I thought I would give you a treat by telling you about my first visit to a zoo.
Dad at least propped me up at the end of the slide and Mom took a picture.
Dad wanted me to feed them, but I really didn't want to. The birdies and I just sat back and talked about things. We had a real connection - probably because we were all wearing green and yellow.
Mommy and Daddy took me to St. Louis the weekend of April 21-22 so I could visit with my old pal Jeremy. Gee, it seems like I've known him almost all of my life! Any way, Mom, Dad and Aunt Carrie took JD and me to the world famous St. Louis Zoo (at least that's what's written on the cute onesie they bought me). They had lions and tigers and bears - OH MY! J-dog and I decided we wanted to go to the children's section and "throw down".
It wasn't fair! Jeremy got to play with the bunnies and Guinea Pigs, pet a llama, chase turkeys - all that fun stuff. Meanwhile, I was stuck in this silly old stroller unable to run around (of course, I can't even walk yet so I guess I don't have much to squawk about). I REALLY got jealous when Jeremy got to run through the water spouts and go sliding down this cool tunnel that went through the otter tank. They said I was too little! I'M 25 1/2 INCHES TALL - WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M TOO LITTLE!
Next, we went to this really cool bird cage. Mom, Dad and Aunt Carrie bought these little drink cups (must of been thirsty or something), then we went in and saw these beautiful little birdies! I guess they weren't too thirsty because they would let these birds land on them and let them drink the juice right out of the cup. Dad must be real popular with them. He had three of them on him and they were nibbling his neck, arm and ear - it was funny! Then he wanted me to meet his new friends.
You know what REALLY got my goat about this trip? It was the last stop of the children's section!
(5-months old and I'm getting pretty good at these puns - aren't I?)
Even with Jeremy at my side, I couldn't get over the smell. WILL SOMEBODY CHANGE THESE KIDS DIAPERS?!?! And what is with those horns and ears?
Any way, that was my trip. It was a really big zoo (I know, I took the 2-mile long train ride) and we only got to see about 10% of the whole place. Can't wait until I'm older and we can spend the whole day there!
Me & Jeremy
Me & Jeremy
Slide Tunnel
Giving you the bird!
Giving you the bird!
Giving you the bird!
Getting my goat!
Getting my goat!
Late April 2001
Late April 2001
Mid May 2001
Mid May 2001
Mid May 2001
Mid May 2001
Pictures from April 29, 2001 and May 19, 2001
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