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RangNar to Christine

RangNar the wise reptilian speaks:

loved Christine, beloved children of the light, honoured Ashtar and you my friends!

Big is the number of defamation about us! More badly is that good people believe there seeming inner voice, when it comes to spread fright announcements that produces fear from us!

I say to you, dear Human children, to you who chose the way of the light and the way of knowledge we were forced to harm you and to pursue you.

There often remained no choice to us! Then seduced, lured and banished we were from the dark ones, and the dark magicians, they know how to use our forces for themselves.

I come to speak to you beloved human children:

It is true that there were reptilians in human shape: reptilian souls, in big love they were granted, to exist in a human body under humans. There are a few that remember this, there was a meaning and good intention behind it, from the one, Father - Mother God.

True is also that the containing reptilian spirit was susceptible for some sort of mad behaviour, and treated often the own family - but that had something to do with the energetic bond which still had our spirits tied. And so often our spirits were recalled before there time to prevent damage.

We the reptilians from old times, ask you:

Ask your heart when you are reading this: what is the intention of the writer, is it to bring peace?

Or does certain texts spread more fear and damage to peace? Here in the new world, were humans and animals, earthlings and cosmic star siblings, Gaia and her planet siblings find in love together?

Once before I already talked to you, and I told you that we your older Earth siblings were friends on your way! Ashtar and my brothers from the stars, Gaia and my sister in the light, I call them to me as witness:

True is: We love you, our younger human siblings!

True is, we were enslaved! And now again, lie and hate is produced! It does not serve the truth! It does not serve love! And it does not serve the unity of everything that exists.

I am RangNar, one of the reptilians and I speak for my people.


© Christine Stark,

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