
Resco Software


Help make TLJ Viewer even better!

The program is complete, but could be better. Let me know your suggestions for improvements, or better, help me make them.

Currently TLJ has only been tested by me, on my computer, using a full install of the English version. It may work on a partial install, but I don't want to wear-out my hard-drive trying different setups. Let me know if it doesn’t work properly on setup.
Also the pictures aren't rendered with the proper coloring. The differences are minor, but I'm working on fixing it.
Also, TLJ used the IMA-ADPCM codec to encode the sounds, but the stereo sounds were encoded differently. TLJ Viewer can decode the sounds manually, but it takes a long time. I'm working on a faster way.
I don't yet know anything about the file formats used for the 3D models, but they might be similar to the format in another game, so take a look if you know any.

Send Suggestions to:

[email protected]


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The Longest Journey Official Site

The Longest Journey Unofficial Site


I've had some help with the file formats from A. Ahlström, creator of "Game File Explorer"

Game File Explorer Homepage

And thanks to Funcom for making such a great game!




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