Please copy the questions below and send your answers to me at: [email protected]

If you have trouble doing this, send me an email, and I'll mail the questions to you directly.


I am flexible regarding rates, and we can negotiate what best suits your needs.

Much Love,
Rev. Angelle

(440) 290-9895
(818) 510 4407

[email protected]

Wedding Questions

What are your full names?


Your Wedding date and time:


Will you desire a rehearsal prior to the wedding date, and if so, will it be at the same location?

How did you locate me?

Your Phone Numbers:

Your email addresses:

mailing address:

How did the two of you meet?

What do you each do for a living?

Any kids?                       Previous marriages?

Do either of you have any thoughts on religious or spiritual beliefs?

Number of anticipated guests:

How many are in your wedding party?
Any children?                       Their ages?

Had you given any thought to the music you would like to walk down the
aisle and exit with?  (Traditional classical marches, or something a bit
different?)  I can help with these selections if needed.

Do you want to have any music performed or poems or readings in your

Would you prefer to recite traditional vows (i.e. "for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health...")
or would you like to see an example of some modern, non-traditional vows?  You are always welcome to write your own.

Would you like to light a Unity Candle for part of the ceremony? (this
is sometimes a problem outdoors if it is windy, but can be done).
Would you like a sand ceremony ritual, or some other tradition, perhaps from your heritage?

Do you have any thoughts or special requests you can share with me?