighters?
a) She gets burnt.
b) She gets shoved out a window.
c) She gets shoved out the door.
d) A firefighter takes her home.
10. Amy, Tasha, and Eric suspect Tolliver of pushing drugs, and they go to Prince Street to find him. What is Eric's secret sign he makes when Tolliver says something incriminating?
a) Tapping on the window.
b) Stomping his foot.
c) Snapping his fingers.
d) Scratching his head.
Okay! Now the answers:
1: a
2: c
3: d
4: b
5: c
6: a
7: a
8: d
9: b
10: d
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